2025 |
2025 LEC FTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
2025 |
LEC FTG Annual Report (2025) |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
2025 |
2025 LEC WTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group |
2025 |
LEC WTG Annual Report (2025) |
Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group |
2025 |
LEC YPTG Annual Report (2025) |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
2025 |
2025 LEC YPTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
2025 |
Fisheries Research and Monitoring Activities of the Lake Erie Biological Station, 2024 |
United States Geological Survey |
2025 |
2025 LEC CWTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group |
2025 |
LEC CWTG Annual Report (2025) |
Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group |
2025 |
2025 LEC HTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group |
2025 |
LEC HTG Annual Report (2025) |
Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group |
2025 |
Improving Environmental DNA (eDNA) Reliability for Resource Management
Science Transfer Program |
2025 |
Recreational & Commercial Harvest
from Lake Superior, 1995-2023 |
Lake Superior Committee |
2025 |
The Great Lakes Valuation Report |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2025 |
Friends or Foes? |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2025 |
Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 2024 |
Sea Lamprey Control Program |
2024 |
Identifying siscowet spawning sites at Isle Royale using acoustic telemetry |
Fishery Research Program |
2024 |
Managing Lake Erie walleye (Sander vitreus) in the face of uncertain natural mortality and climate-related effects on recruitment |
Fishery Research Program |
2024 |
Sea Lamprey Abundances Spike After Covid-Related Travel Restrictions |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2024 |
Optimization of Methods for the Collection of Larval Sea Lamprey Environmental DNA (eDNA) from Great Lakes Tributaries (in press) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2024 |
Optimization of Methods for the Collection of Larval Sea Lamprey
Environmental DNA (eDNA) from Great Lakes Tributaries:
Supplementary Information (in press) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2024 |
Fish-Assemblage Evaluation in the Lower Sandusky River, Ohio, Following Dam Removal (in press) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2024 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission Welcomes Hon. Ethan Baker, Mayor of Troy, Michigan, as Chair |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2024 |
Outside of Western Lake Erie Grass Carp Control Effort Summary & Future Directions |
Grass Carp Advisory Committee |
2024 |
Lake Erie Walleye Management Plan
2025-2029 |
Lake Erie Committee |
2024 |
A synthesis of sport fishing activity in the St. Marys River May through October 2022 |
St. Marys River Fishery Task Group |
2024 |
Lake Superior Committee Announces Major Fishery Management Milestone: Lake Trout Population Is Fully Restored |
Lake Superior Committee |
2024 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission and Indiana Dunes National Park to Host Free,
Educational Event and Screen Award-Winning Documentary Film |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2024 |
New MOU Between Great Lakes Fishery Commission and Trent University to Support Collaboration Among Indigenous and Western Knowledge Systems |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2024 |
Archive of Morphological Data for the Coregonus artedi Species Complex of the Great Lakes, Lake Nipigon, and Great Slave Lake (in press) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2024 |
Post-release survival and detection frequency of
acoustically tagged yellow perch in Lake Erie
Fishery Research Program |
2024 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission and Cranbrook Institute of Science to Host Event Celebrating New Sea Lamprey Display, Screen Award-Winning Documentary |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2024 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission, Cheboygan Area Public Library, and Earth Week Plus to Premiere Award-Winning Documentary in
Free, Exclusive Cheboygan Screening |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2024 |
A Stocking Strategy and Evaluation Objectives for the
Rehabilitation of Lake Trout in Lake Michigan |
Lake Michigan Committee |
2024 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission and Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council to Premiere Award-Winning Documentary in Free, Exclusive Harbor Springs Screening |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2024 |
Seeing through a fish’s eye: Using stable isotopes of fish eye lenses to understand life history |
Fishery Research Program |
2024 |
Quantifying abundance and recruitment in a re-establishing lake trout population by close-kin mark-recapture |
Fishery Research Program |
2024 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission to Premiere Award-Winning Documentary in Exclusive Maumee Screening |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2024 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission to Premiere Award-Winning Documentary in Free, Exclusive Livonia Screening |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2024 |
Summary of the Predator/Prey Ratio Analysis for Chinook Salmon and Alewife in Lake Michigan |
Lake Michigan Committee |
2024 |
Synthesizing Professional Opinion of Lake Whitefish and Cisco Recruitment Drivers across the Great Lakes |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2024 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission to Premiere Award-Winning Documentary in Free, Exclusive Owen Sound Screening |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2024 |
Lake Ontario April prey fish survey results and Alewife assessment, 2024 |
United States Geological Survey |
2024 |
Bottom trawl assessment of Lake Ontario's benthic preyfish community, 2023 |
United States Geological Survey |
2024 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission Advisors Pass Resolutions Addressing Policies And Programs To Protect And Improve Great Lakes Fisheries |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2024 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission Unveils Interactive Web-Based Visualization Tool for Fish Stocking Data |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2024 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission Unveils Interactive Web-Based Visualization Tool for Fish Stocking Data |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2024 |
Joint effects of physical processes and multiple invasive species on Great Lakes zooplankton production, with implications for fish recruitment |
Fishery Research Program |
2024 |
Do summer cyanobacterial blooms negatively affect prey and commercial fish recruitment in the great lakes? |
Fishery Research Program |
2024 |
Models for fish movement past migratory barriers: an overview of current methods and future directions |
FishPass |
2024 |
Automated spillway surveillance for risk assessment at FishPass |
FishPass |
2024 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission Honors Don Arcuri for His Dedication to the Committee of Advisors and Fostering Great Lakes Partnerships |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2024 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission Honors Chuck Madenjian for His Career-Long Contributions and Dedication to Great Lakes Fishery Science |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2024 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission Honors Tim Sullivan for His Dedicated Career in the Sea Lamprey Control Program |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2024 |
$1,000,000 Included in 2025 State of Michigan Budget
To Support the Great Lakes Fishery Commission’s FishPass Project |
2024 |
Fish surgery and handling: providing hands on training to management agency biologists |
Fishery Research Program |
2024 |
Evaluating the integration of genomics-based mixed stock analysis into statistical catch-at-age model for lake whitefish stock assessment in Lake Michigan |
Fishery Research Program |
2024 |
Lake Ontario August gillnet survey and lake trout assessment, 2023 |
United States Geological Survey |
2024 |
Status and Trends of the Lake Huron Prey Fish Community, 1976-2023 |
United States Geological Survey |
2024 |
A Resolution Urging for the Transition of The Great Lakes Fishery Commission's Canadian Budget Portfolio to Global Affairs Canada
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2024 |
A Resolution In Support Of Reauthorizing The Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Through The GLRI Act Of 2024 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2024 |
A Resolution Supporting Legislative Efforts To Establish A Canadian Version Of The Great Lakes Restoration Initiative As Part Of Canada’S Work To Establish A National Freshwater Action Plan |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2024 |
A Resolution Supporting The Launch And Tooling Of A Fully Funded, Independent Canada Water Agency With A Substantial Great Lakes Focus |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2024 |
Great Lakes lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) thiamine monitoring program annual report |
United States Geological Survey |
2024 |
Feasibility of acoustic telemetry to estimate spawning site fidelity of cisco in western Lake Superior |
Fishery Research Program |
2024 |
Tissue distribution of the toxin beta-methylamino-L-alanine (BMAA) and its isomers in fishes of Lake Erie |
Fishery Research Program |
2024 |
Implications of Phosphorus Reduction for Sustainable Great Lakes Fisheries |
Fishery Research Program |
2024 |
Do discrete spawning stocks contribute differentially to Lake Erie’s Walleye fisheries? |
Fishery Research Program |
2024 |
Status and Trends of Pelagic and Benthic Prey Fish Populations in Lake Michigan, 2023 |
United States Geological Survey |
2024 |
Fisheries Research and Monitoring Activities of the Lake Erie Biological Station, 2023 |
United States Geological Survey |
2024 |
Field-ready environmental DNA (eDNA) protocols and tools for sea lamprey assessment |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2024 |
TrackdAT: An acoustic telemetry metadata portal to connect fish tracking research in the Great Lakes and beyond |
Fishery Research Program |
2024 |
Spatial Variability and Drivers of Mysis Partial Diel Vertical Migration |
Fishery Research Program |
2024 |
Open-source unmanned surface vehicle (USV) for mobile acoustic telemetry |
Fishery Research Program |
2024 |
Cisco (Coregonus artedi) reference genome project: an integrative resource for management and restoration of Great Lakes coregonines |
Fishery Research Program |
2024 |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2024 |
Structure and function of novel pheromones from sea lamprey |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2024 |
Genetic basis of sex determination in sea lamprey |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2024 |
2024 LEC FTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
2024 |
LEC FTG Annual Report (2024) |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
2024 |
LEC HTG Annual Report (2024) |
Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group |
2024 |
2024 LEC HTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group |
2024 |
Lake Erie Committee Sets Walleye and Yellow Perch Total Allowable Catches for 2024 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2024 |
2024 LEC WTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group |
2024 |
LEC WTG Annual Report (2024) |
Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group |
2024 |
LEC YPTG Annual Report (2024) |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
2024 |
2024 LEC YPTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
2024 |
LEC CWTG Annual Report (2024) |
Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group |
2024 |
2024 LEC CWTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group |
2024 |
Lake Michigan Harvest Report 2023 |
Lake Michigan Technical Committee |
2024 |
LSTC Age Assessment Workshop Report |
Lake Superior Technical Committee |
2024 |
Commissions sign historic agreement to enhance cooperation on Great Lakes restoration and protection |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2024 |
Can otolith carbon stable isotopes be used to estimate field metabolic rates in freshwater fishes? |
Fishery Research Program |
2024 |
Lake Erie Grass Carp Adaptive Response Strategy 2024-2028 |
Lake Erie Committee |
2024 |
Quantifying bioenergetic responses to temperature in walleye using modern respirometry techniques |
Fishery Research Program |
2024 |
Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 2023 |
Sea Lamprey Control Program |
2024 |
Sea Lamprey Aquaculture & Procurement |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2024 |
Grass Carp Advisory Committee Annual Report 2023 |
Grass Carp Advisory Committee |
2023 |
Evaluating length and age models for assessing lake trout |
Fishery Research Program |
2023 |
Physical processes and fish recruitment in large lakes: Phase II |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2023 |
Seasonal differences in larval sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) sensitivity to the pesticide TFM |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2023 |
Determine the Utility of Pheromone Antagonists for Sea Lamprey Control |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2023 |
Status and Trends in the Lake Superior Fish Community, 2023 |
United States Geological Survey |
2023 |
Evaluating the effects of biopsy procedures on fish to enable a more mechanistic approach to fish telemetry studies |
Fishery Research Program |
2023 |
Instantaneous river-wide hydrodynamic measurements at fine scales for use in fish movement study at FishPass |
FishPass |
2023 |
Lake Ontario April prey fish survey results and Alewife assessment (2023) |
Lake Ontario Committee |
2023 |
Effective dissemination of Lake Erie walleye movement and distribution information for use by managers |
Science Transfer Program |
2023 |
Automated Water Sampler |
Fishery Research Program |
2023 |
Summary of the Predator/Prey Ratio Analysis for Chinook Salmon and Alewife in Lake Michigan (2022) |
Lake Michigan Technical Committee |
2023 |
Control sea lamprey in the Cheboygan River with sterile males: stage 2 – sterile male release |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2023 |
Summary of the Predator/Prey Ratio Analysis for Chinook Salmon and Alewife in Lake Michigan |
Lake Michigan Committee |
2023 |
Physiochemical and energy landscapes as a driver of Lake Erie walleye population dynamics: past, present & future |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2023 |
Movements and survival of hatchery reared juvenile cisco (Coregonus artedi) in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron |
Fishery Research Program |
2023 |
Laboratory validation of real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) analysis for Myxobolus cerebralis |
Fishery Research Program |
2023 |
LMTC Lake Trout Working Group Response Document: Lake Trout Strain Evaluation Task |
Lake Michigan Technical Committee |
2023 |
Using stock assessment information to inform harvest policy in data-limited fisheries |
Science Transfer Program |
2023 |
Developing consistency in interpretation and communication of non-target mortality associated with lampricide treatments |
Science Transfer Program |
2023 |
Trophic overlap and growth of lean and siscowet lake trout morphotypes across their trophic ontogeny: Does overlap matter? |
Fishery Research Program |
2023 |
Proof of Concept test of accelerometer tags on lake trout to detect sea lamprey attachment |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2023 |
Status and Trends of the Lake Huron Prey Fish Community, 1976-2022 |
United States Geological Survey |
2023 |
The Great Lakes Fishery Commission Welcomes New United States Commissioners |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2023 |
Status and Trends of Pelagic and Benthic Prey Fish Populations in Lake Michigan, 2022 |
United States Geological Survey |
2023 |
Effects of dietary thiaminase on reproduction in two strains of lake trout |
Fishery Research Program |
2023 |
Advisors To The Great Lakes Fishery Commission Pass Resolution Calling For Immediate Intervention And Resolution To Remedy Faulty Machinery Of Governance Crisis With Government Of Canada |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2023 |
A Resolution Calling For The Transition Of The Canadian Machinery Of Government For Fiduciary Responsibilities Relating To The Great Lakes Fishery Commission From Fisheries And Oceans Canada To Global Affairs Canada |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2023 |
Crews To Remove Harmful Invasive Sea Lampreys From Lake Huron's Saginaw River Watershed |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2023 |
2023 LEC CWTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group |
2023 |
LEC CWTG Annual Report (2023) |
Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group |
2023 |
LEC FTG Annual Report (2023) |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
2023 |
2023 LEC FTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
2023 |
LEC WTG Annual Report (2023) |
Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group |
2023 |
2023 LEC WTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group |
2023 |
2023 LEC YPTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
2023 |
LEC YPTG Annual Report (2023) |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
2023 |
Investigating Food Webs: State of Knowledge and Investigative Approaches |
Fishery Research Program |
2023 |
Lake Michigan Harvest Report 2022 |
Lake Michigan Technical Committee |
2023 |
Lake Erie Committee Sets Yellow Perch and Walleye Allowable Catches for 2023 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2023 |
2023 LEC HTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group |
2023 |
LEC HTG Annual Report (2023) |
Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group |
2023 |
Fisheries Research and Monitoring Activities of the Lake Erie Biological Station, 2022 |
United States Geological Survey |
2023 |
Status and Trends in the Lake Superior Fish Community, 2022 |
United States Geological Survey |
2023 |
Evaluation of survival and Reproductive Success of Cultured Cisco (Coregonus artedi) in West Central Lake Huron |
Lake Huron Technical Committee |
2023 |
Recreational & Commercial Harvest
from Lake Superior, 1995-2021 |
Lake Superior Committee |
2023 |
A unified model of walleye recruitment success |
Fishery Research Program |
2023 |
Identifying turbulence features that alter trap efficiency of upstream-swimming lamprey |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2023 |
Lake Huron fishery further protected from invasive sea lampreys thanks to new trap on the East Branch Au Gres River in Michigan |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2023 |
The Great Lakes Fishery Commission (glfc) Is Pleased To Announce Its New Journal Laurentian |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2023 |
Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 2022 |
Sea Lamprey Control Program |
2023 |
Ciscoes (Coregonus, subgenus Leucichthys) of the Laurentian Great Lakes and Lake Nipigon (Revised) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2023 |
Weir enumeration and capture-mark-recapture estimates of spring spawning-run size for white sucker Catostomus commersonii and longnose sucker Catostomus catostomus in the Boardman (Ottaway) River, Traverse City, Michigan, USA. |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2023 |
FishPass baseline assessment of fish community assemblage and migratory patterns in the Boardman River, Traverse City, Michigan, USA |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2023 |
Grass Carp Advisory Committee Annual Report 2022 |
Grass Carp Advisory Committee |
2022 |
Moving toward ecosystem-based fisheries management: developing an integrated ecosystem assessment of Lake Erie as a case study |
Fishery Research Program |
2022 |
Predicting contaminant transfer following re-establishment of controlled connectivity in the Boardman River |
FishPass |
2022 |
The History behind the Canada-U.S. Convention on Great Lakes Fisheries: A Seven-Decade Effort |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2022 |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2022 |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2022 |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2022 |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2022 |
Status and Trends of Pelagic and Benthic Prey Fish Populations in Lake Michigan, 2021 |
United States Geological Survey |
2022 |
Interactive tool for visualizing fish stocking events and recoveries in the Great Lakes |
Science Transfer Program |
2022 |
The Great Lakes Fishery Commission Welcomes Long-Awaited Canadian Commissioner Appointments |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2022 |
Proceedings of the third Sea Lamprey International Symposium (SLIS III) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2022 |
From fish movement to knowledge movement: Understanding and improving science transfer related to telemetry |
Science Transfer Program |
2022 |
Economic Aspects of the Great Lakes Recreational Fisheries and Factors Driving Change |
Fishery Research Program |
2022 |
Lake Ontario April prey fish survey results and Alewife assessment (2022) |
Lake Ontario Committee |
2022 |
Stakeholder and resource manager responses to the Chinook salmon fishery collapse in Lake Huron: informing future decision-making |
Fishery Research Program |
2022 |
Population connectivity and local adaptation in Lake Michigan yellow perch |
Fishery Research Program |
2022 |
Status and Trends of the Lake Huron Prey Fish Community, 1976-2021 |
United States Geological Survey |
2022 |
Summary of the Predator/Prey Ratio Analysis for Chinook Salmon and Alewife in Lake Michigan, 2021 |
Lake Michigan Technical Committee |
2022 |
Forensic Markers of Lampricide Toxicity & Mortality in Non-Target Fishes |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2022 |
Genomics of Great Lakes ciscoes (Coregonus spp.): identifying genetic differences associated with morphological differences |
Fishery Research Program |
2022 |
Using genomics to delineate stock structure and create a standardized genetic resource for Great Lakes walleye |
Fishery Research Program |
2022 |
Research priorities for lake trout restoration in Lake Ontario, 2022 |
Lake Ontario Technical Committee |
2022 |
2020 Lake Michigan Lake Trout Rehabilitation Strategy Review |
Lake Michigan Technical Committee |
2022 |
Simulation-based assessment of a large-scale genetic tagging study to identify adult sea lamprey natal streams |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2022 |
Distribution of Niclosamide Following Granular Bayluscide Applications in Lotic Systems |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2022 |
Status and Trends in the Lake Superior Fish Community, 2021 |
United States Geological Survey |
2022 |
Lake Trout Rehabilitation in Lake Ontario, 2021 |
United States Geological Survey |
2022 |
Fisheries Research and Monitoring Activities of the Lake Erie Biological Station, 2021 |
United States Geological Survey |
2022 |
Bottom trawl assessment of Lake Ontario's benthic preyfish community, 2021 |
United States Geological Survey |
2022 |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2022 |
Human dimensions of the Lake Huron salmon fishery crash: Using oral histories to assess the attitudes, values, and beliefs of anglers and non-angler stakeholders in Great Lakes coastal communities |
Fishery Research Program |
2022 |
Crews To Remove Harmful Invasive Sea Lampreys From Lake Erie's Grand River |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2022 |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2022 |
Canadian budget fully funds the Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2022 |
Lake Trout Working Group Report 2021 |
Lake Michigan Lake Trout Working Group |
2022 |
Is depth selection by lake trout morphotypes a genetic trait? |
Fishery Research Program |
2022 |
Chemical Analyses of Sea Lamprey Pheromones and Lampricides |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2022 |
Bioassay directed isolation and characterization of a natural sea lamprey deterrent phase-II |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2022 |
Lamprey Coloring Sheet by Taaja Tucker |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2022 |
Lake Erie Committee Sets Yellow Perch and Walleye Allowable Catches for 2022 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2022 |
LEC YPTG Annual Report (2022) |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
2022 |
2022 LEC YPTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
2022 |
2022 LEC WTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group |
2022 |
LEC WTG Annual Report (2022) |
Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group |
2022 |
LEC CWTG Annual Report (2022) |
Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group |
2022 |
2022 LEC CWTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group |
2022 |
2022 LEC FTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
2022 |
LEC FTG Annual Report (2022) |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
2022 |
LEC HTG Annual Report (2022) |
Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group |
2022 |
2022 LEC HTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group |
2022 |
Great Lakes lake trout thiamine monitoring program annual report |
United States Geological Survey |
2022 |
Status and Trends of the Lake Huron Prey Fish Community, 1976-2020 |
United States Geological Survey |
2022 |
Status and Trends in the Lake Superior Fish Community, 2020 |
United States Geological Survey |
2022 |
2020 Status of the Lake Ontario Lower Trophic Levels |
United States Geological Survey |
2022 |
Status and Trends of the Lake Huron Prey Fish Community, 1976-2019 |
United States Geological Survey |
2022 |
Understanding angler behaviors that influence the spread of aquatic invasive species |
Fishery Research Program |
2022 |
Support for maintenance of F2 lake trout for research on morphotypic diversity |
Fishery Research Program |
2022 |
Parasites of Coregonines in the Genera Coregonus and Prosopium (Salmonidae, Coregoninae) in the Great Lakes Miscellaneous Publication |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2022 |
Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 2021 |
Sea Lamprey Control Program |
2022 |
A Resolution Calling For Alternatives And Best Available Technologies To Effectively Elminate The Risk Of An Oil Spill From Line 5 In The Straits Of Mackinac |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2022 |
A Resolution In Support Of Governance Best Practices Attained By Transitioning The Commission's Machinery Of Government Responsibilities To Global Affairs Canada |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2022 |
A Resolution Calling For Great Lakes Fishery Commission Commissioner Appointments |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2022 |
A Resolution that the GLFC Provide Leadership on Canadian and U.S. Action to Achieve the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2022 |
Marine protected areas and the 30x30 initiative |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2022 |
