Fish-Assemblage Evaluation in the Lower Sandusky River, Ohio, Following Dam Removal

Online ISSN: 2833-1273
Published: 2024


Kailee A. Schulz, Matthew R. Acre, Andy T. Mueller, James J. Wamboldt, Dustin Broaddus, Tyler M. Hessler, Tammy M. Wilson, Robert L. Mapes, Jon J. Amberg, Robin D. Calfee


Schulz, K. A., M. R. Acre, A. T. Mueller, J. J. Wamboldt, D. Broaddus, T. M. Hessler, T. M. Wilson, R. L. Mapes, J. J. Amberg, and R. D. Calfee. 2025. Fish-assemblage evaluation in the lower Sandusky River, Ohio, following dam removal. Great Lakes Fishery Commission, Laurentian 2025-01.


The Sandusky River, Ohio, USA, has experienced more than a century of alterations, including dam implementation and removal, causing a cascade of habitat changes. The physical changes in the river led to establishment of several invasive species. Ten hoop-net sampling sites, spaced about 500 m apart were established in the river to monitor fish assemblage and their habitat preferences. Four 10-d sampling events were completed from April through October 2021. Ordination analyses were used to assess fish-assemblage structure seasonably, species-habitat relationships, and life-history strategies of 31 species. Generalized linear mixed-effects models were used to assess temporal factors that may drive diversity and community assemblage. Models indicated increased species richness after removal of the dam. Presence and proportion of catch data were compared to Ohio Environmental Protection Agency 2009 pre-dam-removal data to further assess changes in fish assemblage. Several species, especially catostomids, have begun to use the habitat downstream of the former dam, altering fish assemblage throughout the river. We expect shifts in assemblage structure to persist, making continued monitoring essential for understanding how non-native and recreationally important species continue to respond to dam removal.

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