Grass Carp Advisory Committee Annual Report 2021 |
Grass Carp Advisory Committee |
2021 |
Visual integration in the retina of the sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2021 |
A Plan to Support Lake Trout Rehabilitation in Lake Erie, 2021-2030 |
Lake Erie Committee |
2021 |
Advancing Great Lakes Empirical Food Web Modeling |
Fishery Research Program |
2021 |
Lampreys of the Great Lakes |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2021 |
Fast Facts About Great Lakes Sea Lampreys |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2021 |
Making the Best of a Bad Situation: Great Lakes Sea Lampreys Reveal the Origins of Vertebrate Traits |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2021 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission reflects on 100 years of invasive sea lampreys above Niagara Falls |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2021 |
Declining Recruitment of Lake Whitefish to Fisheries in the Laurentian Great Lakes: Management Considerations and Research Priorities |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2021 |
Use of an artificial stream to monitor avoidance behavior of larval sea lamprey in response to TFM and niclosamid |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2021 |
Identification of adaptive genes associated with Lake Trout Survival and recruitment in different and changing Great Lake Environments |
Fishery Research Program |
2021 |
Lake Ontario April prey fish survey results and Alewife assessment (2021) |
Lake Ontario Committee |
2021 |
Supplemental control support |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2021 |
Environmental, biotic, and sampling effects on genetic estimates of adult sea lamprey abundance in Great Lakes tributaries |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2021 |
Estimation of Transformer Out-migration Mortality with Acoustic Micro-transmitters |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2021 |
International Team Assembles the Lake Trout Genome |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2021 |
Comparing the sublethal effects of sea lamprey parasitism on long term reproduction, growth and recruitment of siscowet and lean lake trout |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2021 |
Estimating survival of acoustic telemetered walleyes in the Great Lakes and comparison of survival rates between Lake Huron and Lake Erie spawning populations |
Fishery Research Program |
2021 |
Towards a new tool for parasitic lamprey assessment – quantitative metrics of attack dynamics and host response |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2021 |
Lake Trout Whole Genome Sequencing |
Fishery Research Program |
2021 |
Depth and temperature preferences of Lake Ontario salmonids using novel pop-off data storage tags |
Fishery Research Program |
2021 |
Advisors To The Great Lakes Fishery Commission Pass Resolutions Addressing GLFC Funding, Offshore Productivity, Lake Trout Stocking In Lake Huron, And Canadian Legislation |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2021 |
Field evaluation of an improved solid TFM formulation for use in treating small tributary streams |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2021 |
Quantification of Thiamin in Natural Fresh Water |
Fishery Research Program |
2021 |
Lake Huron Committee Environmental Priorities 2021 |
Lake Huron Committee |
2021 |
Strategic Vision of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission 2021-2025 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2021 |
Lake Champlain Fish Ecology: a mesocosm approach to the Great Lakes |
Fishery Research Program |
2021 |
LEC CWTG Annual Report (2021) |
Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group |
2021 |
2021 LEC CWTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group |
2021 |
LEC FTG Annual Report (2021) |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
2021 |
2021 LEC FTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
2021 |
2021 LEC WTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group |
2021 |
LEC WTG Annual Report (2021) |
Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group |
2021 |
LEC YPTG Annual Report (2021) |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
2021 |
2021 LEC YPTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
2021 |
LEC HTG Annual Report (2021) |
Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group |
2021 |
2021 LEC HTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group |
2021 |
Great Lakes Sea Lamprey: From Crisis to Control Video Scavenger Hunt Worksheet |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2021 |
Great Lakes Sea Lamprey: From Crisis to Control Video worksheet |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2021 |
Status of Yellow Perch in Lake Michigan 2019-2020 |
Lake Michigan Committee |
2021 |
Clearer Water Means Less Fish: Understanding How Lower Trophic Level Changes Impact Lake Huron's Fisheries |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2021 |
Post-stocking behaviour, habitat use, and survival of hatchery-reared native fishes using acoustic telemetry |
Fishery Research Program |
2021 |
The State of Lake Erie in 2015 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2021 |
Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 2020 |
Sea Lamprey Control Program |
2021 |
Supplemental Sea Lamprey Control Initiative |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2021 |
FHC Meeting Minutes (Winter 2021) |
Fish Health Committee |
2021 |
The State of Lake Superior in 2017 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2021 |
A Resolution Calling For A Review Of The Strategy For Lake Trout Stocking And Its Implementation In Southern Lake Huron |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2021 |
A Resolution In Support Of The Great Lakes - St. Lawrence Group, A Subcommittee Of The Canada-united States Inter-parliamentary Group |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2021 |
A Resolution In Support Of Restoring The Commission's Fiduciary Relationship With Global Affairs Canada |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2021 |
A Resolution In Support Of Implementing The Recommendation Of The Sab’s Report Entitled Understanding Declining Productivity In The Offshore Regions Of The Great Lakes |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2021 |
A Resolution Regarding The Establishment Of A Canada Water Agency |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2021 |
Practical Facts about Sea Lamprey Control Treatments |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2021 |
FHC Meeting Minutes (Summer 2021) |
Fish Health Committee |
2020 |
Exploiting the Unexploited: A Smart Panel System for In-situ Detection of Adult Sea Lamprey |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2020 |
Determine what fishes adult sea lamprey parasitized by barcoding DNA in their feces |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2020 |
Genetic assessment of Boardman River fish populations prior to dam removal |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2020 |
Summary of the Predator/Prey Ratio Analysis for Chinook Salmon and Alewife in Lake Michigan, 2020 |
Lake Michigan Technical Committee |
2020 |
Studying the Fish of Buffalo Reef, Traverse Bay, Lake Superior |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2020 |
The State of Lake Huron in 2018 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2020 |
Improving the Fish Value Chain in Malawi |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2020 |
Transcriptomic analysis of Mysis diluviana vertical migration |
Fishery Research Program |
2020 |
Uses and limitations of environmental DNA (eDNA) in fisheries management |
Science Transfer Program |
2020 |
Lampricide Residues in Sea Lamprey Larvae Carcasses recovered after 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM) or TFM/Bayluscide Stream Treatments |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2020 |
Distribution of Niclosamide Following Granular Bayer Applications in Lentic Environments |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2020 |
Incorporation of expert judgment in an operating model of the control program to evaluate trade-offs for sea lamprey management |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2020 |
Fish Community Objectives for The Lake Erie Basin |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2020 |
Capture efficiency of sea lamprey and passage success of non-target species during plunging and streaming flow patterns in a pool-type fishway |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2020 |
Ecology and evolution of blackfin cisco populations in an outflow system of proglacial Lake Algonquin |
Fishery Research Program |
2020 |
Lake Ontario Committee Fish Habitat Priorities |
Lake Ontario Committee |
2020 |
Doing Science is Essential . . . Communicating Science is Just as Critical (and maybe more FUN!) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2020 |
Lake Trout Working Group Report 2019 |
Lake Michigan Lake Trout Working Group |
2020 |
Development and evaluation of improved TFM formulations for use in feeder stream treatments |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2020 |
Seawater tolerance and feeding in freshwater and anadromous populations of sea lamprey |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2020 |
2020 LEC HTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group |
2020 |
LEC HTG Annual Report (2020) |
Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group |
2020 |
Kids Activity Booklet |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2020 |
2020 LEC CWTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group |
2020 |
LEC CWTG Annual Report (2020) |
Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group |
2020 |
2020 LEC FTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
2020 |
LEC FTG Annual Report (2020) |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
2020 |
LEC WTG Annual Report (2020) |
Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group |
2020 |
2020 LEC WTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group |
2020 |
2020 LEC YPTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
2020 |
LEC YPTG Annual Report (2020) |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
2020 |
Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 2019 |
Sea Lamprey Control Program |
2020 |
FHC Meeting Minutes (Summer 2020) |
Fish Health Committee |
2020 |
FHC Meeting Minutes (Winter 2020) |
Fish Health Committee |
2020 |
Preliminary status of Lake Ontario Alewife based on the 2019 spring trawl survey (2019) |
Lake Ontario Committee |
2019 |
Assessing the resistance of sea lampreys (Petromyzon marinus) to TFM |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2019 |
Proof of concept test of flow velocity enhancement system (FVES) to guide sea lamprey movement |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2019 |
Effects of Local Hydrodynamic Conditions and Individual Differences in Behavior on Trap Entrance by Sea Lamprey |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2019 |
Skin chemoreceptor activation and motor behavior |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2019 |
Identifying migration patterns and spatial ecology of a reef spawning stock of walleye in the western basin of Lake Erie |
Fishery Research Program |
2019 |
Comparison of Continuous and Interrupted Lampricide Block Toxicity to Sea Lamprey and Lake Sturgeon |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2019 |
Can Contemporary Cisco Stocks Support Historical Levels of Yield in Lake Superior? |
Fishery Research Program |
2019 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission Honors Saugeen Ojibway Nation |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2019 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission Honors Dr. Ellen Marsden for Decades of Highly Productive, Innovative, and Valued Work to Significantly Improve the Great Lakes Ecosystem Health |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2019 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission Honors Steve Lapan for Outstanding And Unwavering Support of the Sea Lamprey Control Program |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2019 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission Unveils "FishPass" Design |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2019 |
A Resolution Regarding Marine Sancutaries and Protected Areas |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2019 |
Technical Assistance to Development of Additional Pheromone-Based Control Agents |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2019 |
Physiological and behavioural responses of sea lamprey to low frequency sound |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2019 |
The State of Lake Michigan in 2016 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2019 |
Michigan State University and the Great Lakes Fishery Commission Name Dr. Chris Vandergoot as New Director of Leading Research Network |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2019 |
Lake Trout Working Group Report 2018 |
Lake Michigan Lake Trout Working Group |
2019 |
Effects of Water Alkalinity, pH, and Dosing Regimen on Lake Sturgeon Sensitivity to the Lampricide, 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2019 |
Lake Erie Committee Sets Yellow Perch and Walleye Allowable Catches for 2019 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2019 |
2019 LEC WTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group |
2019 |
LEC WTG Annual Report (2019) |
Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group |
2019 |
LEC HTG Annual Report (2019) |
Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group |
2019 |
2019 LEC HTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group |
2019 |
LEC CWTG Annual Report (2019) |
Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group |
2019 |
2019 LEC CWTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group |
2019 |
A Resolution in Support of the 2015 Clean Water Rule |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2019 |
LEC YPTG Annual Report (2019) |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
2019 |
2019 LEC YPTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
2019 |
Optimize 3kPZS application rate to yield large and consistent catches of sea lamprey in barrier-integrated traps |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2019 |
Effects of environmental and biological factors on migratory sea lamprey catchability and abundance estimation |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2019 |
Chemistry to facilitate studies of pheromones; TFM and novel biosensors |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2019 |
Selective passage of Sea Lamprey and native Great Lakes fish through hydraulic barriers |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2019 |
Reproduction in lake trout morphotypes surrounding Isle Royale |
Fishery Research Program |
2019 |
LEC FTG Annual Report (2019) |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
2019 |
2019 LEC FTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
2019 |
Faithful Fish: Walleye Show High Spawning Site Fidelity in the Great Lakes |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2019 |
Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 2018 |
Sea Lamprey Control Program |
2019 |
FHC Meeting Minutes (Summer 2019) |
Fish Health Committee |
2018 |
Science Transfer Program |
2018 |
Fishery Research Program |
2018 |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2018 |
Bioassay directed isolation and characterization of a natural sea lamprey deterrent |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2018 |
Evaluation of light as a non-physical cue to guide downstream-migrating lamprey transformers into traps |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2018 |
Fishery Research Program |
2018 |
Genetic approaches to estimating the number of adult sea lamprey in the St. Clair River |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2018 |
Natural Resource Law Enforcement Agencies Join Together to Strengthen Inter-jurisdictional Coordination Throughout the Great Lakes Basin |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2018 |
Panel of Experts to Investigate Protection of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2018 |
Science Transfer Program |
2018 |
Study Examines the Changing Demographics of the Great Lakes Angling Community |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2018 |
Evaluating the use of an angler smartphone app for fisheries data collection |
Fishery Research Program |
2018 |
Fishery Research Program |
2018 |
Developing Research Priorities for Lake Whitefish in the Upper Great Lakes |
Council of Lake Committees |
2018 |
Extension of the Walleye Management Plan (2015-2019) |
Lake Erie Committee |
2018 |
USGS Scientist Takes Aim at Great Lakes Invaders |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2018 |
Verification of natural mortality estimation of Walleye in Lake Erie based on integrated Bayesian statistical catch-at-age models |
Fishery Research Program |
2018 |
Are Changes in Lower Trophic Levels Limiting Prey-Fish Biomass and Production in Lake Michigan? |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2018 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission Honors Michigan State University's Quantitative Fisheries Center |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2018 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission Honors Dr. Nick Mandrak for Substantial, Decades-long Scientific Contributions to Great Lakes Ecosystems |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2018 |
Advisors to the Great Lakes Fishery Commission Pass Resolutions Addressing Cormorant Management, Canada's Fisheries Act, and Funding for the U.S. National Sea Grant Program |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2018 |
Support for Double-Crested Cormorant Management |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2018 |
Canada Fisheries Act Implementation |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2018 |
A Resolution in Support of Funding For the National Sea Grant College Program |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2018 |
International Charr Symposium Lures Scientists to Lake Superior |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2018 |
Rising Higher: A Research Lab Built from the Ground Up - Part 2 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2018 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission To Meet In Toronto, May 9 And 10 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2018 |
Evaluating colored LED strobe lights for use in the behavioral guidance of sea lamprey |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2018 |
Structure and Function of Sea Lamprey Pheromone Components (Phase II) |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2018 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission Lauds the Government of Canada's Commitment to the Shared Great Lakes Fishery |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2018 |
Impediments to the Rehabilitation of Cisco (Coregonus artedi) in Lake Erie |
Lake Erie Committee |
2018 |
Position Statement on Lake Erie Cisco Rehabilitation |
Lake Erie Committee |
2018 |
Fishery Research Program |
2018 |
Angler Demographics: An Age-Period-Cohort Analysis |
Fishery Research Program |
2018 |
An investigation of a potential morphotype trigger in two Ichthyomyzon species |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2018 |
The neural link between novel olfactory signals and locomotion |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2018 |
Selective removal of sea lamprey via behavioral guidance in a model fishway: a proof of concept test |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2018 |
Lake Erie Committee Sets Yellow Perch and Walleye Allowable Catches for 2018 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2018 |
Grand River Restoration Project Sees a Boost in Federal Funding for Sea Lamprey Control |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2018 |
Status of Yellow Perch in Lake Michigan 2016-2017 |
Lake Michigan Committee |
2018 |
2018 LEC YPTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
2018 |
LEC YPTG Annual Report (2018) |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
2018 |
Compiled Reports To The Great Lakes Fishery Commission Of The Annual Bottom Trawl And Accoustics Surveys, 2017 |
United States Geological Survey |
2018 |
Great Lakes Researchers Go Down Under |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2018 |
LEC WTG Annual Report (2018) |
Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group |
2018 |
2018 LEC FTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
2018 |
LEC FTG Annual Report (2018) |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
2018 |
Development and testing of genomic markers for Coregonus species identification and population assessment |
Fishery Research Program |
2018 |
2018 LEC CWTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group |
2018 |
LEC CWTG Annual Report (2018) |
Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group |
2018 |
2018 LEC HTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group |
2018 |
LEC HTG Annual Report (2018) |
Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group |
2018 |
Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 2017 |
Sea Lamprey Control Program |
2018 |
Finding the Sea Lamprey's Kryptonite |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2018 |
Good Things Come in...Polymer Packages? |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2018 |
FHC Meeting Minutes (Summer 2018) |
Fish Health Committee |
2018 |
FHC Meeting Minutes (Winter 2018) |
Fish Health Committee |
2018 |
Using a comparative transcriptomics approach to increase potency and specific of lampricide treatments |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2017 |
Development of antagonists to pheromonal sulfated steroids for sea lamprey control |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2017 |
Proof of Concept: Use of DIDSON cameras to estimate adult sea lamprey abundance in streams |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2017 |
Proof-of-concept test of a differential pressure system to transport Great Lakes fishes |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2017 |
Evaluating the risks and potential of genetic technologies for managing the impacts of sea lampreys in the Great Lakes |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2017 |
Workshops on Lake Trout age assignment in annual stock assessment: Accuracy and Precision of Methods Specific to Age Ranges and Length Bins |
Science Transfer Program |
2017 |
Comments About Brandon Road Report |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2017 |
Evaluating trade-offs for sea lamprey management using an operating model of the control program |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2017 |
Delineation of natural boundaries of Muskellunge in the Great Lakes and the effects of supplementation on genetic integrity of remnant stocks. |
Fishery Research Program |
2017 |
Genetic test confirms first grass carp eggs collected in the Maumee River |
2017 |
A synthesis of sport fishing activity in the St. Marys River |
St. Marys River Fishery Task Group |
2017 |
A preliminary study on the roles of chemical cues in american eel life history |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2017 |
Rising Higher: A Research Lab Built from the Ground Up |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2017 |
Grass Carp Early Detection Efforts Underway for Lake Erie |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2017 |
Sea lamprey quantitative environmental DNA surveillance |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2017 |
Effects of trap funnel and finger design on sea lamprey entrance and retention |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2017 |
Comparative genetic and phenotypic analysis of lake trout morphs in representative North American lakes: genetic aspects of phenotypic variation in Lake Superior lake trout morphs |
Fishery Research Program |
2017 |
Fish Community Objectives for Lake Ontario |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2017 |
Advisors to the Commission pass resolutions addressing fishery restoration, funding, and enforcement |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2017 |
The State of Lake Erie in 2009 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2017 |
Meet the Fleet: GLFC-USGS Partnership Makes Waves with Newly Renovated Deepwater Science Vessel Fleet |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2017 |
Using a simulated fish community to evaluate the relative importance of catchability on abundance estimates for acoustic surveys |
Science Transfer Program |
2017 |
Behavioral and genetic diversity among ecotypes of Lake Superior brook trout |
Fishery Research Program |
2017 |
Trophic ecology and isotopic niche of humper Lake Trout (Salvelinus namaycush) in Lake Superior: comparison with other morphotypes. |
Fishery Research Program |
2017 |
Development and correlation of physical process indices with inter-annual recruitment variability in Lake Michigan |
Fishery Research Program |
2017 |
Effects of dietary thiaminase on reproduction in three strains of atlantic salmon |
Fishery Research Program |
2017 |
Effect of lamprey attachment on profile drag of lake trout: consequences for swimming |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2017 |
Paul Sullivan honored for Championing the Sea Lamprey Control Program with Dedication, Hard Work, and Mentorship |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2017 |
Commission honors Dr. Michael Hansen for Career-long, Professional Efforts to Improve Health and Sustainability of Great Lakes Fisheries |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2017 |
Mark Holey Receives Buzz Besadny Award for Fostering Partnerships to Satisfy Key Fishery and Research Management Needs of the Great Lakes |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2017 |
A Mid-Decade Review of Progress under a Strategic Vision of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission 2011-2020 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2017 |
Evaluating short-term survival of walleye implanted with acoustic transmitters at elevated temperatures |
Fishery Research Program |
2017 |
A gliding robotic fish-based mobile receiver platform for acoustic telemetry in fishery research |
Fishery Research Program |
2017 |
Mortality influences on maturation scheduling in Lake Whitefish and effects on Great Lakes fisheries management |
Fishery Research Program |
2017 |
Accounting for Potential Effects on Fish Production from Barrier Removals to Inform Management Decisions: An Application of Structured Decision Making |
Science Transfer Program |
2017 |
Quota Allocation Strategy |
Lake Erie Committee Standing Technical Committee |
2017 |
Compiled Reports To The Great Lakes Fishery Commission Of The Annual Bottom Trawl And Accoustics Surveys, 2016 |
United States Geological Survey |
2017 |
Diel and spatial movement patterns of downstream migrating sea lamprey transformers |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2017 |
Refinement of a new trapping tool for migrating adult sea lamprey |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2017 |
Lake Trout Working Group Report 2016 |
Lake Michigan Lake Trout Working Group |
2017 |
Technical assistance for chemical aspects of pheromone research |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2017 |
Transfer of Finnish Coregonine Culture Techniques and a Retrospective Analysis of Restoration Strategies to Advance Coregonine Restoration in the Great Lakes |
Science Transfer Program |
2017 |
A Resolution in Support of Restoring Coregonines in the Great Lakes |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2017 |
A Resolution Calling for Strengthened Financial Commitments From Canada and U.S. to Protect and Restore the Great Lakes |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2017 |
Resolution Concerning Interstate Shipment of Live Injurious Animals |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2017 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission Advisors In Oppose Proposed Funding Cuts To The Great Lakes Restoration Initiative |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2017 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission Advisors Support Funding For The United States Environmental Protection Agency |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2017 |
Summary of the Predator/Prey Ratio Analysis for Chinook Salmon and Alewife in Lake Michigan, 2017 |
Lake Michigan Technical Committee |
2017 |
Lake Erie Committee Recommends Increased Yellow Perch and Walleye Allowable Catches for 2017 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2017 |
Sex-shifting Fish: Growth Rate Could Determine Sea Lamprey Sex |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2017 |
Lake Michigan Stocking Report 2016 |
Lake Michigan Committee |
2017 |
Environmental and Physiological Determinants of Larval Sea Lamprey Tolerance and Resilience to TFM Exposure |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2017 |
Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 2016 |
Sea Lamprey Control Program |
2017 |
2017 LEC YPTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
2017 |
LEC YPTG Annual Report (2017) |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
2017 |
2017 LEC WTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group |
2017 |
LEC WTG Annual Report (2017) |
Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group |
2017 |
2017 LEC HTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group |
2017 |
LEC HTG Annual Report (2017) |
Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group |
2017 |
2017 LEC FTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
2017 |
LEC FTG Annual Report (2017) |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
2017 |
2017 LEC CWTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group |
2017 |
LEC CWTG Annual Report (2017) |
Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group |
2017 |
A Monograph on Ciscoes of the Laurentian Great Lakes and Lake Nipigon |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2017 |
The State of Lake Ontario in 2014 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2017 |
Rambunctious Reproduction Overheard Among Great Lakes' Lake Trout |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2017 |
2017 LEC WTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group |
2017 |
Population Dynamics of the St. Marys River Fish Community 1975-2017 |
St. Marys River Fishery Task Group |
2017 |
FHC Meeting Minutes (Summer 2017) |
Fish Health Committee |
2016 |
WATCH: Acoustic Telemetry Provides In-Depth Look into Fish Behavior |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2016 |
Crime Stoppers and Great Lakes Fishery Commission Take Steps To Stop Illegal Lake Strugeon Trade |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2016 |
Eel-Ladder Style Traps: A New Lamprey Control Tool |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2016 |
Strategy for Reducing Lake Trout Stocking in Lake Huron, 2016 |
Lake Huron Committee |
2016 |
Compiled Reports To The Great Lakes Fishery Commission Of The Annual Bottom Trawl And Accoustics Surveys, 2015 |
United States Geological Survey |
2016 |
Lake Trout Working Group Report 2015 |
Lake Michigan Lake Trout Working Group |
2016 |
A Letter to the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Seaway Cities Initiative in Support of its Resolution on Concentrated Agriculture Feed Operations |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2016 |
US Resolution for Prohibition of Establishment of Any Net Pen Aquaculture Facilities in the U.S. Waters of the Great Lakes |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2016 |
US Resolution for Clarification in Federal Ability to Impose Fishing Restrictions in Marine Sanctuaries |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2016 |
Canadian/U.S. Resolution Calling for Radionuclides Be Designated As Chemical of Mutual Concern |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2016 |
Canadian/U.S. Resolution Opposing Diversion of Great Lakes Water to Waukesha, WI |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2016 |
A Lampricide Treatment: Up-Close |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2016 |
The State of Lake Superior in 2011 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2016 |
Sea Lamprey Mating Pheromone Registered By EPA As First Vertebrate Pheromone Biopesticide |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2016 |
From Projects To Practice: Great Lakes Fishery Commission Mobilizes Science To Meet Management Needs |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2016 |
Fishery Agencies Propose Chinook Stocking Reduction To Sustain The Lake Michigan Fishery |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2016 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission Honors Robert Adair for Applying A Holistic Understanding Of Fisheries Management To The Sea Lamprey Control Program |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2016 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission Honors Dr. Charles Krueger for His Career-Long Contributions to Great Lakes Fishery Science and Management |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2016 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission Honors Dr. Suzette Kimball for Her Dedication To Fostering Great Lakes Partnerships |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2016 |
Sea Lamprey Trapping Improved Significantly With Electricity |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2016 |
Michigan's Boardman River Selected as Site for Major Fish Passage, Invasive Species Technology Project |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2016 |
Fishery Agencies Adjust Lakewide Predator Stocking to Preserve Lake Michigan Predator-Prey Balance |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2016 |
Fishery Agencies Identify Multi-Species Predator Stocking Reduction Targets For Lake Michigan |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2016 |
Lake Ontario Agencies Adjust Lakewide Predator Stocking to Promote Alewife Population Recovery |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2016 |
Ciscoes (Coregonus, Subgenus Leucichthys) of the Laurentian Great Lakes and Lake Nipigon |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2016 |
Lake Michigan Stocking Report 2015 |
Lake Michigan Committee |
2016 |
Quantifying detection range of acoustic telemetry tags in deep water: First step for use in species restorations |
Fishery Research Program |
2016 |
Improving thiaminase measurements in Great Lakes forage fish |
Fishery Research Program |
2016 |
A hyperbaric holding & transport vessel for collection of deepwater fishes for research and broodstock development |
Fishery Research Program |
2016 |
Investigation of sound production by spawning lake trout |
Fishery Research Program |
2016 |
Behavioral and chemical investigations of lake trout pheromones |
Fishery Research Program |
2016 |
Can acoustic telemetry track post-stocking behaviour of bloater in Lake Ontario? |
Fishery Research Program |
2016 |
Can early feeding in lake trout fry ameliorate thiamine deficiency? |
Fishery Research Program |
2016 |
Population genomics of Lake Superior lake trout in high definition |
Fishery Research Program |
2016 |
Biological and social impacts of invasive species in the Great Lakes: Development of scenarios through expert judgement and assessment of recreational angling impacts |
Fishery Research Program |
2016 |
Patterns and processes of cisco differentiation in relation to food web structuring using ecological tracers |
Fishery Research Program |
2016 |
The vertical connection: restructuring of Lake Ontario’s offshore |
Fishery Research Program |
2016 |
Installation and operation of a resistance board weird in Duffins Creek, Lake Ontario to support Atlantic salmon restoration |
Fishery Research Program |
2016 |
Sensitive periods of olfactory imprinting in Lake Sturgeon |
Fishery Research Program |
2016 |
Detection of light by sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2016 |
Determine the Contribution of Transformers from Lentic Areas to Sea Lamprey |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2016 |
An evaluation of statistical methods for estimating abundances of adult sea lamprey from stratified mark recapture data. |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2016 |
Demonstration of the photodegradation of lampricides to form benign products during in situ dosing |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2016 |
Fine-scale movements of sea lamprey near traps in the St Marys River. |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2016 |
Altering migratory routes of sea lamprey through push-pull application of semiochemicals. |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2016 |
Sea lamprey pheromones modulate locomotor rhythmicity. |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2016 |
The anatomy and physiology of an extra-nasal chemosensory system in the sea lamprey |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2016 |
Evaluation of emergence times of larval sea lampreys (petromyzon marinus) exposed to bayluscide 3.2% granular sea lamprey larvicide under varying water temperatures |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2016 |
Have water quality changes in the Huron-Erie Corridor contributed to increases in Lake Erie sea lamprey populations? |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2016 |
Control sea lamprey in the Cheboygan River with sterile males: stage 1 - Assessment prior to sterile male release. |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2016 |
Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 2015 |
Sea Lamprey Control Program |
2016 |
2016 LEC YPTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
2016 |
LEC YPTG Annual Report (2016) |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
2016 |
2016 LEC WTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group |
2016 |
LEC WTG Annual Report (2016) |
Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group |
2016 |
2016 LEC HTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group |
2016 |
LEC HTG Annual Report (2016) |
Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group |
2016 |
2016 LEC FTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
2016 |
LEC FTG Annual Report (2016) |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
2016 |
2016 LEC CWTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group |
2016 |
LEC CWTG Annual Report (2016) |
Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group |
2016 |
FHC Annual Report (2016) |
Fish Health Committee |
2016 |
FHC Meeting Minutes (Summer 2016) |
Fish Health Committee |
2016 |
FHC Meeting Minutes (Winter 2016) |
Fish Health Committee |
2015 |
Lamprey Nativeness Claims Annulled by Commission's Eshenroder |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2015 |
A Population at the Edge: American Eel Declining at the Extremes |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2015 |
Management implications of Lake Ontario Atlantic salmon restoration science |
Science Transfer Program |
2015 |
Great Lakes ECOPATH Modeling Workshops |
Science Transfer Program |
2015 |
Celebrating 60 Years of Successful Sea Lamprey Control, Science, and Cross-Border Collaboration! |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2015 |
Compiled Reports To The Great Lakes Fishery Commission Of The Annual Bottom Trawl And Accoustics Surveys, 2014 |
United States Geological Survey |
2015 |
Lake Trout Working Group Report 2014 |
Lake Michigan Lake Trout Working Group |
2015 |
Resolution Calling For Multi-Jurisdictional Consideration and Regulation of Net Pen Aquaculture in the Great Lakes |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2015 |
Resolution Urging the Continued Funding of the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative and Complementary Action in Canada |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2015 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission Hosts Workshop to Explore Lampricide Resistance and the Development of Next Generation Lampricides |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2015 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission Lauds New Legislation Aimed At Preventing Migration of Asian Carp and Other Invasive Species |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2015 |
Cameron Davis Honored for Great Lakes Partnerships |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2015 |
MSU's Dr. Mohamed Faisal Receives 2015 Award for Scientific Contributions to Healthy Ecosystems |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2015 |
Rod McDonald, formerly of DFO, receives the 2015 Vern Applegate Award |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2015 |
Climate change threatens one of Lake Erie's most popular fish |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2015 |
GLFC Presents Dr. Chris Goddard with the C.D. Buzz Besadny Award |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2015 |
The Great Lakes Acoustic Telemetry System partners with the Ocean Tracking Network |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2015 |
Lake Erie Committee Releases Updated Lake Erie Walleye Management Plan |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2015 |
Sea lamprey's reach thirty-year low in Lake Huron, reach twenty-year low in Lake Michigan, and trend downward in other lakes |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2015 |
Lake Michigan Stocking Report 2014 |
Lake Michigan Committee |
2015 |
Summary of the Predator/Prey Ratio Analysis for Chinook Salmon and Alewife in Lake Michigan, 2017 |
Lake Michigan Committee |
2015 |
Reproductive behavior of wild and hatchery lake trout in the Drummond Island Refuge, Lake Huron: Modeling and physical observations component |
Fishery Research Program |
2015 |
Quantifying new top-down influences on the rapidly changing food web in the main basin of Lake Huron |
Fishery Research Program |
2015 |
Predicting secondary spread of aquatic invasive species through ballast water and recreational boating |
Fishery Research Program |
2015 |
Joint analysis of genetic and age data to estimate trends in strain-specific recruitment of emerging wild lake trout populations in Lake Huron |
Fishery Research Program |
2015 |
Human Dimensions theme revision |
Fishery Research Program |
2015 |
Understanding changing patterns of size-specific marking of lake trout by sea lamprey. |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2015 |
Determining if eye lenses can be used to understand the origin and life history of adult |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2015 |
Feasibility of acoustic telemetry to describe the spatial distribution of adult sea lampreys in the Huron-Erie corridor. |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2015 |
Assessment of population genomics as a tool for discriminating among populations of Great Lakes sea lamprey |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2015 |
Seawater preparedness in freshwater and anadromous populations of sea lamprey. |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2015 |
Relative effects of lampricide exposure versus sea lamprey predation on lake sturgeon population viability in the Laurentian Great Lakes. |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2015 |
The Aqueous Photolysis of Niclosamide |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2015 |
Laboratory and field exploration of natural and synthesized repellents for sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2015 |
Mating pheromones in lamprey species native to the Great Lakes |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2015 |
Use of graduated pulsed-DC to guide adult sea lamprey into traps |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2015 |
Using a fishwheel to capture sea lampreys. |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2015 |
Tests of low-voltage DC fish-guidance systems to direct downstream migrating transformed sea lamprey into traps |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2015 |
Investigation of carbon dioxide as a potential deterrent to lamprey movement. |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2015 |
A field investigation of the potential to control sea lamprey through pheromone-mediated redistribution of migrants in the Great Lakes |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2015 |
Development of a putrefaction derived repellent for sea lamprey. |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2015 |
Development of a PCR based method for fertility assessment of male sea lamprey. |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2015 |
The modulation of olfaction-activated movements in the sea lamprey |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2015 |
Estimating Lake Erie Juvenile Abundance and Assessing Survival of Migrating Juveniles in the St. Clair - Detroit River System |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2015 |
Evaluation of post-SMRT embryo viability in the St. Marys River |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2015 |
Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 2014 |
Sea Lamprey Control Program |
2015 |
2015 LEC YPTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
2015 |
LEC YPTG Annual Report (2015) |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
2015 |
2015 LEC WTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group |
2015 |
LEC WTG Annual Report (2015) |
Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group |
2015 |
2015 LEC HTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group |
2015 |
LEC HTG Annual Report (2015) |
Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group |
2015 |
2015 LEC FTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
2015 |
LEC FTG Annual Report (2015) |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
2015 |
2015 LEC CWTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group |
2015 |
LEC CWTG Annual Report (2015) |
Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group |
2015 |
Lake Erie Walleye Management Plan |
Lake Erie Committee |
2015 |
FHC Annual Report (2015) |
Fish Health Committee |
2015 |
FHC Meeting Minutes (Winter 2015) |
Fish Health Committee |
2015 |
FHC Meeting Minutes (Summer 2015) |
Fish Health Committee |
2014 |
Great Lakes Scientists Use Acoustic Telemetry to Reveal the Secret Lives of Fish |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2014 |
Great Lakes Law Enforcement |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2014 |
A Joint Strategic Plan for Management of Great Lakes Fisheries |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2014 |
Taking Lampreys on the Road! |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2014 |
Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2014 |
Sea Lamprey |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2014 |
Lake Michigan Committee Salmon Stocking Strategy, July 2014 |
Lake Michigan Committee |
2014 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission Research |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2014 |
Hammond Bay Biological Station: The Nexus for Research and Restoration on the Great Lakes |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2014 |
The Great Lakes Fishery |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2014 |
Compiled Reports To The Great Lakes Fishery Commission Of The Annual Bottom Trawl And Accoustics Surveys, 2013 |
United States Geological Survey |
2014 |
Lake Trout Working Group Report 2013 |
Lake Michigan Lake Trout Working Group |
2014 |
Resolution to Ban Personal Care Products Containing Microbeads |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2014 |
Resolution Urging the Replacement of the Straits of Mackinac Pipeline |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2014 |
Big Consequences of Small Invaders |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2014 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2014 |
The State of Lake Ontario in 2008 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2014 |
Model Program for Fish Health Management in the Great Lakes |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2014 |
Lake Michigan Committee Announces Lakewide Yellow Perch Summit |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2014 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission Commends Rep. Candice Miller For New Legislation Aimed At Stopping Asian Carp And Other Harmful Species |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2014 |
Fisheries and Oceans Minister Gail Shea Proposes Critical Invasive Species Regulations |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2014 |
Lake Erie Committee Recommends 2014 Yellow Perch and Walleye Catch Levels |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2014 |
Status of Yellow Perch in Lake Michigan 2012-2014 |
Lake Michigan Committee |
2014 |
Lake Michigan Stocking Report 2013 |
Lake Michigan Committee |
2014 |
2014 Lake Michigan Lake Trout Working Group Report |
Lake Michigan Committee |
2014 |
2014 Yellow Perch Summit Report |
Lake Michigan Committee |
2014 |
A Management Strategy For The Restoration Of Lake Trout In Lake Ontario, 2014 Update |
Lake Ontario Committee |
2014 |
Feasibility of using oviduct tagging with acoustic transmitters to determine spawning time and habitat of lake trout in the Drummond Island Refuge |
Fishery Research Program |
2014 |
Effectiveness of a lake trout refuge at Gull Island Shoal, Lake Superior. |
Fishery Research Program |
2014 |
Pathogens and invasive species in the Great Lakes: Understanding manager and stakeholder responses |
Fishery Research Program |
2014 |
Relative attraction of spawning lake trout to reef structure, conspecifics, and reef odor |
Fishery Research Program |
2014 |
Impact of stressors on transmission potential of Renibacterium salmoninarum in Chinook salmon |
Fishery Research Program |
2014 |
Sympatric speciation and patterns of morphological and genetic diversity among ciscoes in deepwater lakes |
Fishery Research Program |
2014 |
Stock characteristics of lake whitefish in Lake Michigan |
Fishery Research Program |
2014 |
A coupled physical-biological model to forecast larval yellow perch distributions, groth rates, and potential recruitment in Lake Erie |
Fishery Research Program |
2014 |
Feasibility of holding wild-caught Lake Whitefish and Sea Lamprey for parasite-host interaction studies |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2014 |
Detection and identification of lampreys in streams using environmental DNA |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2014 |
Determining pathways of migratory adult sea lampreys in large rivers using three-dimensional acoustic telemetry |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2014 |
Determine the origin of sea lampreys in the upper Cheboygan River |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2014 |
Application of natural male mating pheromone at management-scales to increase sea lamprey capture and compare effectiveness to synthesized 3kPZS |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2014 |
Sea lamprey mark type, wounding rate, and parasite-host preference and abundance relationships for lake trout and other species in Lake Ontario |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2014 |
Establishing Physiological Indices for More Effective Use of TFM to Control Sea Lamprey Populations in the Great Lakes |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2014 |
Development of 3kPZS Antagonists for Sea Lamprey Control. |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2014 |
Structure and function of Sea Lamprey pheromone components. |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2014 |
Field comparison of eel-ladder-style and traditional sea lamprey traps |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2014 |
Evaluating Adult Sea Lamprey Behavior at Traps Using Video |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2014 |
Survival of Stonecats (Noturus flavus) during a stream treatment with the lampricide TFM (3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol) |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2014 |
Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 2013 |
Sea Lamprey Control Program |
2014 |
2014 LEC YPTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
2014 |
LEC YPTG Annual Report (2014) |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
2014 |
2014 LEC WTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group |
2014 |
LEC WTG Annual Report (2014) |
Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group |
2014 |
2014 LEC HTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group |
2014 |
LEC HTG Annual Report (2014) |
Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group |
2014 |
2014 LEC FTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
2014 |
LEC FTG Annual Report (2014) |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
2014 |
2014 LEC CWTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group |
2014 |
LEC CWTG Annual Report (2014) |
Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group |
2014 |
2014 walleye and yellow perch TAC recommendations |
Lake Erie Committee |
2014 |
FHC Annual Report (2014) |
Fish Health Committee |
2014 |
FHC Meeting Minutes (Summer 2014) |
Fish Health Committee |
2014 |
FHC Meeting Minutes (Winter 2014) |
Fish Health Committee |
2013 |
It's Getting Hot in Here! |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2013 |
Lake Ontario Technical Committee Terms of Reference, Oct 2013 |
Lake Ontario Committee |
2013 |
New Sea Lamprey Estimates Suggest a Dramatically Decreased Population |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2013 |
Conducting Research through Cooperative Partnerships: The PERM Agreement |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2013 |
2013 Walleye and Yellow Perch Catch Levels Recommended for Lake Erie |
Lake Erie Committee |
2013 |
Status and Trends of Prey Fish Populations in Lake Michigan, 2012 |
United States Geological Survey |
2013 |
Lake Trout Working Group Report 2012 |
Lake Michigan Lake Trout Working Group |
2013 |
Resolution in Support of the Great Lakes Mass Marking Initiative |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2013 |
Resolution to Adopt the Council of Great Lakes Fishery Agencies' 'Decision Support for Barrier/Dam Modification and Removal: Great Lakes Basin Protocal for Information Sharing, Review and Input' |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2013 |
Living on the Edge: A Closer Look at Coastal Communities |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2013 |
The State of Lake Huron in 2010 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2013 |
Bob Lambe becomes new executive secretary. Chris Goddard retires - a message from commission chair Mike Hansen. |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2013 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission Honors Dr. Brad Young of The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for Outstanding Contributions to Sea Lamprey Control |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2013 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission Honors Mark Ebener of The Chippewa Ottawa Resource Authority For His Scientific Contributions To The Great Lakes |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2013 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission Honors John Robertson of Michigan for Promoting Sound Resource Management Through Strong Partnerships |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2013 |
Fish Community Objectives for Lake Ontario, 2013 |
Lake Ontario Committee |
2013 |
Declining abundance and recruitment of the American Eel (Anguilla rostrata) at the extremities of the range |
Fishery Research Program |
2013 |
Evaluation of changes in lake whitefish feeding habits |
Fishery Research Program |
2013 |
Winter warming effects on yellow perch reproduction and recruitment |
Fishery Research Program |
2013 |
Morphological, physiological and genetic differentiation of lake trout morphotypes from Lake Superior |
Fishery Research Program |
2013 |
A community-level approach to assessing fish movements and habitat restoration in Toronto Harbour |
Fishery Research Program |
2013 |
Assessing the impacts of the invader Hemimysis anomala in multiple food webs of the Great Lakes basin using stable isotopes and fatty acids |
Fishery Research Program |
2013 |
Quality or quantity – A temporal analysis using tracers to relate diet to health of Lake Trout in the Great Lakes |
Fishery Research Program |
2013 |
Tracking transformation of low-density populations of larval sea lampreys in streams tributary to lakes Huron and Michigan following treatment with Lampricides |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2013 |
Determining routes of adult sea lamprey escapement to the upper Cheboygan River and impacts on adult abundance estimates with acoustic telemetry |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2013 |
Using sea lamprey genome information to identify new research priorities and control strategies |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2013 |
Estimating the sublethal effects of lamprey parasitism on lipid allocation, reproduction and population dynamics of lake trout |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2013 |
Effects of lampricides on target and non-target species: from protein expression to ecological consequences |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2013 |
Development of a controlled-release polymer for deployment of the sea lamprey pheromone 3-keto-petromyonol sulfate |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2013 |
Evaluation of low-voltage DC fish-guidance systems to manipulate movement patterns of downstream migrating juvenile sea lamprey |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2013 |
In situ assessment of lampricide toxicity to age-0 Lake Sturgeon |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2013 |
Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 2012 |
Sea Lamprey Control Program |
2013 |
Resolution to Ensure the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund Is Used For Its Intended Purposes |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2013 |
2013 LEC YPTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
2013 |
LEC YPTG Annual Report (2013) |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
2013 |
2013 LEC WTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group |
2013 |
LEC WTG Annual Report (2013) |
Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group |
2013 |
2013 LEC HTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group |
2013 |
LEC HTG Annual Report (2013) |
Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group |
2013 |
2013 LEC FTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
2013 |
LEC FTG Annual Report (2013) |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
2013 |
2013 LEC CWTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group |
2013 |
LEC CWTG Annual Report (2013) |
Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group |
2013 |
Population Dynamics of the St. Marys River Fish Community 1975-2013 |
St. Marys River Fishery Task Group |
2013 |
FHC Annual Report (2013) |
Fish Health Committee |
2013 |
FHC Meeting Minutes (Winter 2013) |
Fish Health Committee |
2013 |
FHC Meeting Minutes (Summer 2013) |
Fish Health Committee |
2012 |
Asian Carp: The War Isn't Over |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2012 |
Lake-Level, Five-Year Plans for Achieving Sea Lamprey Control Targets in each Great Lake |
Sea Lamprey Control Program |
2012 |
Managing the Lake Huron Fishery |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2012 |
American Eels in Peril |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2012 |
Status and Trends of Prey Fish Populations in Lake Michigan, 2011 |
United States Geological Survey |
2012 |
Understanding Sea Lamprey: Mapping the Genome and Identifying Pheromones |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2012 |
The State of Lake Michigan in 2011 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2012 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2012 |
Lake Erie Committee Recommends Walleye and Yellow Perch Catch Levels for 2012. |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2012 |
International Joint Commission And Brookfield Renewable Power Join Forces With Greate Lakes Fishery Commission To Battle Destructive Sea Lamprey. |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2012 |
Great Lakes Acoustic Telemetry Observation System (GLATOS) Website Release and Webinar. |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2012 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2012 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission Honors Dr. Scudder Mackey for Forming Key Partnerships to Conduct Innovative Research |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2012 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission Honors Dr. Jim Bence of Michigan State University for Distinguished Scientific Contributions |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2012 |
Risk Assesment Highlights Need For Urgent Action To Prevent Establishment Of Asian Carps |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2012 |
Proposed Salmon Stocking Reductions Announced for Lake Michigan |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2012 |
Asian Carp Regional Coordinating Committee Announces Availability of New Asian Carp Video Footage |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2012 |
Lake Michigan Stocking Report 2011 |
Lake Michigan Committee |
2012 |
Evaluating the negative effect of benthic egg predators on bloater recruitment in northern Lake Michigan |
Fishery Research Program |
2012 |
Standardized surgical procedure for the implantation of electronic tags in key Great Lakes fishes – Version 1.0. |
Fishery Research Program |
2012 |
Location and characterization of a spawning site of siscowet lake trout |
Fishery Research Program |
2012 |
Toxicokinetic and food web models to quantify the effects of Hemimysis anomala on Great Lakes food webs |
Fishery Research Program |
2012 |
A decision analysis for multispecies harvest management of Lake Huron commercial fisheries |
Fishery Research Program |
2012 |
Evolution of trophic linkages in an invaded food web |
Fishery Research Program |
2012 |
Did Mysis have a role in the decline of Diporeia? |
Fishery Research Program |
2012 |
Forecasting ecosystem effects of Hemimysis anomala in Lake Ontario |
Fishery Research Program |
2012 |
High-resolution bathymetry surveying of the nearshore zone off Drummond Island, Lake Huron |
Fishery Research Program |
2012 |
Evaluating Genetic Relationships between the Lake Ontario Deepwater Sculpin Population and Upper Great Lakes Populations |
Fishery Research Program |
2012 |
Determination of micro-elemental stability of sea lamprey statoliths |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2012 |
Improving sea lamprey control through the use of historical data to inform selection of sites for lampricide treatment |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2012 |
The use of repellents for sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) control |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2012 |
Field tests of the NEPTUN low-voltage DC fish-guidance system to block adult lamprey migration and to guide lamprey into portable traps |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2012 |
Using an eel ladder-trap to trap sea lampreys: proof of concept |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2012 |
A decision analysis assessing the trade-off between sea lamprey control and rehabilitation of native fishes at de facto sea lamprey barriers |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2012 |
Test of a non-physical bio-acoustic fence to guide migratory sea lamprey |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2012 |
Gene silencing technologies to control sea lampreys - A proof-of-concept |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2012 |
Evaluating Integrated Pest Management in the St. Marys River. |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2012 |
Review of Credit and Duffins River dams to determine sea lamprey escapement. |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2012 |
Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 2011 |
Sea Lamprey Control Program |
2012 |
2012 LEC YPTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
2012 |
LEC YPTG Annual Report (2012) |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
2012 |
2012 LEC WTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group |
2012 |
LEC WTG Annual Report (2012) |
Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group |
2012 |
2012 LEC HTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group |
2012 |
LEC HTG Annual Report (2012) |
Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group |
2012 |
2012 LEC FTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
2012 |
LEC FTG Annual Report (2012) |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
2012 |
2012 LEC CWTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group |
2012 |
LEC CWTG Annual Report (2012) |
Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group |
2012 |
Position Statement on Asian Carp |
Lake Erie Committee |
2012 |
FHC Annual Report (2012) |
Fish Health Committee |
2012 |
FHC Meeting Minutes (Winter 2012) |
Fish Health Committee |
2012 |
FHC Meeting Minutes (Summer 2012) |
Fish Health Committee |
2011 |
Web based watershed atlas for fishes of the Great Lakes |
Science Transfer Program |
2011 |
Strategic Vision of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission 2011-2020 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2011 |
Acute Toxicity of Two Lampricides, 3-Trifluoromethyl-4-Nitrophenol (TFM) and a TFM:1% Niclosamide Mixture, to Sea Lamprey, Three Species of Unionids, Haliplid Water Beetles, and American Eel |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2011 |
Status and Trends of Prey Fish Populations in Lake Michigan, 2010 |
United States Geological Survey |
2011 |
Lake Trout Working Group Report 2010 |
Lake Michigan Lake Trout Working Group |
2011 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission urges immediate passage of bill to stop Asian Carp and other invasive species |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2011 |
Binational panel recommends Lake Erie yellow perch and walleye catch limits for 2011 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2011 |
Brookfield renewable power and cloverland electric cooperative join forces with Commission to battle destructive sea lamprey |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2011 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission Honors Robert MacGregor of Ontario for Work to Protect and Restore American Eel |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2011 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission Honors University of Wisconsin's Dr. James Kitchell for Distinguished Scientific Contributions |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2011 |
A Field Guide to the Taxonomy of Ciscoes in Great Slave Lake, Northwest Territories, Canada |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2011 |
Parasites of Fish from the Great Lakes: A Synopsis and Review of the Literature, 1871-2010 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2011 |
Status of Yellow Perch in Lake Michigan 2010-2011 |
Lake Michigan Committee |
2011 |
Lake Michigan Stocking Report 2010 |
Lake Michigan Committee |
2011 |
A Fisheries Management Implementation Strategy for the Rehabilitation of Lake Trout in Lake Michigan(2011) |
Lake Michigan Committee |
2011 |
Mixed-stock analysis of Lake Michigan's lake whitefish commercial fishery and historical integrity of resolved genetic stocks |
Fishery Research Program |
2011 |
Genetic structure of the American eel with emphasis on the St. Lawrence River basin |
Fishery Research Program |
2011 |
Are thiamine levels in lake whitefish eggs in the upper Great Lakes lower in fish that consume Dreissenid mussels? |
Fishery Research Program |
2011 |
Bioaccumulation of microcystin in the Bay of Quinte food-web |
Fishery Research Program |
2011 |
River discharge as a predictor of Lake Erie yellow perch recruitment |
Fishery Research Program |
2011 |
Predicting the effect of viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus IVb on walleye recruitment |
Fishery Research Program |
2011 |
Effect of activity on bioenergetics model performance in the laboratory |
Fishery Research Program |
2011 |
Understanding life history and ecology to support the management and conservation of migratory brook trout in Lake Superior |
Fishery Research Program |
2011 |
Chinook salmon stock composition in Lake Huron: using otolith microchemistry as a natural marker of stream origin. |
Fishery Research Program |
2011 |
Morphological diversity of lake trout: differentiation between deep and shallow forms |
Fishery Research Program |
2011 |
Bio-physical forcing of walleye recruitment in western Lake Erie |
Fishery Research Program |
2011 |
Migratory behavior and swim performance of sea lamprey and non-target fish species at sea lamprey barriers and in laboratory flumes. |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2011 |
Acute toxicity of the lampricide 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM) to several size ranges of larval sea lampreys (Petromyzon marinus). |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2011 |
Developing a lamprey contraceptive |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2011 |
Management-scale tests of a synthesized pheromone 3kPZS, to influence stream selection of adult sea lampreys. |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2011 |
Evaluation of the NEPTUN, low-voltage dc, fish-guidance system to manipulate movement patterns of migrating adult sea lampreys to traps. |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2011 |
Movement pathways and behavior of sea lamprey around traps in the St. Marys River |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2011 |
Effectiveness of sterile-female release in reducing sea lamprey reproduction in the Trout River. |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2011 |
Evaluation of within stream lampricide distribution as a measure of treatment effectivess in controlling larval sea lampreys using enhanced treatment regimes in Great Lakes tributaries |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2011 |
Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 2010 |
Sea Lamprey Control Program |
2011 |
Resolution Concerning Preventing the Importation and Interstate Transport of Invasive Species |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2011 |
2011 LEC YPTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
2011 |
LEC YPTG Annual Report (2011) |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
2011 |
2011 LEC WTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group |
2011 |
LEC WTG Annual Report (2011) |
Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group |
2011 |
2011 LEC HTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group |
2011 |
LEC HTG Annual Report (2011) |
Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group |
2011 |
2011 LEC FTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
2011 |
LEC FTG Annual Report (2011) |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
2011 |
2011 LEC CWTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group |
2011 |
LEC CWTG Annual Report (2011) |
Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group |
2011 |
FHC Annual Report (2011) |
Fish Health Committee |
2011 |
FHC Meeting Minutes (Winter 2011) |
Fish Health Committee |
2011 |
FHC Meeting Minutes (Summer 2011) |
Fish Health Committee |
2010 |
Identification of Michigan Fishes Using Cleithra |
Science Transfer Program |
2010 |
Coordination workshops concerning early mortality of lake trout in the Great Lakes |
Science Transfer Program |
2010 |
Status and Trends of Prey Fish Populations in Lake Michigan, 2009 |
United States Geological Survey |
2010 |
Status of Walleye in the Great Lakes: Proceedings of the 2006 Symposium |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2010 |
FishMap on-line: a web application supporting science-based decisions concerning fish movement and passage |
Science Transfer Program |
2010 |
The State of Lake Superior in 2005 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2010 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission recognizes Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters for Atlantic salmon restoration efforts |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2010 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission honors Andy Buchsbaum for Great Lakes restoration advocacy |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2010 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission honors captain Denny Grinold for execptional contributions to partnerships |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2010 |
Asian carp legislation introduced |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2010 |
It's better to eat at a crowded table |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2010 |
Sea lamprey time their spawning migration to narrow temperature range |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2010 |
Key research needs identified for restoration of Great Lakes deepwater fishes |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2010 |
Synthesized sex pheromones lure lampreys into traps |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2010 |
Portrayal of cormorants changes from victim to perpetrator |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2010 |
Zebra mussels reconfigure 'social' interactions to their benefit |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2010 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission lauds Canada's plan to assess risk of Asian carps |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2010 |
The call of the child - Sea lamprey spawning behavior follows larval odor |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2010 |
Great Lakes sea lamprey control to be featured on Discovery Channel?s Dirty Jobs! |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2010 |
Strategic Plan for Lake Champlain Fisheries |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2010 |
Identification of Michigan Fishes Using Cleithra |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2010 |
Genetic Guidelines for the Stocking of Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) in the Great Lakes Basin |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2010 |
Lake Michigan Stocking Report 2009 |
Lake Michigan Committee |
2010 |
Food web dynamics and Thiamine Deficiency Complex: Identifying trophic pathway |
Fishery Research Program |
2010 |
The reproductive cycle of Lake Superior siscowet lake trout |
Fishery Research Program |
2010 |
Ecosystem health of large lakes: Identifying utility and metrics |
Fishery Research Program |
2010 |
Great Lakes Aquatic Protected Areas |
Fishery Research Program |
2010 |
An evaluation of the importance of Mysis relicta to the Lake Superior fish community |
Fishery Research Program |
2010 |
Experimental and spatial modeling of environmental factors affecting foraging success of age-0 yellow perch |
Fishery Research Program |
2010 |
Cisco Recruitment Dynamics in Lake Superior during 1978–2007 |
Fishery Research Program |
2010 |
Effects of exotic species on the potential for Lake Ontario to support a re-introduced bloater population |
Fishery Research Program |
2010 |
Modes of lampricide toxicity on larval lampreys and non-target fishes |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2010 |
Real options analysis of the risks and benefits of sterile male sea lamprey transfers from Lake Ontario |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2010 |
Sex Pheromone Communication in the Sea Lamprey |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2010 |
Improving the effectiveness of portable sea lamprey traps |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2010 |
Performance of fast-start and burst swimming behavior of sea lamprey and non-target fishes in shallow water |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2010 |
Identifying the most effective mixtures for use of the sea lamprey migratory pheromone in trapping and redistribution management scenarios |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2010 |
A full-scale field test of the efficacy of the male mating pheromone compound 3-keto-petromyzonal-sulfate in trapping-for-control scenarios |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2010 |
An in vitro strategy for understanding the neural mechanisms underlying pheromone-activated movements in the sea lamprey |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2010 |
Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 2009 |
Sea Lamprey Control Program |
2010 |
Resolution Concerning Protect Fish Habitat and Guide Wind Turbine Siting in the Great Lakes |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2010 |
Resolution Concerning Ecological Separation of the Mississippi and Great Lakes basins |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2010 |
2010 LEC YPTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
2010 |
LEC YPTG Annual Report (2010) |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
2010 |
2010 LEC WTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group |
2010 |
LEC WTG Annual Report (2010) |
Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group |
2010 |
2010 LEC HTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group |
2010 |
LEC HTG Annual Report (2010) |
Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group |
2010 |
2010 LEC FTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
2010 |
LEC FTG Annual Report (2010) |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
2010 |
2010 LEC CWTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group |
2010 |
LEC CWTG Annual Report (2010) |
Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group |
2010 |
FHC Annual Report (2010) |
Fish Health Committee |
2010 |
FHC Meeting Minutes (Summer 2010) |
Fish Health Committee |
2009 |
Development of Fishing Power Corrections for 12-m Yankee and 21-m Wing Bottom Trawls Used in Lake Huron |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2009 |
Status and Trends of Prey Fish Populations in Lake Michigan, 2008 |
United States Geological Survey |
2009 |
2009 LEC HTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group |
2009 |
2009 LEC FTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
2009 |
2009 LEC CWTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group |
2009 |
Standard Operating Procedures for Fisheries Acoustic Surveys in the Great Lakes |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2009 |
President?s Fiscal 2010 Budget Promises Major Advances in Great Lakes Restoration |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2009 |
Just-signed 'Energy and Water' Bill to Bring Significant Habitat Improvements to the Great Lakes |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2009 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission and Great Lakes Fishery Trust Reaffirm 2008 'Separation Study' for Chicago canal |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2009 |
Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (2009) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2009 |
Status of Yellow Perch in Lake Michigan 2009 |
Lake Michigan Committee |
2009 |
Lake Michigan Stocking Report 2008 |
Lake Michigan Committee |
2009 |
A model based evaluation of how stocking Oncorhynchus influences the fish communities of Lakes Huron and Ontario |
Fishery Research Program |
2009 |
Pelagic and benthic food web shifts affect availability of polyunsaturated fatty acids to lake trout, implications for early life stages survival |
Fishery Research Program |
2009 |
Improving decision-making in contentious Great Lakes fishery management |
Fishery Research Program |
2009 |
Development of improved diagnostic methods for the herpesvirus associated with epizootic epitheliotropic disease (EED) in lake trout Salvelinus namaycush |
Fishery Research Program |
2009 |
Morphological and Life History Variation with Depth in an Introduced Lake Trout Population |
Fishery Research Program |
2009 |
A comparison of genetic diversity at the major histocompatibility complex in hatchery-produced and wild lake sturgeon |
Fishery Research Program |
2009 |
Development of a stable isotope marking technique for early life stages of lake sturgeon |
Fishery Research Program |
2009 |
Proximate body composition and measures of lake trout lipid content |
Fishery Research Program |
2009 |
Estimating the Relationship between Sea Lamprey-Induced Mortality on Lake Trout and Observed Marking Rates |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2009 |
Hydrodynamic model study: lampricide plumes in Lake Champlain near the Lamoille River |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2009 |
Improving the Accuracy and Precision of Predictions of TFM-Niclosamide Concentrations for Treatment of Sea Lamprey Spawning Tributaries |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2009 |
Passage options for walleye and lake sturgeon at the dam site on the Black Sturgeon River, Lake Superior, Canada |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2009 |
Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 2008 |
Sea Lamprey Control Program |
2009 |
2009 LEC YPTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
2009 |
LEC YPTG Annual Report (2009) |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
2009 |
LEC WTG Annual Report (2009) |
Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group |
2009 |
LEC HTG Annual Report (2009) |
Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group |
2009 |
LEC FTG Annual Report (2009) |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
2009 |
LEC CWTG Annual Report (2009) |
Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group |
2009 |
Position Statement on Offshore Wind Power |
Lake Erie Committee |
2009 |
The State of Lake Erie in 2004 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2009 |
FHC Annual Report (2009) |
Fish Health Committee |
2009 |
A synthesis of sport fishing activity in the St. Marys River May through October 1999 - 2001 and 2005 - 2009 |
St. Marys River Fishery Task Group |
2008 |
Workshop on Great Lakes Acoustic Standard Operating Procedures |
Science Transfer Program |
2008 |
Status of Cisco (Coregonus artedi) in Lake Superior during 1970-2006 and Management and Research Considerations |
Lake Superior Committee |
2008 |
Strategic Vision of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission for the First Decade of the New Millennium (Revised) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2008 |
Status and Trends of Prey Fish Populations in Lake Michigan, 2007 |
United States Geological Survey |
2008 |
Status of the fisheries in Michigan waters of Lake Erie and Lake St. clair (2007) |
Lake Erie Committee |
2008 |
2008 LEC YPTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
2008 |
LEC YPTG Annual Report (2008) |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
2008 |
2008 LEC WTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group |
2008 |
LEC WTG Annual Report (2008) |
Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group |
2008 |
2008 LEC HTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group |
2008 |
LEC HTG Annual Report (2008) |
Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group |
2008 |
2008 LEC FTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
2008 |
LEC FTG Annual Report (2008) |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
2008 |
2008 LEC CWTG Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group |
2008 |
LEC CWTG Annual Report (2008) |
Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group |
2008 |
The State of Lake Huron in 2004 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2008 |
The State of Lake Michigan in 2005 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2008 |
Preserved fish and stable isotopes help reconstruct historical Great Lakes food webs |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2008 |
New methods developed to estimate sea lamprey damage |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2008 |
Research says early and consistent stakeholder involvement yield more sustainable fishery management decisions |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2008 |
Scientists use odour cues to lure invasive round gobies into traps |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2008 |
New research explains relationship between commercial price, amount of harvest, and alarming decline in American eel |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2008 |
Catch limits recommended for Lake Erie walleye and yellow perch for 2008 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2008 |
Ground-breaking fish marking technology to make Ontario debut |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2008 |
Ontario's new lake sturgeon initiative designed to rehabilitate a native species, stop illegal trafficking |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2008 |
Alliance for the Great Lakes releases study about Chicago waterway system |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2008 |
A Strategic Plan for the Rehabilitation of Lake Trout in Lake Erie, 2008-2020 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2008 |
A Guide for the Rehabilitation of Lake Trout in Lake Michigan |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2008 |
Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (2008) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2008 |
Minutes of the Lake Superior Technical Committee 2008 |
Lake Superior Technical Committee |
2008 |
Status of Yellow Perch in Lake Michigan 2008 |
Lake Michigan Committee |
2008 |
Lake Michigan Stocking Report 2007 |
Lake Michigan Committee |
2008 |
Preliminary Feasibility of Ecological Separation of the Mississippi River and the Great Lakes to Prevent the Transfer of Aquatic Invasive Species |
Fishery Research Program |
2008 |
Thiamine status and diet of sub-adult salmonines |
Fishery Research Program |
2008 |
Thiamine Deficiency Complex Workshop Report |
Fishery Research Program |
2008 |
Collecting Angler Behavior Data from Great Lakes Creel Surveys |
Fishery Research Program |
2008 |
Effect of Exotic Cercopagids on Fish: Food Web Disruption through Density- and Behaviorally-Mediated Effects |
Fishery Research Program |
2008 |
State-of-the-Art Approaches for Assessment of Great Lakes Nearshore and Large River Fish Habitat |
Fishery Research Program |
2008 |
Assessment of the Population Genetic Structure of Lake Sturgeon |
Fishery Research Program |
2008 |
Assessment of otolith chemistry as an indicator of fish movement or transfer between the Illinois River system and Lake Michigan |
Fishery Research Program |
2008 |
Quantitative tools to predict sea lamprey production based on habitat: prioritizing dam removal and control decisions |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2008 |
Sea lamprey population dynamics: updating demographic models and application to a novel control strategy |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2008 |
Effect of groundwater inflow on distribution of lampricide and on survival of sea lamprey larvae during a stream treatment |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2008 |
Inter-stream movements of sea lamprey and selected non-target fishes in response to sea lamprey barriers |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2008 |
Phase I development of an improved sea lamprey barrier |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2008 |
A decision analysis to reduce uncertainty in the implementation and operation of sea lamprey barriers. |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2008 |
Defining targets for sea lamprey control in the Great Lakes: Economic injury levels and fish community goal-based targets |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2008 |
Avoidance behavior of juvenile lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) exposed to Bayluscide 3.2% granular sea lamprey larvicide. |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2008 |
Study of issues related to stream pH and lampricide treatments |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2008 |
Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 2007 |
Sea Lamprey Control Program |
2008 |
Resolution Concerning Allegheny National Fish Hatchery |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2008 |
Resolution Concerning Dredging Small Harbors |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2008 |
Resolution Concerning Cormorant Management |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2007 |
A Joint Strategic Plan for Management of Great Lakes Fisheries |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2007 |
Minutes of the Lake Superior Technical Committee 2007 |
Lake Superior Technical Committee |
2007 |
Strategy and Options for Promoting the Rehabilitation of Cisco in Lake Huron |
Lake Huron Committee |
2007 |
Lake Michigan Environmental Objectives |
Lake Michigan Committee |
2007 |
Status and Trends of Prey Fish Populations in Lake Michigan, 2006 |
United States Geological Survey |
2007 |
Lambda Review Progress Report |
Lake Erie Committee Standing Technical Committee |
2007 |
Blue Ribbon Panel Implementation Report |
Lake Erie Committee Standing Technical Committee |
2007 |
Lake Huron Environmental Objectives |
Lake Huron Committee |
2007 |
Environmental Objectives: Overview |
Lake Huron Committee |
2007 |
LEC YPTG Annual Report (2007) |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
2007 |
LEC WTG Annual Report (2007) |
Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group |
2007 |
LEC HTG Annual Report (2007) |
Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group |
2007 |
LEC FTG Annual Report (2007) |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
2007 |
LEC CWTG Annual Report (2007) |
Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group |
2007 |
The State of Lake Ontario in 2003 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2007 |
The State of Lake Superior in 2000 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2007 |
Commission hails introduction of Essential Barrier Legislation |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2007 |
Great Lakes sturgeon found vulnerable to sea lamprey predation |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2007 |
Importation and interstate transportation of silver carp banned |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2007 |
Importation and interstate transportation of black variety of Asian carp banned |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2007 |
Electrical 'Asian Carp' barrier on Chicago canal passes final legislative hurdle |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2007 |
Application of a Dichotomous Key to the Classification of Sea Lamprey Petromyzon marinus Marks on Lake Sturgeon Acipenser fulvescens |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2007 |
Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (2007) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2007 |
Status of Yellow Perch in Lake Michigan 2007 |
Lake Michigan Committee |
2007 |
Lake Michigan Stocking Report 2006 |
Lake Michigan Committee |
2007 |
Evaluation of integrated long-term catch data from routine surveys for fish population assessment in Lake Huron, 1973-2004 |
Fishery Research Program |
2007 |
The effects of food quantity/quality on growth rates and nutritive condition of the opossum shrimp Mysis relicta and the amphipod Diporeia |
Fishery Research Program |
2007 |
Research into the relationship between abundance, harvest, and value by region for American eel |
Fishery Research Program |
2007 |
Test of Pheromone Traps to Capture the Invasive Round Goby |
Fishery Research Program |
2007 |
Integration of Acoustic Technologies: Sonar/Telemetry – A Preliminary Approach |
Fishery Research Program |
2007 |
The applicability of life history invariants in the Great Lakes |
Fishery Research Program |
2007 |
Virulence assessments of isolates of infectious pancreatic necrosis virus (IPNV) endemic and exotic to the Great Lakes basin |
Fishery Research Program |
2007 |
Improving Use of Human Dimensions Information in Great Lakes Fishery Management |
Fishery Research Program |
2007 |
Conservation genetics of deepwater sculpin in the Great Lakes |
Fishery Research Program |
2007 |
Co-ordination support for Great Lakes research directed toward the theme of ‘Exotic Invertebrates and Food Web Disruption |
Fishery Research Program |
2007 |
Exotic Invertebrates, Food-Web Disruption, and Lost Fish Production: Understanding Impacts of Dreissenid and Cladocera Invaders on Lower-Lakes Fish Communities and Forecasting Invasion Impacts on Upper-Lakes Fish Communities |
Fishery Research Program |
2007 |
Genetic Stock Structure of Lake Whitefish in Northern Lake Michigan and Green Bay |
Fishery Research Program |
2007 |
Development of an improved medium for primary isolation of Flavobacterium psychrophilum, cause of bacterial coldwater disease |
Fishery Research Program |
2007 |
Preserved fish as a restoration tool: use of stable isotopes to reconstruct historical Great Lakes food webs |
Fishery Research Program |
2007 |
Seasonal and diel bathythermal habitat use and habitat overlap of sea lampreys and lake trout as determined with implanted archival tags. |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2007 |
Using stable isotopes to assess potential sea lamprey damage to Lake Superior fishes |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2007 |
Estimating lakewide abundance of lean lake trout in Lake Superior |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2007 |
Healing, classification and hematological assessments of sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) wounds on lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush). |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2007 |
Host-size selection and lethality of sea lamprey on lake sturgeon |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2007 |
Do static and flow-through toxicity tests yield the same toxicity information? |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2007 |
Refinement of the TFM:niclosamide pH/Alkalinity predicition tables for determining minimum lethal concentrations of lampricides for applications to streams using ratios other than 1.0% niclosamide in combination with TFM |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2007 |
Mississquoi River and Bay Lampricide Plume Modeling |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2007 |
Research to Support Sterile-male-release and Genetic Alteration Techniques for Sea Lamprey Control |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2007 |
Sex steroid control of reproduction in the sea lamprey |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2007 |
A field test of the potential for sea lamprey pheromones to promote trapping success in natural streams |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2007 |
The neural mechanisms underlying pheromone activated movement in lampreys. |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2007 |
Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 2006 |
Sea Lamprey Control Program |
2007 |
Advisor Resolution Regarding Ballast |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2007 |
Whitefish Natural Mortality Coordination Workshops |
Science Transfer Program |
2006 |
Compilation and analysis of Lake Erie spatial fisheries data: a proposal to develop inter-agency geo-referenced database of fishery and tagging data to permit spatial analysis of walleye and yellow perch data |
Science Transfer Program |
2006 |
Review of assessment programs for Great Lake’s whitefish |
Science Transfer Program |
2006 |
Status and Trends of Prey Fish Populations in Lake Michigan, 2005 |
United States Geological Survey |
2006 |
A Mid-Decade Review of Progress under a "Strategic Vision of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission for the First Decade of the New Millennium" |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2006 |
A Mid-Decade Review of Progress under a "Strategic Vision of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission for the First Decade of the New Millennium" |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2006 |
2006 Executive Summary |
Lake Superior Committee |
2006 |
2006 Executive Summary |
Lake Michigan Committee |
2006 |
2006 Executive Summary |
Lake Ontario Committee |
2006 |
2006 LEC Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee |
2006 |
LEC WTG Annual Report (2006) |
Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group |
2006 |
LEC HTG Annual Report (2006) |
Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group |
2006 |
LEC FTG Annual Report (2006) |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
2006 |
LEC CWTG Annual Report (2006) |
Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group |
2006 |
LEC YPTG Annual Report (2006) |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
2006 |
President Bush Appoints David A. Ullrich Of Chicago, Illinois to Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2006 |
GLFC Praises Initiative to Restore Great Lakes |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2006 |
GLFC honors individuals for exceptional service to the Great Lakes |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2006 |
GLFC hails signing of Great Lakes fish and wildlife restoration act |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2006 |
Bernie hansen honored for dedicated service to GLFC |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2006 |
Application of a dichotomous key to the classification of sea lamprey marks on Great Lakes fish |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2006 |
Abreviated field sheet: Application of a dichotomous key to the classification of sea lamprey marks on Great Lakes fish |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2006 |
Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (2006) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2006 |
Status of Yellow Perch in Lake Michigan 2006 |
Lake Michigan Committee |
2006 |
Lake Michigan Stocking Report 2005 |
Lake Michigan Committee |
2006 |
EMS research and information coordination meetings: Early Mortality Syndrome Workshop Proceedings |
Fishery Research Program |
2006 |
Analyzing legal/policy rules and frameworks for fisheries management in the Great Lakes Basin: Identifying and assessing overlaps, conflicts and gaps |
Fishery Research Program |
2006 |
Comparative modeling of the ecosystem impacts of exotic invertebrates and productivity changes on fisheries in the Bay of Quinte and Oneida Lakes |
Fishery Research Program |
2006 |
Quantifying the impact of exotic invertebrate invaders on food web structure and function in the Great Lakes: A network analysis approach |
Fishery Research Program |
2006 |
Study group on fisheries acoustics in the Great Lakes |
Fishery Research Program |
2006 |
Identification of a genetically diverse and compatible source of bloater (Coregonus hoyi) for reintroduction in Lake Ontario |
Fishery Research Program |
2006 |
Disruption of alewife recruitment in Lake Michigan by Cercopagis pengoi and Bythotrephes longimanus |
Fishery Research Program |
2006 |
Round goby and dreissenid effects on young-of-the-year smallmouth bass |
Fishery Research Program |
2006 |
Recruitment variation in Great Lakes sea lamprey populations - measurement and management implications. |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2006 |
Electroreception in the sea lamprey. |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2006 |
Micro-elemental analysis of statoliths as a tool for tracking tributary origins of sea lamprey. |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2006 |
Evaluation of modification to improve fishway performance. |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2006 |
Distribution and factors affecting survival of sea lamprey eggs in and out of nests. |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2006 |
Development and assessment of a predictive model of metamorphosis for Great Lakes' sea lamprey populations. |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2006 |
Managing fish translocation risks using real options: Sea lamprey pathogen screening as a case study |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2006 |
Attachment behavior of sea lampreys in relation to substrate characteristics |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2006 |
Capturing sea lampreys in a fishwheel for sea lamprey management |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2006 |
Structure determination of the primary components of the sea lamprey migratory pheromone and elucidation of their biological importance |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2006 |
Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 2005 |
Sea Lamprey Control Program |
2006 |
Population Dynamics of the St. Marys River Fish Community 1975-2006 |
St. Marys River Fishery Task Group |
2005 |
Walleye Management Plan |
Lake Erie Committee |
2005 |
Policy on In-Year Changes to Total Allowable Catch (TAC) for Lake Erie Yellow Perch and Walleye |
Lake Erie Committee |
2005 |
Minutes of the Lake Superior Technical Committee 2005 |
Lake Superior Technical Committee |
2005 |
Decision Analysis Application for Lake Erie Walleye Management: Final Report to the Lake Erie Committee |
Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group |
2005 |
A Synthesis of Ecological and Fish-Community Changes in Lake Ontario, 1970-2000 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2005 |
Lake Erie Environmental Objectives |
Lake Erie Committee |
2005 |
Lake-wide mark and recapture investigation of Lake Michigan yellow perch: evaluation of interstate movements, spawning site fidelity, spawning population abundance, and sources of mortality |
Science Transfer Program |
2005 |
Coordinated Lake Erie Percid Management Strategy: Report of the Blue Ribbon Panel for Review of Procedures Used to Estimate Percid Harvest 2005 |
Lake Erie Committee Standing Technical Committee |
2005 |
Blue Ribbon Panel Harvest Assessment Review |
Lake Erie Committee Standing Technical Committee |
2005 |
Status and Trends of Prey Fish Populations in Lake Michigan, 2004 |
United States Geological Survey |
2005 |
Proceedings of a Workshop on the Dynamics of Lake Whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) and the Amphipod Diporeia spp. in the Great Lakes |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2005 |
2005 Executive Summary |
Lake Superior Committee |
2005 |
2005 Executive Summary |
Lake Michigan Committee |
2005 |
2005 Executive Summary |
Lake Huron Committee |
2005 |
2005 Executive Summary |
Lake Ontario Committee |
2005 |
2005 LEC Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee |
2005 |
LEC WTG Annual Report (2005) |
Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group |
2005 |
LEC HTG Annual Report (2005) |
Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group |
2005 |
LEC FTG Annual Report (2005) |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
2005 |
LEC CWTG Annual Report (2005) |
Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group |
2005 |
LEC YPTG Annual Report (2005) |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
2005 |
The State of Lake Michigan in 2000 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2005 |
The State of Lake Huron in 1999 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2005 |
Ijc and GLFC praise sport fishers for collecting funds for chicago-area invasive species barrier |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2005 |
Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (2005) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2005 |
Status of Yellow Perch in Lake Michigan 2005 |
Lake Michigan Committee |
2005 |
Lake Michigan Stocking Report 2004 |
Lake Michigan Committee |
2005 |
Mycobacteriosis: A potential threat to Great Lakes fisheries |
Fishery Research Program |
2005 |
Effect of thiamine deficiency on disease resistance in lake trout |
Fishery Research Program |
2005 |
Epizootic Epitheliotropic Disease (EED) of lake trout: Detection and identification of the causative virus (EEDV) |
Fishery Research Program |
2005 |
Population dynamics of burbot in the eastern basin of Lake Erie |
Fishery Research Program |
2005 |
Host-specificity, modes of transmission and pathogenicity of the parasite Heterosporis sp. (Microsporida: Pleistophoridae) in yellow perch (Perca flavescens) from the Bay of Quinte in Lake Ontario and inland lakes of Minnesota and Wisconsin |
Fishery Research Program |
2005 |
Genetic markers to distinguish and quantify the level of gene flow between northern brook and silver lampreys |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2005 |
Evaluation of alternative sampling stategies for stream fish assessment |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2005 |
The use of gynogensesis and androgenesis to determine genetic sex of sea lamprey |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2005 |
Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 2004 |
Sea Lamprey Control Program |
2005 |
Cormorant Resolution |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2005 |
Position Statement on Changing Water Level Effects on Lake Erie and the Lake St. Clair Ecosystems |
Lake Erie Committee |
2004 |
Compilation and analyses of Lake Superior salmonine diets: a multi-agency collaboration |
Science Transfer Program |
2004 |
Status and Trends of Prey Fish Populations in Lake Michigan, 2003 |
United States Geological Survey |
2004 |
2004 Executive Summary |
Lake Superior Committee |
2004 |
2004 Executive Summary |
Lake Michigan Committee |
2004 |
2004 Executive Summary |
Lake Huron Committee |
2004 |
2004 Executive Summary |
Lake Ontario Committee |
2004 |
2004 LEC Executive Summary (Part 2) |
Lake Erie Committee |
2004 |
2004 LEC Executive Summary (Part 1) |
Lake Erie Committee |
2004 |
Expanding the use of fish models for Lake Huron |
Science Transfer Program |
2004 |
LEC WTG Annual Report (2004) |
Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group |
2004 |
LEC FTG Annual Report (2004) |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
2004 |
LEC CWTG Annual Report (2004) |
Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group |
2004 |
LEC YPTG Annual Report (2004) |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
2004 |
Commission Lauds Today's groundbreaking for 'Asian Carp' barrier |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2004 |
Catch Limits Set for Lake Erie Walleye and Yellow Perch in 2004 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2004 |
IJC and GLFC Urge Bi-national Action to Prevent Invasive Species |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2004 |
Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (2004) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2004 |
Minutes of the Lake Superior Technical Committee 2004 |
Lake Superior Technical Committee |
2004 |
Status of Yellow Perch in Lake Michigan 2004 |
Lake Michigan Committee |
2004 |
Lake Michigan Stocking Report 2003 |
Lake Michigan Committee |
2004 |
Lake Huron case study and cross lake comparisons of top predators |
Fishery Research Program |
2004 |
Status and assessment, research, and restoration needs for lake herring in the Great Lakes. |
Fishery Research Program |
2004 |
Fish Communities of the Laurentian Great Lakes: The SCOL Tradition Revisited for the 21st Century |
Fishery Research Program |
2004 |
Pivotal events in the history of Great Lakes fisheries: the effects of environmental, social, and technological changes |
Fishery Research Program |
2004 |
The challenge of inferring possible effects of climate change on Great Lakes fisheries: models that link habitat supply to population dynamics can help |
Fishery Research Program |
2004 |
Exploration of the existence of natural reproduction in Lake Erie lake trout using otolith microchemistry |
Fishery Research Program |
2004 |
Natural lake trout strain identification in Lake Huron |
Fishery Research Program |
2004 |
Studies on sea lamprey reproduction: Fertility assessment in males and females |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2004 |
Understanding variabilities in lamprey gametes quality in relation to availability of nutrients in host fish |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2004 |
Native Ichthyomyzon lampreys of the Great Lakes Basin: Development of genetic markers and a morphological key to ammocoetes |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2004 |
Movement and population size of sea lamprey in Lake Champlain and its tributaries |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2004 |
Field trials to evaluate the potential use of pheromones in sea lamprey control |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2004 |
Identifying and producing the sea lamprey migratory pheromone |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2004 |
Purification and characterization of anti-microbial bioactive peptides from the sea lamprey |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2004 |
Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 2003 |
Sea Lamprey Control Program |
2004 |
Resolution Concerning Lake Trout Coded Wire Tagging |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2004 |
Resolution Concerning Allegheny National Fish Hatchery and Development and Allocation of Mitigation Fishery Reimbursement Funds |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2004 |
Resolution Concerning Funding for Construction of a Second Electrical Barrier on the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal, for Upgrades and Continued Operation of the Existing Barrier, and for a Project to Investigate Permanent Hydrological Separation of the G |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2004 |
Resolution Concerning Stocking of Inland Transferred and/or Cultured Yellow Perch into Lake Michigan |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2004 |
Resolution Concerning Organisms in Trade |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2004 |
Resolution Concerning USGS Large Vessel Program |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2004 |
Resolution Concerning Problems with Burning Coal and Benefits of Wind Power |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2004 |
Resolution Concerning USCG Proposed Ballast Water Management Regulations |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2004 |
Resolution Concerning American Eels |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2003 |
A new signal processing system of inter-agency fisheries acoustic surveys in Lake Erie |
Science Transfer Program |
2003 |
Possible Impediments to Lake Trout Restoration In Lake Michigan. |
Lake Michigan Committee |
2003 |
Minutes of the Lake Superior Technical Committee 2003 |
Lake Superior Technical Committee |
2003 |
Effects of low level aquatic contaminants on lake trout reproduction: implication in lake trout rehabilitation |
Science Transfer Program |
2003 |
Draft Fish Community Goals and Objectives for Lake St. Clair, St. Clair River and Detroit River (St. Clair System) |
Lake Erie Committee |
2003 |
Status of Forage Fish Stocks in Lake Michigan, 2002 |
United States Geological Survey |
2003 |
2003 Executive Summary |
Lake Superior Committee |
2003 |
2003 Executive Summary |
Lake Michigan Committee |
2003 |
2003 Executive Summary (Attached Documents) |
Lake Michigan Committee |
2003 |
2003 Executive Summary |
Lake Huron Committee |
2003 |
2003 Executive Summary |
Lake Ontario Committee |
2003 |
2003 LEC Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee |
2003 |
Evaluating the ability of the Great Lakes Science Center of the U.S. Geological Survey to deliver the large-vessel program |
2003 |
Development of a lakewide electronic database for lower trophic level monitoring in Lake Erie |
Science Transfer Program |
2003 |
LEC WTG Annual Report (2003) |
Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group |
2003 |
LEC FTG Annual Report (2003) |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
2003 |
LEC CWTG Annual Report (2003) |
Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group |
2003 |
LEC YPTG Annual Report (2003) |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
2003 |
Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 2002 (Huron) |
Sea Lamprey Control Program |
2003 |
Fish-Community Goals and Objectives for Lake Erie |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2003 |
Fish-Community Objectives for Lake Superior |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2003 |
GLFC deeply encouraged by environmental restoration legislation |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2003 |
New study reveals existence of compartments in natural food webs |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2003 |
A brook trout rehabilitation plan for Lake Superior |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2003 |
A Lake Sturgeon Rehabilitation Plan for Lake Superior |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2003 |
A Rehabilitation Plan for Walleye Populations and Habitats in Lake Superior |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2003 |
Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (2003) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2003 |
Minutes of the Lake Superior Technical Committee 2003 |
Lake Superior Technical Committee |
2003 |
Status of Yellow Perch in Lake Michigan 2003 |
Lake Michigan Committee |
2003 |
Lake Michigan Stocking Report 2002 |
Lake Michigan Committee |
2003 |
2003 Lake Ontario Fish Community Objectives Update |
Lake Ontario Committee |
2003 |
Ecosystem-based assessment of fish habitat in coastal wetlands of the Great Lakes |
Fishery Research Program |
2003 |
Effects of egg and fry predators on lake trout recruitment in Lake Michigan |
Fishery Research Program |
2003 |
Assessing ecological fitness of fish populations of the world's large water bodies |
Fishery Research Program |
2003 |
Assessing Gains and Losses of Riverine Habitat in the Great Lakes |
Fishery Research Program |
2003 |
Elemental composition of statoliths of sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) (2003) |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2003 |
Integration of sea lamprey functional response model and lake trout stock assessment models |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2003 |
Effects of mortality sources on population viability of lake sturgeon: A stage-structured model approach |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2003 |
Regulation and Manipulation of Metamorphosis in Sea Lampreys: The Relevance of a Sea Lamprey Obesity Factor and Brook Lamprey Life History |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2003 |
Hydraulic, hydrological, and biological characteristics of effective sea lamprey barriers |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2003 |
A performance evaluation of fishways at sea lamprey barriers and controlled modifications to improve fishway performance |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2003 |
A First Step Towards Developing a Field Test to Determine Whether a Larval Pheromone Can Be Used in Seq Lamprey Control: Ascertaining its Effects on Adult Behavior in a Lake and Characterizing the Completer Pheromone |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2003 |
Molecular cloning of Petromyzonol (PZ) Sulfotransferase (SULT) of Petromyzon marinus (Sea Lamprey) and enzymatic synthesis of PZ Sulfate (PZS) |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2003 |
The analysis of pheromone identification by sea lamprey through functional imaging of olfactory glomeruli |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2003 |
Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 2002 (Erie) |
Sea Lamprey Control Program |
2003 |
Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 2002 (Michigan) |
Sea Lamprey Control Program |
2003 |
Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 2002 (Ontario) |
Sea Lamprey Control Program |
2003 |
Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 2002 (Superior) |
Sea Lamprey Control Program |
2002 |
Reassessment of the Lake Trout Population Collapse in Lake Michigan during the 1940s |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2002 |
Minutes of the Lake Superior Technical Committee 2002 |
Lake Superior Technical Committee |
2002 |
Position Statement on American Eel |
Lake Ontario Committee |
2002 |
2002 Executive Summary |
Lake Superior Committee |
2002 |
2002 Executive Summary |
Lake Huron Committee |
2002 |
2002 Executive Summary |
Lake Ontario Committee |
2002 |
2002 LEC Executive Summary (attached documents) |
Lake Erie Committee |
2002 |
2002 LEC Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee |
2002 |
Lake Michigan 2001 Status and Trends of Prey Fish Populations (ppt) |
United States Geological Survey |
2002 |
LEC WTG Annual Report (2002) |
Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group |
2002 |
LEC FTG Annual Report (2002) |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
2002 |
LEC CWTG Annual Report (2002) |
Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group |
2002 |
LEC YPTG Annual Report (2002) |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
2002 |
Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 2001 |
Sea Lamprey Control Program |
2002 |
Environmental Assessment Tool for Aquaculture in the Great Lakes Basin Version 1.2. |
2002 |
Duluth, Minnesota to Host Prominent Fisheries Assembly |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2002 |
Sea Lampreys Invade Chicago Boat Show |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2002 |
Canadian and U.S. Audits Call Attention to Serious Invasive Species Threat |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2002 |
Agencies Take Emergency Action To Defend Against Asian Carp Invasion |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2002 |
Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (2002) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2002 |
Minutes of the Lake Superior Technical Committee 2002 |
Lake Superior Technical Committee |
2002 |
Status of Yellow Perch in Lake Michigan 2002 |
Lake Michigan Committee |
2002 |
Lake Michigan Stocking Report 2001 |
Lake Michigan Committee |
2002 |
Lake Trout Trofic Ecology in Little Moose Lake, N.Y. |
Fishery Research Program |
2002 |
Network to coordinate research on fish habitat in the near-shore and tributary environments of the Great Lakes |
Fishery Research Program |
2002 |
Binational GIS Database of Coastal Wetlands for Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence: A Demonstration Project (appendices available upon request) |
Fishery Research Program |
2002 |
Buoyancy Strategies of the Bloater (Coregonus hoyi Gill) |
Fishery Research Program |
2002 |
Formulating a vision for fish health research in the Great Lakes |
Fishery Research Program |
2002 |
Effect of pressure on oxygen uptake in bloater |
Fishery Research Program |
2002 |
Genetic assignment of sea lamprey larval parentage as a means of assessing mechanisms underlying adult reproductive success and larval dispersal |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2002 |
Experimental Determination of the Function, Production and Release of a Sea Lamprey Male Pheromone |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2002 |
Experimental examination of factors affecting polygyny and polyandry of sea lampreys (Petromyzon marinus) as a means of optimizing sterile female release |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2002 |
Improving the Design and Operation of Fishways, Traps, and Barriers: An Annotated Bibliography |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2002 |
Resolution in Support of USGS Great Lakes Science Center: Fisheries Assessment |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2002 |
Resolution Related to the Army Corps Great Lakes Navigation Study |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2002 |
Resolution Concerning Additional Funding for Continued Operation and Evaluation for the Chicago River Sanitary Ship Canal Electric Trans-migration Barrier |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2002 |
Position Statement on LaMP Rehabilitation of Nearshore Habitat and Lower Tributaries |
Lake Erie Committee |
2002 |
Population Dynamics of the St. Marys River Fish Community 1975-2002 |
St. Marys River Fishery Task Group |
2001 |
Draft Fish Community Objectives for the St. Lawrence River |
Lake Ontario Committee |
2001 |
Strategic Vision of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission for the First Decade of the New Millennium (Original) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2001 |
Constraints on growth of Lake Superior lake trout, Salvelinus namaycush |
Science Transfer Program |
2001 |
Minutes of the Lake Superior Technical Committee 2001 |
Lake Superior Technical Committee |
2001 |
N. L. Michigan / Green Bay Whitefish Stocks |
Lake Michigan Technical Committee |
2001 |
Status of Forage Fish Stocks in Lake Michigan, 2000 |
United States Geological Survey |
2001 |
Walleye Rehabilitation Plan |
Lake Superior Committee |
2001 |
2001 Executive Summary |
Lake Superior Committee |
2001 |
2001 Executive Summary |
Lake Michigan Committee |
2001 |
2001 Executive Summary |
Lake Huron Committee |
2001 |
2001 Executive Summary |
Lake Ontario Committee |
2001 |
American eel paper |
Lake Ontario Committee |
2001 |
2001 LEC Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee |
2001 |
LEC WTG Annual Report (2001) |
Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group |
2001 |
LEC FTG Annual Report (2001) |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
2001 |
LEC CWTG Annual Report (2001) |
Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group |
2001 |
LEC YPTG Annual Report (2001) |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
2001 |
Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 2000 |
Sea Lamprey Control Program |
2001 |
GLFC Honors Vic Gillman |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2001 |
GLFC Honors Those Involved in Tribal Settlement for Work to Forge Historic Fisheries Agreement |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2001 |
GLFC Honors Ed Makauskas |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2001 |
GLFC-IJC news release on ballast management |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2001 |
Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (2001) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2001 |
Minutes of the Lake Superior Technical Committee 2001 |
Lake Superior Technical Committee |
2001 |
Status of Yellow Perch in Lake Michigan 2001 |
Lake Michigan Committee |
2001 |
Lake Michigan Stocking Report 2000 |
Lake Michigan Committee |
2001 |
Linking fish population dynamics to habitat conditions: insights from the application of a process-oriented approach to multiple species |
Fishery Research Program |
2001 |
Great Lakes acoustics workshop IV: Inter-calibration of scientific echosounders in the Great Lakes |
Fishery Research Program |
2001 |
Emerging Technologies Workshop |
Fishery Research Program |
2001 |
A description of the migratory behavior of steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in the Pere Marquette River, Michigan |
Fishery Research Program |
2001 |
Enhancing stock assessment modeling and management of Great Lakes fisheries |
Fishery Research Program |
2001 |
Testing and extension of a lamprey feeding model |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2001 |
Studies on the role of sperm-activating proteins and the mechanism of protease inhibitor(s) reaction for controlling fertilization in sea lamprey |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2001 |
Compensatory mechanisms in Great Lakes sea lamprey populations: An integrated program of research and assessment |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2001 |
Comparison of larval sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) population dynamics in lampricide treated and untreated tributaries of Lake Champlain |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2001 |
Compensatory Mechanisms in Great Lake Sea Lamprey Populations: An Integrated Program of Research and Assessment |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2001 |
Determining the sources and complete chemical composition of the lamprey larval pheromone, and assessing the merit of measuring one of its principal components in river waters - Phase II |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2001 |
Application of Decision Analysis to Great Lakes sea lamprey management |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2001 |
Resolution Concerning Annex 2001 to the Great Lakes Charter |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2001 |
Resolution Concerning Oil and Gas Exploration and Drilling |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2001 |
Resolution Concerning Double Crested Cormorants |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2001 |
Resolution Concerning Boundary Waters Fishing Regulations |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2001 |
Resolution Concerning Avian Botulism Research |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2001 |
Resolution Concerning Great Lakes Navigation Study |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2001 |
Resolution Concerning Minimum Size Limits On Lake Trout |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2001 |
Resolution Concerning Effective use of TFM to Control the Parasitic Sea Lamprey |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2001 |
The 2001 Assessment of Perch in Lake Erie; A Review |
Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group |
2000 |
St. Lawrence River Fish Community Objectives - Report |
Lake Ontario Committee |
2000 |
St. Lawrence River Fish Community Objectives - NY letter to stakeholders |
Lake Ontario Committee |
2000 |
St. Lawrence River Fish Community Objectives - ON letter to stakeholders |
Lake Ontario Committee |
2000 |
Minutes of the Lake Superior Technical Committee 2000 |
Lake Superior Technical Committee |
2000 |
DNA-based markers for assessment of genetic population structure in yellow perch |
Science Transfer Program |
2000 |
Status of Forage Fish Stocks in Lake Michigan, 1999 |
United States Geological Survey |
2000 |
2000 Executive Summary |
Lake Superior Committee |
2000 |
2000 Executive Summary |
Lake Michigan Committee |
2000 |
2000 Executive Summary |
Lake Ontario Committee |
2000 |
2000 LEC Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee |
2000 |
LEC WTG Annual Report (2000) |
Lake Erie Committee Walleye Task Group |
2000 |
LEC HTG Annual Report (2000) |
Lake Erie Committee Habitat Task Group |
2000 |
LEC YPTG Annual Report (2000) |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
2000 |
Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 1999 |
Sea Lamprey Control Program |
2000 |
Lake Erie Committee Cautious About Walleye For 2000 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2000 |
Senate Committee Acts to Protect Great Lakes Fishery |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2000 |
International Committee Taking Action to Protect Lake Erie Walleye |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2000 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission to Honor National Marine Manufacturers Association |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2000 |
Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (2000) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2000 |
Minutes of the Lake Superior Technical Committee 2000 |
Lake Superior Technical Committee |
2000 |
Status of Yellow Perch in Lake Michigan 2000 |
Lake Michigan Committee |
2000 |
2000 Executive Summary |
Lake Huron Committee |
2000 |
Checklists of the fish fauna of the Laurentian Great Lakes and their connecting channels (Canadian Manuscript Reports of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2550) |
Fishery Research Program |
2000 |
Potential use of GnRH analogs for sterilizing male sea lampreys |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2000 |
Collection of lamprey brains and pituitaries for purification of hormones |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2000 |
Contaminant burdens in Great Lakes sea lamprey: a 1998 spatial survey |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2000 |
Contaminant Burdens in Great Lakes Larval Sea Lamprey: A 1999 Spatial Survey |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2000 |
Large-scale production of petromyzonol sulfate from lamprey liver cell cultures and culture of sea lamprey pituitary cells |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2000 |
A putative male sea lamprey sex pheromone: its function, identity, and potential application in sea lamprey control |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2000 |
Sea lamprey barrier life cycle and operational protocols |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2000 |
Biological impact of low-head barrier dams |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2000 |
Determining the sources and complete chemical composition of the lamprey larval pheromone, and assessing the merit of measuring one of its principal components in river waters - Phase I |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2000 |
Determining the next steps in the research and development of the migratory pheromone for use in sea lamprey control |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2000 |
IMSL Systems Support |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
2000 |
Resolution Concerning State and Provincial Lawmaking to Require Mandatory Ballast Treatment Prior to Discharge into the Great Lakes |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
2000 |
Position Statement on Ballast Water Management |
Lake Erie Committee |
2000 |
Harvest of fishes in the St. Marys River, May, 1999 through March, 2000 |
St. Marys River Fishery Task Group |
2000 |
LEC FTG Annual Report (2000) |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
1999 |
Review, updates, and transfer of the SIMPLE model to the Lake Michigan Technical Committee |
Science Transfer Program |
1999 |
Status of Forage Fish Stocks in Lake Michigan, 1998 |
United States Geological Survey |
1999 |
Native Prey Fish Re-Introduction into Lake Ontario:Bloater(Coregonus hoyi) |
Lake Ontario Committee |
1999 |
1999 Executive Summary |
Lake Superior Committee |
1999 |
1999 Executive Summary |
Lake Michigan Committee |
1999 |
1999 Executive Summary |
Lake Ontario Committee |
1999 |
1999 LEC Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee |
1999 |
LEC YPTG Annual Report (1999) |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
1999 |
Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 1998 |
Sea Lamprey Control Program |
1999 |
Sensitivity of Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) to the Lampricide 3-Triflouromethyl-4-Nitrophenol (TFM) in Field and Laboratory Exposures |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1999 |
Research Priorities for Lake Trout Rehabilitation in the Great Lakes: A 15-Year Retrospective |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1999 |
Effects of the Lampricide 3-Triflouromethyl-4-Nitrophenol (TFM) on pH, Net Oxygen Production, and Respiration by Algae |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1999 |
Fish-Community Objectives for Lake Ontario |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1999 |
President?s FY 2000 Budget Includes Increased Funding? for Great Lakes Sea Lamprey Control |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1999 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission to Honor Michigan Boating Industries Association |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1999 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission Expands Canadian Committee of Advisors |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1999 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission Receives Prestigious William E. Ricker Resource Conservation Award |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1999 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission Hails U.S. Increase For Great Lakes Sea Lamprey Control |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1999 |
Public Meeting Provides Report and Recommendations on Great Lakes Aquaculture |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1999 |
International Effort Eliminates Nearly Half of the Sea lampreys in the St. Marys River |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1999 |
Congressman Knollenberg, Michigan Delegation Rally to Protect the Great Lakes Fishery |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1999 |
Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1999) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1999 |
Minutes of the Lake Superior Technical Committee 1999 |
Lake Superior Technical Committee |
1999 |
Status of Yellow Perch in Lake Michigan 1999 |
Lake Michigan Committee |
1999 |
1999 Executive Summary |
Lake Huron Committee |
1999 |
Double Crested Cormorants-are they a cause for concern? |
Lake Ontario Committee |
1999 |
Habitat Changes-Thousand Islands, Middle Corridor, and Lake St. Lawrence |
Lake Ontario Committee |
1999 |
Fish Communities and Fisheries of Lake St. Lawrence |
Lake Ontario Committee |
1999 |
Fish Communities and Fisheries of the Thousand Islands and Middle Corridor |
Lake Ontario Committee |
1999 |
Change in the energy density of the sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) during its parasitic phase: Implications for modeling food consumption and growth |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1999 |
Choosing TFM or a barrier with the net present cost method |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1999 |
Choosing TFM or a barrier with the net present cost method |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1999 |
An evaluation of the effect of sea lamprey low-head barriers on teleost communities using available (historical) data |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1999 |
A description of the migratory behavior of steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and longnose suckers (Catostomus catastomus) in the Pere Marquette River, Michigan |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1999 |
Position Statement on Structuring Native Fish Communities in the Twenty-First Century |
Lake Erie Committee |
1999 |
LEC FTG Annual Report (1999) |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
1998 |
A lake trout restoration guide for Lake Huron |
Lake Huron Committee |
1998 |
Review of recommendations made to the Great Lakes Fisheries Commission on sea lamprey control and research, 1975-1987 |
1998 |
Status of Forage Fish Stocks in Lake Michigan, 1997 |
United States Geological Survey |
1998 |
1998 Executive Summary |
Lake Superior Committee |
1998 |
1998 Executive Summary |
Lake Michigan Committee |
1998 |
1998 Executive Summary |
Lake Ontario Committee |
1998 |
1998 LEC Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee |
1998 |
LEC YPTG Annual Report (1998) |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
1998 |
Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 1997 |
Sea Lamprey Control Program |
1998 |
Report of the evaluation of the Great Lakes Fisheries Commission program of sea lamprey barrier dams with appendices. |
1998 |
Senator Abraham to Visit Great Lakes Fishery Commission and Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1998 |
Lake Erie Committee: Phosphorous Targets Achieved in Lake Erie |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1998 |
Thunder Bay, Ontario to host Lakes Michigan, Superior, and Huron Committee Meetings |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1998 |
Fisheries and Oceans Minister David Anderson Announces Increased Support for the Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1998 |
Niagara Falls, Ontario to host Lakes Erie and Ontario Committee Meetings |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1998 |
Sea Lampreys Finding 'Keep Out' Sign at Renovated Rogers City Dam |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1998 |
Sea Lampreys Finding 'Keep Out' Sign at Renovated Harden Furniture Inc. Dam |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1998 |
A Lake Trout Rehabilitation Guide for Lake Huron |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1998 |
Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1998) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1998 |
Status of Yellow Perch in Lake Michigan 1998 |
Lake Michigan Committee |
1998 |
Lakewide Assessment Plan for Lake Michigan Fish Communities |
Lake Michigan Committee |
1998 |
1998 Executive Summary |
Lake Huron Committee |
1998 |
Proceedings of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission Biodiversity Workshop for Citizens: Biodiversity Task presentations and discussion summaries |
Fishery Research Program |
1998 |
Summary report: Examining the role of biodiversity in managing Great Lakes fishery resources |
Fishery Research Program |
1998 |
Age discrimination and statolith diversity in sea lamprey from streams with varying alkalinity |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1998 |
Potential fecundity of landlocked sea lamprey larvae, Petromyzon marinus, with typical and atypical gonads |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1998 |
Ecology of recruitment in sea lamprey-summary |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1998 |
Feeding ecology and habitat use by larval lampreys in Great Lakes tributaries |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1998 |
Elemental composition of statoliths of sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) (1998) |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1998 |
Regulation of function in spermatozoa of the sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus). The first step to contraception. |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1998 |
Growth of larval sea lamprey from anadromous and landlocked populations |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1998 |
Unusual sex ratios in larval sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus, from Great Lakes tributaries |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1998 |
Gonadal variation in Great Lakes sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus, larvae |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1998 |
Hormonal control of metamorphosis in sea lampreys: Examination of the potential for alteration of life history type |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1998 |
A model for transport of lampricides in St. Marys River and Lampricide transport simulation model users manual |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1998 |
Duration of river residence of newly-hatched lake sturgeon: Implications for sea lamprey control |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1998 |
Lamprey cell cultures for in vitro production of pheromonally active bile acids |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1998 |
The interaction among male, female and sterile male sea lampreys during spawning in the Carp River, Lake Superior |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1998 |
Radio telemetry investigations of the upstream migratory behavior of sea lampreys, including sterilized males |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1998 |
Upstream migration of sea lampreys with radio transmitters in three tributaries to Lake Superior |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1998 |
Fishery assessment of the Big Creek, Lake Erie, inflatable barrier and fishway project |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1998 |
The influence of pheromones on the distributional biology of adult sea lamprey |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1998 |
Integrated management of sea lamprey decision support tools version 2.0 |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1998 |
Application of Decision Analysis to Great Lakes sea lamprey management: A preliminary analysis |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1998 |
The recreational fishing value of sea lamprey control |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1998 |
Position Statement on Lower Trophic Level Changes and Their Implications to Fish |
Lake Erie Committee |
1998 |
Position Statement on Phosphorus Management in Lake Erie |
Lake Erie Committee |
1998 |
LEC FTG Annual Report (1998) |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
1997 |
Status of Forage Fish Stocks in Lake Michigan, 1996 |
United States Geological Survey |
1997 |
1997 Executive Summary |
Lake Superior Committee |
1997 |
1997 Executive Summary |
Lake Michigan Committee |
1997 |
1997 Executive Summary |
Lake Ontario Committee |
1997 |
1997 LEC Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee |
1997 |
LEC YPTG Annual Report (1997) |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
1997 |
Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 1996 |
Sea Lamprey Control Program |
1997 |
Lake Huron Committee: Lake Huron Committee Sanctions Plan to Control St. Marys River Sea Lampreys (News Release) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1997 |
Agencies Review Joint Strategic Plan for Management of Great Lakes Fisheries |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1997 |
Lake Erie Committee: Lake Erie Yellow Perch Improving (News Release) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1997 |
Lake Superior Committee: Lake Superior Committee Stresses Need to Protect Fishery Rehabilitation Gains (News Release) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1997 |
Lake MichiganCommittee: Fishery Officials Concerned About Increased Sea Lamprey Wounding in Lake Michigan (News Release) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1997 |
Landmark Great Lakes Fisheries Plan to be Signed in Ottawa |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1997 |
Commission Applauds Governor Engler's Proposal for Enhanced Sea Lamprey Control (News Release) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1997 |
Letter to the Editor concerning Michigan's contribution to sea lamprey control |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1997 |
Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1997) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1997 |
Minutes of the Lake Superior Technical Committee 1997 |
Lake Superior Technical Committee |
1997 |
Status of Yellow Perch in Lake Michigan 1997 |
Lake Michigan Committee |
1997 |
1997 Executive Summary |
Lake Huron Committee |
1997 |
Integration of sea lamprey functional response model and lake trout stock assessment models for Lake Superior and Lake Huron |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1997 |
Identification of MFO and estrogenic compounds in TFM formulations |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1997 |
Movements of walleye and lake sturgeon in the Bad River, Wisconsin, with regard to potential sea lamprey barrier sites |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1997 |
Biological impacts of low-head barrier dams historical database |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1997 |
Fish passage and lamprey exclusion aspects at the Dow Dam, Chippewa River, Michigan |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1997 |
Standard departmental procedures for environmental screening of proposed lamprey barriers |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1997 |
Resolution Concerning Submerged logs |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1997 |
Resolution Concerning St. Marys River |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1997 |
Resolution Concerning Funding for sea lamprey control |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1997 |
Resolution Concerning RUFFE |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1997 |
Position Statement on Productivity and Rainbow Smelt |
Lake Erie Committee |
1996 |
Status of Forage Fish Stocks in Lake Michigan, 1995 |
National Biological Survey |
1996 |
1996 Executive Summary |
Lake Superior Committee |
1996 |
1996 Executive Summary |
Lake Michigan Committee |
1996 |
1996 Executive Summary |
Lake Ontario Committee |
1996 |
1996 LEC Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee |
1996 |
LEC YPTG Annual Report (1996) |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
1996 |
Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 1995 |
Sea Lamprey Control Program |
1996 |
Great Lakes Fishery Agencies, Dow Chemical Team up to Protect Great Lakes Fishery |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1996 |
U.S. Members Announce Slight Increase in 1996 Fish Quotas; Committee Notes Significant Changes in Lake Erie Fishery Productivity |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1996 |
Commission Celebrates Lake trout restoration, Unveils Website, Honors Leadership, and Considers Invasive Species Legislation During Annual Meeting |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1996 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission, Management Agencies to Conduct Essential Dye Study in Preparation for Future St. Marys River Sea Lamprey Control |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1996 |
Canada Restores Great Lakes Sea Lamprey Control Program Funding |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1996 |
Canada Pledges to Maintain Great Lakes Fishery Convention Act |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1996 |
U.S. House and Senate Agree on Funding for Great Lakes Sea Lamprey Control Program |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1996 |
Serious Yellow Perch Decline Continues in Lake Michigan |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1996 |
Lake Superior Lake Trout Restoration Proclaimed a Major Victory |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1996 |
St. Marys River Lamprey Control Key to the Health of the Lake Huron Fishery |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1996 |
A Lake Trout Restoration Plan for Lake Superior |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1996 |
Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1996) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1996 |
Minutes of the Lake Superior Technical Committee 1996 |
Lake Superior Technical Committee |
1996 |
Status of Yellow Perch in Lake Michigan 1996 |
Lake Michigan Committee |
1996 |
Conducting Diet Studies of Lake Michigan Piscivores. |
Lake Michigan Committee |
1996 |
1996 Executive Summary |
Lake Huron Committee |
1996 |
Estimation of sea lamprey predation on lake trout in U.S. and Canadian waters of Lake Huron |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1996 |
Effects of lamprey GnRH-I and III on reproductive processes and behavior of male sea lampreys |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1996 |
Short-term sterile male release evaluation |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1996 |
Feasibility of using strobe lights to direct sea lamprey movement |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1996 |
Methods used to Capture Lampreys, Geotria australis, in New Zealand |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1996 |
Identifying the seasonality of olfactory function of migratory adult sea lamprey and the distribution of water-borne lamprey bile acids in the Great lakes to determine whether bile acids function as the lamprey migratory pheromone |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1996 |
GnRH neuronal migratory mechanisms during lamprey brain development |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1996 |
The effect of velocity barrier construction in the McIntyre River on the fish and lamprey community |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1996 |
Sea lamprey olfactory activity: prolarvae and larvae |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1996 |
Olfactory mucosa neural responses in prolarval sea lampreys: a basis for pheromone communication during settlement to larval habitat |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1996 |
Compensatory mechanisms in larval sea lamprey populations |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1996 |
Integrated management of sea lamprey decision support tools version 1.11 |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1996 |
LEC FTG Annual Report (1996) |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
1995 |
Review of Progress under the Strategic Vision |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1995 |
Status of Forage Fish Stocks in Lake Michigan, 1994 |
National Biological Survey |
1995 |
1995 Executive Summary |
Lake Michigan Committee |
1995 |
LEC YPTG Annual Report (1995) |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
1995 |
Early Changes in the Fish Community of Lake Ontario |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1995 |
3-Trifluoromethyl-4-Nitrophenol (TFM) Toxicities to Sea Lampreys, Rainbow Trout, and Mayfly Nymphs in Continuous and Interrupted 9-h Exposures |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1995 |
Comparison of Mark Retention and Survival of Sea Lamprey Larvae Marked by Pigment Injection and Tail Clipping |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1995 |
Fish-Community Objectives for Lake Huron |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1995 |
The State of Lake Huron in 1992 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1995 |
Fish-Community Objectives for Lake Michigan |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1995 |
Fishery Management Officials Re-Examine Ruffe Control Strategy |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1995 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission Holds Annual Meeting in Toronto |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1995 |
Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1995) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1995 |
Status of Yellow Perch in Lake Michigan 1995 |
Lake Michigan Committee |
1995 |
A feasibility study to determine the immediate source of carbon filtered by Petromyzon marinus ammocoetes from the Root River, Sault Ste. Marie, through use of stable carbon isotope analysis |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1995 |
Studies towards a more efficient method of predicting metamorphosis |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1995 |
Hormonal sterilization of early lamprey larvae |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1995 |
Effect of larval sea lamprey density on growth |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1995 |
A model for transport of lampricides in St. Marys River |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1995 |
Short-term evaluation of sterile male release in selected lake superior tributaries and the St. Marys River |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1995 |
Lamprey cell lines for studies of cellular endocrinology and development of in vitro assays for biological lampricides |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1995 |
Induced sterility and sex inversion in lampreys |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1995 |
Assessment of alternative sea lamprey control research priorities |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1995 |
Integrated management of sea lamprey database review |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1995 |
LEC FTG Annual Report (1995) |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
1994 |
Status of Forage Fish Stocks in Lake Michigan, 1993 |
National Biological Survey |
1994 |
1994 Executive Summary |
Lake Superior Committee |
1994 |
1994 Executive Summary |
Lake Michigan Committee |
1994 |
1994 Executive Summary |
Lake Ontario Committee |
1994 |
1994 LEC Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee |
1994 |
LEC YPTG Annual Report (1994) |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
1994 |
An Introduction to Economic Valuation Principles for Fisheries Management |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1994 |
The State of Lake Superior in 1992 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1994 |
Walleye-Rehabilitation Guidelines for the Great Lakes Area |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1994 |
Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1994) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1994 |
Status of Yellow Perch in Lake Michigan 1994 |
Lake Michigan Committee |
1994 |
1994 Executive Summary |
Lake Huron Committee |
1994 |
Ecosystem Watch: Status of the Lake Ontario Ecosystem |
Lake Ontario Committee |
1994 |
Comparison of lake trout-egg survival at inshore and offshore and shallow-water and deepwater sites in Lake Superior |
Fishery Research Program |
1994 |
Implement the SIMPLE Model in a MS windows environment |
Fishery Research Program |
1994 |
Value systems and attitudes of fishery and environmental managers related to lake trout rehabilitation |
Fishery Research Program |
1994 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission ecosystem partnership coordination |
Fishery Research Program |
1994 |
Sustainability of intensively managed populations in lake ecosystems (SIMPLE) |
Fishery Research Program |
1994 |
Year-class recruitment processes of lake trout: role of fry predation by alewives |
Fishery Research Program |
1994 |
Hormonal and environmental cues of metamorphosis in Petromyzon marinus |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1994 |
Isolation of bioactive components of commercial TFM formations |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1994 |
Development of detailed digital bathymetric map of the St. Marys River for sea lamprey larval sampling and analysis with Survey Designer |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1994 |
Use of a surrogate lamprey for quality control of the auto-injector |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1994 |
Sea lamprey barriers: New concepts and research needs (workshop report) |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1994 |
Determining why the sea lamprey olfactory system is extremely sensitive to bile acids: Are bile acids pheromones? |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1994 |
Interaction of the olfactory and endocrine systems in sea lamprey development: toward an integrated bio-chemical control |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1994 |
Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 1994 |
Sea Lamprey Control Program |
1994 |
LEC FTG Annual Report (1994) |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
1993 |
Status of Alewives, Bloaters, Rainbow Smelt, Slimy Sculpins, Deepwater Sculpins, and Yellow Perch in Lake Michigan (1992) |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
1993 |
1993 Executive Summary |
Lake Superior Committee |
1993 |
1993 Executive Summary |
Lake Michigan Committee |
1993 |
1993 Executive Summary |
Lake Ontario Committee |
1993 |
1993 LEC Executive Summary |
Lake Erie Committee |
1993 |
LEC YPTG Annual Report (1993) |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
1993 |
Food of Salmonine Predators in Lake Superior, 1981-87 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1993 |
Great Lakes Fish Disease Control Policy and Model Program |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1993 |
Protocol to Minimize the Risk of Introducing Emergency Disease Agents with Importation of Salmonid Fishes from Enzootic Areas |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1993 |
Toward Integrating Remedial-Action and Fishery-Management Planning in Great Lakes Areas of Concern |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1993 |
A Survey of Fish-Community and Habitat Goals/Objectives/Targets and Status in Great Lakes Areas of Concern |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1993 |
What's Next? The Prediction and Management of Exotic Species in the Great Lakes |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1993 |
Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1993) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1993 |
1993 Executive Summary |
Lake Huron Committee |
1993 |
Issues and approaches in applied valuation |
Fishery Research Program |
1993 |
Identification of the nutritional resource supporting growth in larvae of two lamprey species in the Great Lakes basin |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1993 |
Metamorphosis: Biological control for sea lampreys (mini-workshop report) |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1993 |
Luring lampreys: Assessing the feasibility of using odorants to control sea lamprey in the Great Lakes (mini-workshop reports) |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1993 |
Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 1993 |
Sea Lamprey Control Program |
1993 |
LEC FTG Annual Report (1993) |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
1992 |
Status of Alewives, Bloaters, Rainbow Smelt, Slimy Sculpins, Deepwater Sculpins, and Yellow Perch in Lake Michigan (1991) |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
1992 |
Strategic Vision of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission for the Decade of the 1990s |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1992 |
LEC YPTG Annual Report (1992) |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
1992 |
Effect of the Lampricide 3- Trifluoromethyl-4-Nitrophenol on Dissolved Oxygen in Aquatic Systems |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1992 |
Effect of pH on the Toxicity of TFM to Sea Lamprey Larvae and Nontarget Species during a Stream Treatment |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1992 |
Toxicity of 2', 5-Dichloro-4'-Nitrosalicylanilide (Bayer 73) to Three Genera of Larval Lampreys |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1992 |
Surficial Substrates and Bathymetry of Five Historical Lake Trout Spawning Reefs in Near-Shore Waters of the Great Lakes |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1992 |
Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1992) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1992 |
An introduction to economic valuation principles for fisheries management |
Fishery Research Program |
1992 |
Applications and extensions of the economic aspects of fisheries management: An annotated bibliography |
Fishery Research Program |
1992 |
Lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) spawning habitat on Clay Banks Reef, Northwestern Lake Michigan |
Fishery Research Program |
1992 |
Dynamics of lake trout reproduction: distribution and density of eggs and fry on cobble substrate |
Fishery Research Program |
1992 |
Economic values and policy |
Fishery Research Program |
1992 |
The theory behind economic values |
Fishery Research Program |
1992 |
Vertebrate sex determination/differentiation workshop (mini-workshop report) |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1992 |
Current pest control techniques - potential applications for sea lamprey control (mini-workshop report) |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1992 |
Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 1992 |
Sea Lamprey Control Program |
1992 |
LEC FTG Annual Report (1992) |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
1991 |
Status of Forage Fish Stocks in Lake Michigan, 1990 |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
1991 |
LEC YPTG Annual Report (1991) |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
1991 |
Status of Walleye in the Great Lakes |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1991 |
Lake Michigan: An Ecosystem Approach for Remediation of Critical Pollutants and Management of Fish Communities |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1991 |
The State of the Lake Ontario Fish Community in 1989 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1991 |
Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1991) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1991 |
Diagnosis of the disease agent in epizootic epithelial disease |
Fishery Research Program |
1991 |
Exotic species in the Great Lakes: A history of biotic crises and anthropogenic introductions |
Fishery Research Program |
1991 |
Use of statoliths to validate the age-composition of sea lamprey populations estimated from length-frequency distributions |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1991 |
Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 1991 |
Sea Lamprey Control Program |
1991 |
LEC FTG Annual Report (1991) |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
1990 |
Status of bloater chubs, alewives, smelt, slimy sculpins, and deepwater sculpins in Lake Michigan, 1989 |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
1990 |
LEC YPTG Annual Report (1990) |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
1990 |
Effects of the Lampricide 3-Trifluoromethyl-4-Nitrophenol on Macroinvertebrate Populations in a Small Stream |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1990 |
Resistance to 3-Trifluoromethyl-4-Nitrophenol (TFM) in Sea Lamprey |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1990 |
Effects of Changes in Dissolved Oxygen on the Toxicity of 3-Trifluoromethyl-4-Nitrophenol (TFM) to Sea Lamprey and Rainbow Trout |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1990 |
Fish Community Objectives for Lake Superior |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1990 |
International Position Statement and Evaluation Guidelines for Artificial Reefs in the Great Lakes |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1990 |
Lake Superior: The State of the Lake in 1989 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1990 |
An Ecosystem Approach to the Integrity of the Great Lakes in Turbulent Times |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1990 |
Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1990) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1990 |
Lake trout spawning habitat in the six fathom bank - yankee reef lake trout sanctuary, Lake Huron |
Fishery Research Program |
1990 |
Superficial substrates and bathymetry of five historical lake trout spawning reefs in nearshore waters of the Great Lakes |
Fishery Research Program |
1990 |
Lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) mortality - a review |
Fishery Research Program |
1990 |
Comparison of substrate selected by spawning lake trout, and evaluation of techniques for egg collection |
Fishery Research Program |
1990 |
A guide to understand the economic impacts of fisheries management |
Fishery Research Program |
1990 |
Identification of lake trout stocks using nuclear ribosomal DNA |
Fishery Research Program |
1990 |
Development of lake trout cell lines for virology research |
Fishery Research Program |
1990 |
Estimating larval population densities of landlocked sea lamprey |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1990 |
Relationships of size and proportion of male sea lamprey with salmonid populations in the Great Lakes |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1990 |
A study of the feasibility of developing a Habitat Suitability Index for sea lamprey habitat in streams of the Great Lakes |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1990 |
Collection of lamprey tissues for purification of hormones |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1990 |
Occurrence, relative abundance and size of landlocked sea lamprey ammocoetes in relation to stream characteristics in the Great Lakes |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1990 |
The effect of environmental variables on the population dynamics of sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1990 |
Proposal for the experimental manipulations of of lake trout and sea lamprey populations in Stuart Lake, Ontario |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1990 |
Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 1990 |
Sea Lamprey Control Program |
1990 |
LEC FTG Annual Report (1990) |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
1989 |
Status of bloater chubs, alewives, smelt, slimy sculpins, and deepwater sculpins in Lake Michigan, 1988 |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
1989 |
LEC YPTG Annual Report (1989) |
Lake Erie Committee Yellow Perch Task Group |
1989 |
A Decision Support System for the Integrated Management of Sea Lamprey |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1989 |
Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1989) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1989 |
Studies of homing and reproductive biology of lake trout (part 3--rearing and stocking of early life stages) |
Fishery Research Program |
1989 |
Development of a mini-tissue technique for the rapid analysis of mitochondrial DNA in lake trout |
Fishery Research Program |
1989 |
Great Lakes policy exercise: Lake St. Clair feasibility study project completion report |
Fishery Research Program |
1989 |
Lake Ontario: A Great Lake in transition. Great Lakes Monograph No. 2 |
Fishery Research Program |
1989 |
Costs of fisheries rehabilitation in Green Bay and the Bay of Quinte |
Fishery Research Program |
1989 |
Identification of the sources and amount of lake trout egg and fry mortality on a reef in Lake Ontario |
Fishery Research Program |
1989 |
Quantified laboratory assessment of larval lamprey substrate selection |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1989 |
Evaluation of models for integrated management of sea lamprey |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1989 |
A decision support system for the integrated management of sea lamprey |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1989 |
Public opinion on sea lamprey in the Great Lakes |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1989 |
Status of the IFYGL biota of Lake Ontario during International Field Year for the Great Lakes, 1972-1973 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1989 |
Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 1989 |
Sea Lamprey Control Program |
1989 |
LEC FTG Annual Report (1989) |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
1988 |
Status of bloater chubs, alewives, smelt, slimy sculpins, and deepwater sculpins in Lake Michigan, 1987 |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
1988 |
Parasites of Fishes in the Canadian Waters of the Great Lakes |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1988 |
Guide for Determining Application Rates of Lampricides for Control of Sea Lamprey Ammocetes |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1988 |
Relation of pH to Toxicity of Lampricide TFM in the Laboratory |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1988 |
Sterilizing Effect of Cesium-137 Irradiation on Male Sea Lampreys Released in the Big Garlic River, Michigan |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1988 |
Economics of Great Lakes Fisheries: A 1985 Assessment |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1988 |
Committee of the Whole Workshop on Implementation of the Joint Strategic Plan for Management of Great Lakes Fisheries |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1988 |
Age Structured Stock Assessment of Lake Erie Walleye |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1988 |
A Proposal for a Bioassay Procedure to Assess Impact of Habitat Conditions on Lake Trout Reproduction in the Great Lakes |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1988 |
The International Great Lakes Sport Fishery of 1980 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1988 |
Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1988) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1988 |
Distribution and population status of the ruffe (Gymnocephalus cernau) in the St. Louis Estuary and Lake Superior |
Fishery Research Program |
1988 |
Culture and detection of the bacterial kidney disease agent |
Fishery Research Program |
1988 |
Analogs to Control Reproduction in the Sea Lampreys |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1988 |
Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 1988 |
Sea Lamprey Control Program |
1988 |
LEC FTG Annual Report (1988) |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
1987 |
Status of bloater chubs, alewives, smelt, slimy sculpins, and deepwater sculpins in Lake Michigan, 1986 |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
1987 |
A Comparison of Two Methods for the Simultaneous Determination of TFM and Bayer 73 Concentrations |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1987 |
Elimination of 14C-Bisazir Residues in Adult Sea Lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1987 |
Using the Lake Trout as an Indicator of Ecosystem Health-Application of the Dichotomous Key |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1987 |
Workshop to Evaluate Sea Lamprey Populations "WESLP" |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1987 |
Guidelines for Fish Habitat Management and Planning in the Great Lakes |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1987 |
Temperature Relationships of Great Lakes Fishes: A Data Compilation |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1987 |
Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1987) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1987 |
Mitochondrial DNA diversity among brood stocks of the lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) |
Fishery Research Program |
1987 |
Great Lakes lake trout research inventory |
Fishery Research Program |
1987 |
Genetic guidelines for fisheries management |
Fishery Research Program |
1987 |
Regulation of water quality in Lake Michigan: Report of the food web workshop |
Fishery Research Program |
1987 |
Application of genetic techniques to stock identification in lake trout |
Fishery Research Program |
1987 |
Economics of Great Lakes fisheries: A 1985 assessment (Technical Report 54) |
Fishery Research Program |
1987 |
Validation of sea lamprey age by statoliths in the sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1987 |
Elemental composition of statoliths of sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) (1987) |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1987 |
Application of models of lake trout/sea lamprey interaction to the implementation of integrated pest management of sea lamprey in Lake Ontario |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1987 |
The use of lamprey gonadotropin-releasing hormone and its analogs to control reproduction in the sea lampreys |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1987 |
Effects of TFM and Bayer 73 on gill ultrastructure of sea lamprey ammocoetes and rainbow trout fry |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1987 |
Development of an expert system for integrated management of sea lamprey: a feasibility study |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1987 |
Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 1987 |
Sea Lamprey Control Program |
1987 |
LEC FTG Annual Report (1987) |
Lake Erie Committee Forage Task Group |
1986 |
Status of bloater chubs, alewives, smelt, slimy sculpins, and deepwater sculpins in Lake Michigan, 1985 |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
1986 |
A Lake trout rehabilitation plan for Lake Superior |
Lake Superior Committee |
1986 |
Pathology of Sea Lamprey Inflicted Wounds on Rainbow Trout |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1986 |
The Lake Trout Rehabilitation Model: Program Documentation |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1986 |
Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1986) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1986 |
Scale, otolith, and growth characteristics of juvenile lake trout-- criteria for discriminating between indigenous and hatchery fish from the natural environment |
Fishery Research Program |
1986 |
Application of the results of Adaptive Environmental Assessment Management workshops sponsored by the Great Lakes Fishery Commission to the development and practice of multispecies fishery management |
Fishery Research Program |
1986 |
Stocks structure of lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) from the Great Lakes region as determined by chromosome and isozyme markers |
Fishery Research Program |
1986 |
Parasitic phase of the sea lamprey, (Petromyzon marinus), in Oneida Lake, New York |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1986 |
Use of hormones and their analogues to control reproduction in the sea lampreys |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1986 |
Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 1986 |
Sea Lamprey Control Program |
1985 |
Status of bloater chubs, alewives, smelt, slimy sculpins, and deepwater sculpins in Lake Michigan, 1984 |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
1985 |
Lake Erie Fish Community Workshop |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1985 |
Overfishing or Pollution? Case History of a Controversy on the Great Lakes |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1985 |
Response of Spawning-Phase Sea Lampreys (Petromyzon marinus) to a Lighted Trap |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1985 |
A Prospectus for the Management of the Long Point Ecosystem |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1985 |
Movement and Capture of Sea Lampreys (Petromyzon marinus) Marked in Northern Lake Huron, 1981-82 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1985 |
Review of Fish Species Introduced into the Great Lakes, 1819-1974 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1985 |
Population Dynamics and Interagency Management of the Bloater (Coregonus hoyi) in Lake Michigan, 1967-1982 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1985 |
Impact of Sea Lamprey Parasitism on the Blood Features and Hemopoietic Tissues of Rainbow Trout |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1985 |
Toxicity of the Lampricides 3- Trifluoromethyl-4-Nitrophenol (TFM) and 2', 5-Dichloro-4'-Nitrosalicylanilide (Bayer 73) to Eggs and Nymphs of the Mayfly (Hexagenia sp.) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1985 |
Solid Bars of 3-Trifluoromethyl-4- Nitrophenol: A Simplified Method of Applying Lampricide to Small Streams |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1985 |
Comparative Toxicity of the Lampricide 3-Trifluoromethyl-4-Nitrophenol to Ammocetes of Three Species of Lampreys |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1985 |
A Workshop Concerning the Application of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) to Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1985 |
Presented Papers from the Council of Lake Committees Plenary Session on Great Lakes Predator-Prey Issues, March 20, 1985 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1985 |
Great Lakes Fish Disease Control Policy and Model Program |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1985 |
Great Lakes Law Enforcement/Fisheries Management Workshop |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1985 |
Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1985) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1985 |
Otolith marking techniques for the early life history stages of lake trout |
Fishery Research Program |
1985 |
A simple protocol to estimate relative abundance of sea lamprey from trout assessment data in Lake Superior |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1985 |
Observability of lake trout mortality due to attacks by sea lamprey |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1985 |
Effects of the lampricide, 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM) on the macroinvertebrates within the hyporheic region of a softwater creek |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1985 |
Effects of the lampricide, 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM) on the macroinvertebrates of Wilmot Creek |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1985 |
TFM (3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol) vs. the Sea Lamprey: A Generation Later |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1985 |
Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 1985 |
Sea Lamprey Control Program |
1984 |
Status of bloater chubs, alewives, smelt, slimy sculpins, and deepwater sculpins in Lake Michigan, 1983 |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
1984 |
Analysis of the Response to the Use of "Adaptive Environmental Assessment Methodology" by the Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1984 |
Working Papers Developed at the August 1983 Conference on Lake Trout Research |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1984 |
Strategies for Rehabilitation of Lake Trout in the Great Lakes: Proceedings of a Conference on Lake Trout Research, August 1983 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1984 |
Recommendations for Standardizing the Reporting of Sea Lamprey Marking Data |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1984 |
Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1984) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1984 |
The international Great Lakes sport fishery of 1980 |
Fishery Research Program |
1984 |
Unrevealed economic values of ecosystem management |
Fishery Research Program |
1984 |
The use of calcareous otic elements (statoliths) to determine the age of sea lamprey ammocoetes (Petromyzon marinus) |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1984 |
Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 1984 |
Sea Lamprey Control Program |
1983 |
Status of bloater chubs, alewives, smelt, slimy sculpins, and deepwater sculpins in Lake Michigan, 1982 |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
1983 |
A Guide to Integrated Fish Health Management in the Great Lakes Basin |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1983 |
Quota Management of Lake Erie Fisheries |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1983 |
Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1983) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1983 |
A joint plan for the rehabilitation of lake trout in Lake Ontario (1983) |
Lake Ontario Committee |
1983 |
Isolation, gene flow, and genetic differentiation among populations |
Fishery Research Program |
1983 |
Managing the Great Lakes basin as a home |
Fishery Research Program |
1983 |
Biochemical genetic evidence for fish stocks in lake trout, bloater, and brook trout in the Great Lakes region (thesis) |
Fishery Research Program |
1983 |
Application of quota management to yellow perch harvest in Lake Erie |
Fishery Research Program |
1983 |
Application of chromosome banding techniques to stock identification in lake trout |
Fishery Research Program |
1983 |
Sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) in northeastern North America: population structures and genetic affinities |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1983 |
Endocrine control of lamprey reproduction |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1983 |
Genetic variation among sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) ammocoetes from Lake Michigan and Lake Huron |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1983 |
Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 1983 |
Sea Lamprey Control Program |
1982 |
Status of bloater chubs, alewives, smelt, and slimy sculpins in Lake Michigan, 1981 |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
1982 |
Green Bay in the Future-A Rehabilitative Prospectus |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1982 |
Identification of Larval Fishes of the Great Lakes Basin with Emphasis on the Lake Michigan Drainage |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1982 |
A Review of the Adaptive Management Workshop Addressing Salmonid/Lamprey Management in the Great Lakes |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1982 |
Recommendations for Freshwater Fisheries Research and Management from the Stock Concept Symposium (STOCS) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1982 |
Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1982) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1982 |
Allocation of fishery resources with special reference to Great Lakes |
Fishery Research Program |
1982 |
Comparison of four stocks of lake trout from the Upper Great Lakes with respect to early development |
Fishery Research Program |
1982 |
Lamprey wounding standardization |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1982 |
Application of decision analysis to sea lamprey control |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1981 |
Status of bloater chubs, alewives, smelt, and slimy sculpins in Lake Michigan (with observations on the performance of Green Lake strain lake trout planted on the Sheboygan Reef) (1980) |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
1981 |
Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1981) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1981 |
Application and testing of principles of stochastic dynamic programming in relation to quota deliberations for Lake Erie fish populations |
Fishery Research Program |
1980 |
Status of bloater chubs and alewives in Lake Michigan (1979) |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
1980 |
Fluctuations in Lake Michigan Forage Fish Biomass, 1972-79 |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
1980 |
Minimum Size Limits for Yellow Perch (Perca flavescens) in Western Lake Erie |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1980 |
Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1980) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1980 |
Genetic identification of sea lamprey populations from the Great Lakes |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1979 |
Modeling the Western Lake Erie Walleye Population: A Feasibility Study |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1979 |
Walleye Stocks in the Great Lakes, 1800-1975: Fluctuations and Possible Causes |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1979 |
Distribution and Ecology of Lampreys in the Lower Peninsula of Michigan, 1957-75 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1979 |
Efficacy of Antimycin for Control of Larval Sea Lampreys (Petromyzon marinus) in Lentic Habitats |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1979 |
Effects of Granular 2', 5-Dichloro-4'-Nitrosalicylanilide (Bayer 73) on Benthic Macroinvertebrates in a Lake Environment |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1979 |
Variations in Growth, Age of Transformation, and Sex Ratio of Sea Lampreys Reestablished in Chemically Treated Tributaries of the Upper Great Lakes |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1979 |
Rehabilitating Great Lakes Ecosystems |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1979 |
Annotated List of the Fishes of the Lake Ontario Watershed |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1979 |
Illustrated Field Guide for the Classification of Sea Lamprey Attack Marks on Great Lakes Lake Trout |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1979 |
Current estimates of Great Lakes fisheries values |
1979 |
Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1979) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1979 |
Evaluation of optimal strategies for harvesting walleye in western Lake Erie |
Fishery Research Program |
1979 |
Rearing of lake whitefish to fingerling size |
Fishery Research Program |
1979 |
Current estimates of Great Lakes fisheries values: 1979 status report |
Fishery Research Program |
1979 |
Detection of variability of isozyme loci in sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1979 |
Evaluation of barrier dams to adult sea lamprey migration |
Sea Lamprey Research Program |
1978 |
Status of Alewives and Yellow Perch in Lake Michigan (1977) |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
1978 |
Chemosterilization of the Sea Lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1978 |
Biology of Larval and Metamorphosing Sea Lampreys Petromyzon marinus, of the 1960 Year Class in the Big Garlic River, Michigan, Part II, 1966-72 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1978 |
Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1978) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1977 |
Status of Alewives and Yellow Perch in Lake Michigan (1976) |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
1977 |
Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1977) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1976 |
Status of Major Species in Lake Michigan (1975) |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
1976 |
Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1976) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1975 |
Status of Major Species in Lake Michigan (1974) |
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
1975 |
Changes in the Lake Trout Population of Southern Lake Superior in Relation to the Fishery, the Sea Lamprey, and Stocking, 1950-70 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1975 |
Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1975) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1974 |
Status of Major Species in Lake Michigan (1973) |
Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife |
1974 |
Control of the Sea Lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) in Lake Superior, 1953-70 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1974 |
Movement and Recapture of Parasitic-Phase Sea Lampreys (Petromyzon marinus) Tagged in the St. Marys River and Lakes Huron and Michigan, 1963-67 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1974 |
Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1974) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1973 |
Microbial Degradation of the Lamprey Larvicide 3-Trifluoromethyl-4-Nitrophenol in Sediment-Water Systems |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1973 |
Lake Superior: A Case History of the Lake and Its Fisheries |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1973 |
LAKE MICHIGAN Man's Effects on Native Fish Stocks and Other Biota |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1973 |
LAKE HURON The Ecology of the Fish Community and Man's Effects on It |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1973 |
Effects of Exploitation, Environmental Changes, and New Species on the Fish Habitats and Resources of Lake Erie |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1973 |
A Review of the Changes in the Fish Species Composition of Lake Ontario |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1973 |
Some Impacts of Man on Kootenay Lake and Its Salmonoids |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1973 |
LAKE OPEONGO The Ecology of the Fish Community and of Man's Effects on It |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1973 |
Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1973) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1972 |
New Parasite Records for Lake Erie Fish |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1972 |
Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1972) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1971 |
Biology of Larval Sea Lampreys (Petromyzon marinus) of the 1960 Year Class, Isolated in the Big Garlic River, Michigan, 1960-1965 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1971 |
Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1971) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1970 |
Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1970) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1969 |
Limnological Survey of Lake Ontario, 1964 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1969 |
The Ecology and Management of the Walleye in Western Lake Erie |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1969 |
Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1969) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1968 |
Population Characteristics and Physical Condition of Alewives, Alosa pseudoharengus, in a Massive Dieoff in Lake Michigan, 1967 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1968 |
Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1968) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1967 |
Physical Limnology of Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1967 |
Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1967) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1966 |
Substituted Nitrosalicylanilides: A New Class of Selectively Toxic Sea Lamprey Larvicides |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1966 |
The Relation between Molecular Structure and Biological Activity among Mononitrophenols Containing Halogens |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1966 |
Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1966) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1965 |
Experimental Control of Sea Lampreys with Electricity on the South Shore of Lake Superior, 1953-60 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1965 |
Detection and Measurement of Organic Lampricide Residues |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1965 |
Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1965) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1964 |
Synergism of 5, 2'-dichloro-4'-Nitro-Salicylanilide and 3-Trifluormethyl-4-Nitrophenol in a Selective Lamprey Larvicide |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1964 |
Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1964) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1963 |
Limnological Survey of Lake Erie, 1959 and 1960 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1963 |
The Use of Alkalinity and Conductivity Measurements to Estimate Concentrations of 3-Trifluormethyl-4-Nitrophenol Required for Treating Lamprey Streams |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1963 |
Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1963) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1962 |
Collection and Analysis of Commercial Fishery Statistics in the Great Lakes |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1962 |
Estimation of the Brook and Sea Lamprey Ammocete Populations of Three Streams |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1962 |
Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1962) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1962 |
A Photoelectric Amplifier as a Dye Detector |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1961 |
Fishery Statistical Districts of the Great Lakes |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1961 |
Use of 3-Trifluormethyl-4-Nitrophenol as a Selective Sea Lamprey Larvicide |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1961 |
Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1961) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1960 |
Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1960) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1959 |
Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1959) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1958 |
Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1958) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1957 |
Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1957) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1956 |
Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1956) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1954 |
Convention on Great Lakes Fisheries |
The United States of America and Canada |
1950 |
Natural history of the sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus, in Michigan |
1926 |
Fishing Industry of the Great Lakes |
U.S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries |
1969 |
Expense Report for Cooperators (short) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
1969 |
Expense Report for Cooperators (long) |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission |