Documents & Media Search

Published Title Source
2024 Sea Lamprey Abundances Spike After Covid-Related Travel Restrictions Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2024 Optimization of Methods for the Collection of Larval Sea Lamprey Environmental DNA (eDNA) from Great Lakes Tributaries (in press) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2024 Optimization of Methods for the Collection of Larval Sea Lamprey Environmental DNA (eDNA) from Great Lakes Tributaries: Supplementary Information (in press) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2024 Great Lakes Fishery Commission and Cranbrook Institute of Science to Host Event Celebrating New Sea Lamprey Display, Screen Award-Winning Documentary Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2024 Great Lakes Fishery Commission, Cheboygan Area Public Library, and Earth Week Plus to Premiere Award-Winning Documentary in Free, Exclusive Cheboygan Screening Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2024 A Stocking Strategy and Evaluation Objectives for the Rehabilitation of Lake Trout in Lake Michigan Lake Michigan Committee
2024 Great Lakes Fishery Commission and Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council to Premiere Award-Winning Documentary in Free, Exclusive Harbor Springs Screening Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2024 Great Lakes Fishery Commission to Premiere Award-Winning Documentary in Exclusive Maumee Screening Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2024 Great Lakes Fishery Commission to Premiere Award-Winning Documentary in Free, Exclusive Livonia Screening Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2024 Great Lakes Fishery Commission Honors Tim Sullivan for His Dedicated Career in the Sea Lamprey Control Program Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2024 Lake Ontario August gillnet survey and lake trout assessment, 2023 United States Geological Survey
2024 Field-ready environmental DNA (eDNA) protocols and tools for sea lamprey assessment Sea Lamprey Research Program
2024 Structure and function of novel pheromones from sea lamprey Sea Lamprey Research Program
2024 Genetic basis of sex determination in sea lamprey Sea Lamprey Research Program
2024 LEC CWTG Annual Report (2024) Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group
2024 2024 LEC CWTG Executive Summary Lake Erie Committee Cold Water Task Group
2024 Lake Michigan Harvest Report 2023 Lake Michigan Technical Committee
2024 Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 2023 Sea Lamprey Control Program
2024 Sea Lamprey Aquaculture & Procurement Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2023 Seasonal differences in larval sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) sensitivity to the pesticide TFM Sea Lamprey Research Program
2023 Determine the Utility of Pheromone Antagonists for Sea Lamprey Control Sea Lamprey Research Program
2023 Control sea lamprey in the Cheboygan River with sterile males: stage 2 – sterile male release Sea Lamprey Research Program
2023 Proof of Concept test of accelerometer tags on lake trout to detect sea lamprey attachment Sea Lamprey Research Program
2023 Crews To Remove Harmful Invasive Sea Lampreys From Lake Huron's Saginaw River Watershed Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2023 Identifying turbulence features that alter trap efficiency of upstream-swimming lamprey Sea Lamprey Research Program
2023 Lake Huron fishery further protected from invasive sea lampreys thanks to new trap on the East Branch Au Gres River in Michigan Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2023 Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 2022 Sea Lamprey Control Program
2022 Proceedings of the third Sea Lamprey International Symposium (SLIS III) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2022 Forensic Markers of Lampricide Toxicity & Mortality in Non-Target Fishes Sea Lamprey Research Program
2022 Simulation-based assessment of a large-scale genetic tagging study to identify adult sea lamprey natal streams Sea Lamprey Research Program
2022 Distribution of Niclosamide Following Granular Bayluscide Applications in Lotic Systems Sea Lamprey Research Program
2022 Crews To Remove Harmful Invasive Sea Lampreys From Lake Erie's Grand River Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2022 Chemical Analyses of Sea Lamprey Pheromones and Lampricides Sea Lamprey Research Program
2022 Bioassay directed isolation and characterization of a natural sea lamprey deterrent phase-II Sea Lamprey Research Program
2022 Lamprey Coloring Sheet by Taaja Tucker Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2022 Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 2021 Sea Lamprey Control Program
2021 Visual integration in the retina of the sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus Sea Lamprey Research Program
2021 Lampreys of the Great Lakes Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2021 Fast Facts About Great Lakes Sea Lampreys Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2021 Making the Best of a Bad Situation: Great Lakes Sea Lampreys Reveal the Origins of Vertebrate Traits Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2021 Great Lakes Fishery Commission reflects on 100 years of invasive sea lampreys above Niagara Falls Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2021 Use of an artificial stream to monitor avoidance behavior of larval sea lamprey in response to TFM and niclosamid Sea Lamprey Research Program
2021 Supplemental control support Sea Lamprey Research Program
2021 Environmental, biotic, and sampling effects on genetic estimates of adult sea lamprey abundance in Great Lakes tributaries Sea Lamprey Research Program
2021 Estimation of Transformer Out-migration Mortality with Acoustic Micro-transmitters Sea Lamprey Research Program
2021 Comparing the sublethal effects of sea lamprey parasitism on long term reproduction, growth and recruitment of siscowet and lean lake trout Sea Lamprey Research Program
2021 Towards a new tool for parasitic lamprey assessment – quantitative metrics of attack dynamics and host response Sea Lamprey Research Program
2021 Field evaluation of an improved solid TFM formulation for use in treating small tributary streams Sea Lamprey Research Program
2021 Great Lakes Sea Lamprey: From Crisis to Control Video Scavenger Hunt Worksheet Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2021 Great Lakes Sea Lamprey: From Crisis to Control Video worksheet Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2021 Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 2020 Sea Lamprey Control Program
2021 Supplemental Sea Lamprey Control Initiative Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2021 Practical Facts about Sea Lamprey Control Treatments Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2020 Exploiting the Unexploited: A Smart Panel System for In-situ Detection of Adult Sea Lamprey Sea Lamprey Research Program
2020 Determine what fishes adult sea lamprey parasitized by barcoding DNA in their feces Sea Lamprey Research Program
2020 Genetic assessment of Boardman River fish populations prior to dam removal Sea Lamprey Research Program
2020 Lampricide Residues in Sea Lamprey Larvae Carcasses recovered after 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM) or TFM/Bayluscide Stream Treatments Sea Lamprey Research Program
2020 Distribution of Niclosamide Following Granular Bayer Applications in Lentic Environments Sea Lamprey Research Program
2020 Incorporation of expert judgment in an operating model of the control program to evaluate trade-offs for sea lamprey management Sea Lamprey Research Program
2020 Capture efficiency of sea lamprey and passage success of non-target species during plunging and streaming flow patterns in a pool-type fishway Sea Lamprey Research Program
2020 Development and evaluation of improved TFM formulations for use in feeder stream treatments Sea Lamprey Research Program
2020 Seawater tolerance and feeding in freshwater and anadromous populations of sea lamprey Sea Lamprey Research Program
2020 Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 2019 Sea Lamprey Control Program
2019 Assessing the resistance of sea lampreys (Petromyzon marinus) to TFM Sea Lamprey Research Program
2019 Proof of concept test of flow velocity enhancement system (FVES) to guide sea lamprey movement Sea Lamprey Research Program
2019 Effects of Local Hydrodynamic Conditions and Individual Differences in Behavior on Trap Entrance by Sea Lamprey Sea Lamprey Research Program
2019 Skin chemoreceptor activation and motor behavior Sea Lamprey Research Program
2019 Comparison of Continuous and Interrupted Lampricide Block Toxicity to Sea Lamprey and Lake Sturgeon Sea Lamprey Research Program
2019 Great Lakes Fishery Commission Honors Steve Lapan for Outstanding And Unwavering Support of the Sea Lamprey Control Program Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2019 Technical Assistance to Development of Additional Pheromone-Based Control Agents Sea Lamprey Research Program
2019 Physiological and behavioural responses of sea lamprey to low frequency sound Sea Lamprey Research Program
2019 Effects of Water Alkalinity, pH, and Dosing Regimen on Lake Sturgeon Sensitivity to the Lampricide, 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM Sea Lamprey Research Program
2019 Optimize 3kPZS application rate to yield large and consistent catches of sea lamprey in barrier-integrated traps Sea Lamprey Research Program
2019 Effects of environmental and biological factors on migratory sea lamprey catchability and abundance estimation Sea Lamprey Research Program
2019 Chemistry to facilitate studies of pheromones; TFM and novel biosensors Sea Lamprey Research Program
2019 Selective passage of Sea Lamprey and native Great Lakes fish through hydraulic barriers Sea Lamprey Research Program
2019 Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 2018 Sea Lamprey Control Program
2018 Bioassay directed isolation and characterization of a natural sea lamprey deterrent Sea Lamprey Research Program
2018 Evaluation of light as a non-physical cue to guide downstream-migrating lamprey transformers into traps Sea Lamprey Research Program
2018 Genetic approaches to estimating the number of adult sea lamprey in the St. Clair River Sea Lamprey Research Program
2018 USGS Scientist Takes Aim at Great Lakes Invaders Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2018 Evaluating colored LED strobe lights for use in the behavioral guidance of sea lamprey Sea Lamprey Research Program
2018 Structure and Function of Sea Lamprey Pheromone Components (Phase II) Sea Lamprey Research Program
2018 An investigation of a potential morphotype trigger in two Ichthyomyzon species Sea Lamprey Research Program
2018 The neural link between novel olfactory signals and locomotion Sea Lamprey Research Program
2018 Selective removal of sea lamprey via behavioral guidance in a model fishway: a proof of concept test Sea Lamprey Research Program
2018 Grand River Restoration Project Sees a Boost in Federal Funding for Sea Lamprey Control Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2018 Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 2017 Sea Lamprey Control Program
2018 Finding the Sea Lamprey's Kryptonite Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2018 Good Things Come in...Polymer Packages? Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2017 Development of antagonists to pheromonal sulfated steroids for sea lamprey control Sea Lamprey Research Program
2017 Proof of Concept: Use of DIDSON cameras to estimate adult sea lamprey abundance in streams Sea Lamprey Research Program
2017 Proof-of-concept test of a differential pressure system to transport Great Lakes fishes Sea Lamprey Research Program
2017 Evaluating the risks and potential of genetic technologies for managing the impacts of sea lampreys in the Great Lakes Sea Lamprey Research Program
2017 Evaluating trade-offs for sea lamprey management using an operating model of the control program Sea Lamprey Research Program
2017 A preliminary study on the roles of chemical cues in american eel life history Sea Lamprey Research Program
2017 Sea lamprey quantitative environmental DNA surveillance Sea Lamprey Research Program
2017 Effects of trap funnel and finger design on sea lamprey entrance and retention Sea Lamprey Research Program
2017 Effect of lamprey attachment on profile drag of lake trout: consequences for swimming Sea Lamprey Research Program
2017 Paul Sullivan honored for Championing the Sea Lamprey Control Program with Dedication, Hard Work, and Mentorship Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2017 Diel and spatial movement patterns of downstream migrating sea lamprey transformers Sea Lamprey Research Program
2017 Refinement of a new trapping tool for migrating adult sea lamprey Sea Lamprey Research Program
2017 Technical assistance for chemical aspects of pheromone research Sea Lamprey Research Program
2017 Sex-shifting Fish: Growth Rate Could Determine Sea Lamprey Sex Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2017 Environmental and Physiological Determinants of Larval Sea Lamprey Tolerance and Resilience to TFM Exposure Sea Lamprey Research Program
2017 Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 2016 Sea Lamprey Control Program
2016 Eel-Ladder Style Traps: A New Lamprey Control Tool Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2016 A Lampricide Treatment: Up-Close Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2016 Sea Lamprey Mating Pheromone Registered By EPA As First Vertebrate Pheromone Biopesticide Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2016 Great Lakes Fishery Commission Honors Robert Adair for Applying A Holistic Understanding Of Fisheries Management To The Sea Lamprey Control Program Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2016 Sea Lamprey Trapping Improved Significantly With Electricity Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2016 Detection of light by sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus Sea Lamprey Research Program
2016 Determine the Contribution of Transformers from Lentic Areas to Sea Lamprey Sea Lamprey Research Program
2016 An evaluation of statistical methods for estimating abundances of adult sea lamprey from stratified mark recapture data. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2016 Demonstration of the photodegradation of lampricides to form benign products during in situ dosing Sea Lamprey Research Program
2016 Fine-scale movements of sea lamprey near traps in the St Marys River. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2016 Altering migratory routes of sea lamprey through push-pull application of semiochemicals. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2016 Sea lamprey pheromones modulate locomotor rhythmicity. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2016 The anatomy and physiology of an extra-nasal chemosensory system in the sea lamprey Sea Lamprey Research Program
2016 Evaluation of emergence times of larval sea lampreys (petromyzon marinus) exposed to bayluscide 3.2% granular sea lamprey larvicide under varying water temperatures Sea Lamprey Research Program
2016 Have water quality changes in the Huron-Erie Corridor contributed to increases in Lake Erie sea lamprey populations? Sea Lamprey Research Program
2016 Control sea lamprey in the Cheboygan River with sterile males: stage 1 - Assessment prior to sterile male release. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2016 Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 2015 Sea Lamprey Control Program
2015 Lamprey Nativeness Claims Annulled by Commission's Eshenroder Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2015 Celebrating 60 Years of Successful Sea Lamprey Control, Science, and Cross-Border Collaboration! Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2015 Sea lamprey's reach thirty-year low in Lake Huron, reach twenty-year low in Lake Michigan, and trend downward in other lakes Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2015 Understanding changing patterns of size-specific marking of lake trout by sea lamprey. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2015 Determining if eye lenses can be used to understand the origin and life history of adult Sea Lamprey Research Program
2015 Feasibility of acoustic telemetry to describe the spatial distribution of adult sea lampreys in the Huron-Erie corridor. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2015 Assessment of population genomics as a tool for discriminating among populations of Great Lakes sea lamprey Sea Lamprey Research Program
2015 Seawater preparedness in freshwater and anadromous populations of sea lamprey. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2015 Relative effects of lampricide exposure versus sea lamprey predation on lake sturgeon population viability in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2015 The Aqueous Photolysis of Niclosamide Sea Lamprey Research Program
2015 Laboratory and field exploration of natural and synthesized repellents for sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) Sea Lamprey Research Program
2015 Mating pheromones in lamprey species native to the Great Lakes Sea Lamprey Research Program
2015 Use of graduated pulsed-DC to guide adult sea lamprey into traps Sea Lamprey Research Program
2015 Using a fishwheel to capture sea lampreys. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2015 Tests of low-voltage DC fish-guidance systems to direct downstream migrating transformed sea lamprey into traps Sea Lamprey Research Program
2015 Investigation of carbon dioxide as a potential deterrent to lamprey movement. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2015 A field investigation of the potential to control sea lamprey through pheromone-mediated redistribution of migrants in the Great Lakes Sea Lamprey Research Program
2015 Development of a putrefaction derived repellent for sea lamprey. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2015 Development of a PCR based method for fertility assessment of male sea lamprey. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2015 The modulation of olfaction-activated movements in the sea lamprey Sea Lamprey Research Program
2015 Estimating Lake Erie Juvenile Abundance and Assessing Survival of Migrating Juveniles in the St. Clair - Detroit River System Sea Lamprey Research Program
2015 Evaluation of post-SMRT embryo viability in the St. Marys River Sea Lamprey Research Program
2015 Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 2014 Sea Lamprey Control Program
2014 Taking Lampreys on the Road! Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2014 Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2014 Sea Lamprey Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2014 Great Lakes Fishery Commission Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2014 Feasibility of holding wild-caught Lake Whitefish and Sea Lamprey for parasite-host interaction studies Sea Lamprey Research Program
2014 Detection and identification of lampreys in streams using environmental DNA Sea Lamprey Research Program
2014 Determining pathways of migratory adult sea lampreys in large rivers using three-dimensional acoustic telemetry Sea Lamprey Research Program
2014 Determine the origin of sea lampreys in the upper Cheboygan River Sea Lamprey Research Program
2014 Application of natural male mating pheromone at management-scales to increase sea lamprey capture and compare effectiveness to synthesized 3kPZS Sea Lamprey Research Program
2014 Sea lamprey mark type, wounding rate, and parasite-host preference and abundance relationships for lake trout and other species in Lake Ontario Sea Lamprey Research Program
2014 Establishing Physiological Indices for More Effective Use of TFM to Control Sea Lamprey Populations in the Great Lakes Sea Lamprey Research Program
2014 Development of 3kPZS Antagonists for Sea Lamprey Control. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2014 Structure and function of Sea Lamprey pheromone components. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2014 Field comparison of eel-ladder-style and traditional sea lamprey traps Sea Lamprey Research Program
2014 Evaluating Adult Sea Lamprey Behavior at Traps Using Video Sea Lamprey Research Program
2014 Survival of Stonecats (Noturus flavus) during a stream treatment with the lampricide TFM (3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol) Sea Lamprey Research Program
2014 Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 2013 Sea Lamprey Control Program
2013 It's Getting Hot in Here! Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2013 New Sea Lamprey Estimates Suggest a Dramatically Decreased Population Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2013 Great Lakes Fishery Commission Honors Dr. Brad Young of The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for Outstanding Contributions to Sea Lamprey Control Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2013 Tracking transformation of low-density populations of larval sea lampreys in streams tributary to lakes Huron and Michigan following treatment with Lampricides Sea Lamprey Research Program
2013 Determining routes of adult sea lamprey escapement to the upper Cheboygan River and impacts on adult abundance estimates with acoustic telemetry Sea Lamprey Research Program
2013 Using sea lamprey genome information to identify new research priorities and control strategies Sea Lamprey Research Program
2013 Estimating the sublethal effects of lamprey parasitism on lipid allocation, reproduction and population dynamics of lake trout Sea Lamprey Research Program
2013 Effects of lampricides on target and non-target species: from protein expression to ecological consequences Sea Lamprey Research Program
2013 Development of a controlled-release polymer for deployment of the sea lamprey pheromone 3-keto-petromyonol sulfate Sea Lamprey Research Program
2013 Evaluation of low-voltage DC fish-guidance systems to manipulate movement patterns of downstream migrating juvenile sea lamprey Sea Lamprey Research Program
2013 In situ assessment of lampricide toxicity to age-0 Lake Sturgeon Sea Lamprey Research Program
2013 Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 2012 Sea Lamprey Control Program
2012 Lake-Level, Five-Year Plans for Achieving Sea Lamprey Control Targets in each Great Lake Sea Lamprey Control Program
2012 Understanding Sea Lamprey: Mapping the Genome and Identifying Pheromones Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2012 International Joint Commission And Brookfield Renewable Power Join Forces With Greate Lakes Fishery Commission To Battle Destructive Sea Lamprey. Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2012 Determination of micro-elemental stability of sea lamprey statoliths Sea Lamprey Research Program
2012 Improving sea lamprey control through the use of historical data to inform selection of sites for lampricide treatment Sea Lamprey Research Program
2012 The use of repellents for sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) control Sea Lamprey Research Program
2012 Field tests of the NEPTUN low-voltage DC fish-guidance system to block adult lamprey migration and to guide lamprey into portable traps Sea Lamprey Research Program
2012 Using an eel ladder-trap to trap sea lampreys: proof of concept Sea Lamprey Research Program
2012 A decision analysis assessing the trade-off between sea lamprey control and rehabilitation of native fishes at de facto sea lamprey barriers Sea Lamprey Research Program
2012 Test of a non-physical bio-acoustic fence to guide migratory sea lamprey Sea Lamprey Research Program
2012 Gene silencing technologies to control sea lampreys - A proof-of-concept Sea Lamprey Research Program
2012 Evaluating Integrated Pest Management in the St. Marys River. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2012 Review of Credit and Duffins River dams to determine sea lamprey escapement. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2012 Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 2011 Sea Lamprey Control Program
2011 Acute Toxicity of Two Lampricides, 3-Trifluoromethyl-4-Nitrophenol (TFM) and a TFM:1% Niclosamide Mixture, to Sea Lamprey, Three Species of Unionids, Haliplid Water Beetles, and American Eel Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2011 Brookfield renewable power and cloverland electric cooperative join forces with Commission to battle destructive sea lamprey Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2011 Migratory behavior and swim performance of sea lamprey and non-target fish species at sea lamprey barriers and in laboratory flumes. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2011 Acute toxicity of the lampricide 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM) to several size ranges of larval sea lampreys (Petromyzon marinus). Sea Lamprey Research Program
2011 Developing a lamprey contraceptive Sea Lamprey Research Program
2011 Management-scale tests of a synthesized pheromone 3kPZS, to influence stream selection of adult sea lampreys. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2011 Evaluation of the NEPTUN, low-voltage dc, fish-guidance system to manipulate movement patterns of migrating adult sea lampreys to traps. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2011 Movement pathways and behavior of sea lamprey around traps in the St. Marys River Sea Lamprey Research Program
2011 Effectiveness of sterile-female release in reducing sea lamprey reproduction in the Trout River. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2011 Evaluation of within stream lampricide distribution as a measure of treatment effectivess in controlling larval sea lampreys using enhanced treatment regimes in Great Lakes tributaries Sea Lamprey Research Program
2011 Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 2010 Sea Lamprey Control Program
2010 Sea lamprey time their spawning migration to narrow temperature range Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2010 Synthesized sex pheromones lure lampreys into traps Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2010 The call of the child - Sea lamprey spawning behavior follows larval odor Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2010 Great Lakes sea lamprey control to be featured on Discovery Channel?s Dirty Jobs! Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2010 Modes of lampricide toxicity on larval lampreys and non-target fishes Sea Lamprey Research Program
2010 Real options analysis of the risks and benefits of sterile male sea lamprey transfers from Lake Ontario Sea Lamprey Research Program
2010 Sex Pheromone Communication in the Sea Lamprey Sea Lamprey Research Program
2010 Improving the effectiveness of portable sea lamprey traps Sea Lamprey Research Program
2010 Performance of fast-start and burst swimming behavior of sea lamprey and non-target fishes in shallow water Sea Lamprey Research Program
2010 Identifying the most effective mixtures for use of the sea lamprey migratory pheromone in trapping and redistribution management scenarios Sea Lamprey Research Program
2010 A full-scale field test of the efficacy of the male mating pheromone compound 3-keto-petromyzonal-sulfate in trapping-for-control scenarios Sea Lamprey Research Program
2010 An in vitro strategy for understanding the neural mechanisms underlying pheromone-activated movements in the sea lamprey Sea Lamprey Research Program
2010 Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 2009 Sea Lamprey Control Program
2009 Estimating the Relationship between Sea Lamprey-Induced Mortality on Lake Trout and Observed Marking Rates Sea Lamprey Research Program
2009 Hydrodynamic model study: lampricide plumes in Lake Champlain near the Lamoille River Sea Lamprey Research Program
2009 Improving the Accuracy and Precision of Predictions of TFM-Niclosamide Concentrations for Treatment of Sea Lamprey Spawning Tributaries Sea Lamprey Research Program
2009 Passage options for walleye and lake sturgeon at the dam site on the Black Sturgeon River, Lake Superior, Canada Sea Lamprey Research Program
2009 Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 2008 Sea Lamprey Control Program
2008 New methods developed to estimate sea lamprey damage Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2008 Quantitative tools to predict sea lamprey production based on habitat: prioritizing dam removal and control decisions Sea Lamprey Research Program
2008 Sea lamprey population dynamics: updating demographic models and application to a novel control strategy Sea Lamprey Research Program
2008 Effect of groundwater inflow on distribution of lampricide and on survival of sea lamprey larvae during a stream treatment Sea Lamprey Research Program
2008 Inter-stream movements of sea lamprey and selected non-target fishes in response to sea lamprey barriers Sea Lamprey Research Program
2008 Phase I development of an improved sea lamprey barrier Sea Lamprey Research Program
2008 A decision analysis to reduce uncertainty in the implementation and operation of sea lamprey barriers. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2008 Defining targets for sea lamprey control in the Great Lakes: Economic injury levels and fish community goal-based targets Sea Lamprey Research Program
2008 Avoidance behavior of juvenile lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) exposed to Bayluscide 3.2% granular sea lamprey larvicide. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2008 Study of issues related to stream pH and lampricide treatments Sea Lamprey Research Program
2008 Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 2007 Sea Lamprey Control Program
2007 Great Lakes sturgeon found vulnerable to sea lamprey predation Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2007 Application of a Dichotomous Key to the Classification of Sea Lamprey Petromyzon marinus Marks on Lake Sturgeon Acipenser fulvescens Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2007 Seasonal and diel bathythermal habitat use and habitat overlap of sea lampreys and lake trout as determined with implanted archival tags. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2007 Using stable isotopes to assess potential sea lamprey damage to Lake Superior fishes Sea Lamprey Research Program
2007 Estimating lakewide abundance of lean lake trout in Lake Superior Sea Lamprey Research Program
2007 Healing, classification and hematological assessments of sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) wounds on lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush). Sea Lamprey Research Program
2007 Host-size selection and lethality of sea lamprey on lake sturgeon Sea Lamprey Research Program
2007 Do static and flow-through toxicity tests yield the same toxicity information? Sea Lamprey Research Program
2007 Refinement of the TFM:niclosamide pH/Alkalinity predicition tables for determining minimum lethal concentrations of lampricides for applications to streams using ratios other than 1.0% niclosamide in combination with TFM Sea Lamprey Research Program
2007 Mississquoi River and Bay Lampricide Plume Modeling Sea Lamprey Research Program
2007 Research to Support Sterile-male-release and Genetic Alteration Techniques for Sea Lamprey Control Sea Lamprey Research Program
2007 Sex steroid control of reproduction in the sea lamprey Sea Lamprey Research Program
2007 A field test of the potential for sea lamprey pheromones to promote trapping success in natural streams Sea Lamprey Research Program
2007 The neural mechanisms underlying pheromone activated movement in lampreys. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2007 Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 2006 Sea Lamprey Control Program
2006 Application of a dichotomous key to the classification of sea lamprey marks on Great Lakes fish Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2006 Abreviated field sheet: Application of a dichotomous key to the classification of sea lamprey marks on Great Lakes fish Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2006 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (2006) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2006 Recruitment variation in Great Lakes sea lamprey populations - measurement and management implications. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2006 Electroreception in the sea lamprey. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2006 Micro-elemental analysis of statoliths as a tool for tracking tributary origins of sea lamprey. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2006 Evaluation of modification to improve fishway performance. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2006 Distribution and factors affecting survival of sea lamprey eggs in and out of nests. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2006 Development and assessment of a predictive model of metamorphosis for Great Lakes' sea lamprey populations. Sea Lamprey Research Program
2006 Managing fish translocation risks using real options: Sea lamprey pathogen screening as a case study Sea Lamprey Research Program
2006 Attachment behavior of sea lampreys in relation to substrate characteristics Sea Lamprey Research Program
2006 Capturing sea lampreys in a fishwheel for sea lamprey management Sea Lamprey Research Program
2006 Structure determination of the primary components of the sea lamprey migratory pheromone and elucidation of their biological importance Sea Lamprey Research Program
2006 Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 2005 Sea Lamprey Control Program
2005 Genetic markers to distinguish and quantify the level of gene flow between northern brook and silver lampreys Sea Lamprey Research Program
2005 Evaluation of alternative sampling stategies for stream fish assessment Sea Lamprey Research Program
2005 The use of gynogensesis and androgenesis to determine genetic sex of sea lamprey Sea Lamprey Research Program
2005 Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 2004 Sea Lamprey Control Program
2004 Studies on sea lamprey reproduction: Fertility assessment in males and females Sea Lamprey Research Program
2004 Understanding variabilities in lamprey gametes quality in relation to availability of nutrients in host fish Sea Lamprey Research Program
2004 Native Ichthyomyzon lampreys of the Great Lakes Basin: Development of genetic markers and a morphological key to ammocoetes Sea Lamprey Research Program
2004 Movement and population size of sea lamprey in Lake Champlain and its tributaries Sea Lamprey Research Program
2004 Field trials to evaluate the potential use of pheromones in sea lamprey control Sea Lamprey Research Program
2004 Identifying and producing the sea lamprey migratory pheromone Sea Lamprey Research Program
2004 Purification and characterization of anti-microbial bioactive peptides from the sea lamprey Sea Lamprey Research Program
2004 Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 2003 Sea Lamprey Control Program
2003 Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 2002 (Huron) Sea Lamprey Control Program
2003 Elemental composition of statoliths of sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) (2003) Sea Lamprey Research Program
2003 Integration of sea lamprey functional response model and lake trout stock assessment models Sea Lamprey Research Program
2003 Effects of mortality sources on population viability of lake sturgeon: A stage-structured model approach Sea Lamprey Research Program
2003 Regulation and Manipulation of Metamorphosis in Sea Lampreys: The Relevance of a Sea Lamprey Obesity Factor and Brook Lamprey Life History Sea Lamprey Research Program
2003 Hydraulic, hydrological, and biological characteristics of effective sea lamprey barriers Sea Lamprey Research Program
2003 A performance evaluation of fishways at sea lamprey barriers and controlled modifications to improve fishway performance Sea Lamprey Research Program
2003 A First Step Towards Developing a Field Test to Determine Whether a Larval Pheromone Can Be Used in Seq Lamprey Control: Ascertaining its Effects on Adult Behavior in a Lake and Characterizing the Completer Pheromone Sea Lamprey Research Program
2003 Molecular cloning of Petromyzonol (PZ) Sulfotransferase (SULT) of Petromyzon marinus (Sea Lamprey) and enzymatic synthesis of PZ Sulfate (PZS) Sea Lamprey Research Program
2003 The analysis of pheromone identification by sea lamprey through functional imaging of olfactory glomeruli Sea Lamprey Research Program
2003 Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 2002 (Erie) Sea Lamprey Control Program
2003 Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 2002 (Michigan) Sea Lamprey Control Program
2003 Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 2002 (Ontario) Sea Lamprey Control Program
2003 Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 2002 (Superior) Sea Lamprey Control Program
2002 Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 2001 Sea Lamprey Control Program
2002 Sea Lampreys Invade Chicago Boat Show Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2002 Genetic assignment of sea lamprey larval parentage as a means of assessing mechanisms underlying adult reproductive success and larval dispersal Sea Lamprey Research Program
2002 Experimental Determination of the Function, Production and Release of a Sea Lamprey Male Pheromone Sea Lamprey Research Program
2002 Experimental examination of factors affecting polygyny and polyandry of sea lampreys (Petromyzon marinus) as a means of optimizing sterile female release Sea Lamprey Research Program
2002 Improving the Design and Operation of Fishways, Traps, and Barriers: An Annotated Bibliography Sea Lamprey Research Program
2001 Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 2000 Sea Lamprey Control Program
2001 Testing and extension of a lamprey feeding model Sea Lamprey Research Program
2001 Studies on the role of sperm-activating proteins and the mechanism of protease inhibitor(s) reaction for controlling fertilization in sea lamprey Sea Lamprey Research Program
2001 Compensatory mechanisms in Great Lakes sea lamprey populations: An integrated program of research and assessment Sea Lamprey Research Program
2001 Comparison of larval sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) population dynamics in lampricide treated and untreated tributaries of Lake Champlain Sea Lamprey Research Program
2001 Compensatory Mechanisms in Great Lake Sea Lamprey Populations: An Integrated Program of Research and Assessment Sea Lamprey Research Program
2001 Determining the sources and complete chemical composition of the lamprey larval pheromone, and assessing the merit of measuring one of its principal components in river waters - Phase II Sea Lamprey Research Program
2001 Application of Decision Analysis to Great Lakes sea lamprey management Sea Lamprey Research Program
2001 Resolution Concerning Effective use of TFM to Control the Parasitic Sea Lamprey Great Lakes Fishery Commission
2000 Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 1999 Sea Lamprey Control Program
2000 Potential use of GnRH analogs for sterilizing male sea lampreys Sea Lamprey Research Program
2000 Collection of lamprey brains and pituitaries for purification of hormones Sea Lamprey Research Program
2000 Contaminant burdens in Great Lakes sea lamprey: a 1998 spatial survey Sea Lamprey Research Program
2000 Contaminant Burdens in Great Lakes Larval Sea Lamprey: A 1999 Spatial Survey Sea Lamprey Research Program
2000 Large-scale production of petromyzonol sulfate from lamprey liver cell cultures and culture of sea lamprey pituitary cells Sea Lamprey Research Program
2000 A putative male sea lamprey sex pheromone: its function, identity, and potential application in sea lamprey control Sea Lamprey Research Program
2000 Sea lamprey barrier life cycle and operational protocols Sea Lamprey Research Program
2000 Biological impact of low-head barrier dams Sea Lamprey Research Program
2000 Determining the sources and complete chemical composition of the lamprey larval pheromone, and assessing the merit of measuring one of its principal components in river waters - Phase I Sea Lamprey Research Program
2000 Determining the next steps in the research and development of the migratory pheromone for use in sea lamprey control Sea Lamprey Research Program
2000 IMSL Systems Support Sea Lamprey Research Program
1999 Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 1998 Sea Lamprey Control Program
1999 President?s FY 2000 Budget Includes Increased Funding? for Great Lakes Sea Lamprey Control Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1999 Great Lakes Fishery Commission Hails U.S. Increase For Great Lakes Sea Lamprey Control Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1999 International Effort Eliminates Nearly Half of the Sea lampreys in the St. Marys River Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1999 Change in the energy density of the sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) during its parasitic phase: Implications for modeling food consumption and growth Sea Lamprey Research Program
1999 Choosing TFM or a barrier with the net present cost method Sea Lamprey Research Program
1999 Choosing TFM or a barrier with the net present cost method Sea Lamprey Research Program
1999 An evaluation of the effect of sea lamprey low-head barriers on teleost communities using available (historical) data Sea Lamprey Research Program
1999 A description of the migratory behavior of steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and longnose suckers (Catostomus catastomus) in the Pere Marquette River, Michigan Sea Lamprey Research Program
1998 Review of recommendations made to the Great Lakes Fisheries Commission on sea lamprey control and research, 1975-1987
1998 Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 1997 Sea Lamprey Control Program
1998 Report of the evaluation of the Great Lakes Fisheries Commission program of sea lamprey barrier dams with appendices.
1998 Sea Lampreys Finding 'Keep Out' Sign at Renovated Rogers City Dam Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1998 Sea Lampreys Finding 'Keep Out' Sign at Renovated Harden Furniture Inc. Dam Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1998 Age discrimination and statolith diversity in sea lamprey from streams with varying alkalinity Sea Lamprey Research Program
1998 Potential fecundity of landlocked sea lamprey larvae, Petromyzon marinus, with typical and atypical gonads Sea Lamprey Research Program
1998 Ecology of recruitment in sea lamprey-summary Sea Lamprey Research Program
1998 Feeding ecology and habitat use by larval lampreys in Great Lakes tributaries Sea Lamprey Research Program
1998 Elemental composition of statoliths of sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) (1998) Sea Lamprey Research Program
1998 Regulation of function in spermatozoa of the sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus). The first step to contraception. Sea Lamprey Research Program
1998 Growth of larval sea lamprey from anadromous and landlocked populations Sea Lamprey Research Program
1998 Unusual sex ratios in larval sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus, from Great Lakes tributaries Sea Lamprey Research Program
1998 Gonadal variation in Great Lakes sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus, larvae Sea Lamprey Research Program
1998 Hormonal control of metamorphosis in sea lampreys: Examination of the potential for alteration of life history type Sea Lamprey Research Program
1998 A model for transport of lampricides in St. Marys River and Lampricide transport simulation model users manual Sea Lamprey Research Program
1998 Duration of river residence of newly-hatched lake sturgeon: Implications for sea lamprey control Sea Lamprey Research Program
1998 Lamprey cell cultures for in vitro production of pheromonally active bile acids Sea Lamprey Research Program
1998 The interaction among male, female and sterile male sea lampreys during spawning in the Carp River, Lake Superior Sea Lamprey Research Program
1998 Radio telemetry investigations of the upstream migratory behavior of sea lampreys, including sterilized males Sea Lamprey Research Program
1998 Upstream migration of sea lampreys with radio transmitters in three tributaries to Lake Superior Sea Lamprey Research Program
1998 Fishery assessment of the Big Creek, Lake Erie, inflatable barrier and fishway project Sea Lamprey Research Program
1998 The influence of pheromones on the distributional biology of adult sea lamprey Sea Lamprey Research Program
1998 Integrated management of sea lamprey decision support tools version 2.0 Sea Lamprey Research Program
1998 Application of Decision Analysis to Great Lakes sea lamprey management: A preliminary analysis Sea Lamprey Research Program
1998 The recreational fishing value of sea lamprey control Sea Lamprey Research Program
1997 Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 1996 Sea Lamprey Control Program
1997 Lake Huron Committee: Lake Huron Committee Sanctions Plan to Control St. Marys River Sea Lampreys (News Release) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1997 Lake MichiganCommittee: Fishery Officials Concerned About Increased Sea Lamprey Wounding in Lake Michigan (News Release) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1997 Commission Applauds Governor Engler's Proposal for Enhanced Sea Lamprey Control (News Release) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1997 Letter to the Editor concerning Michigan's contribution to sea lamprey control Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1997 Integration of sea lamprey functional response model and lake trout stock assessment models for Lake Superior and Lake Huron Sea Lamprey Research Program
1997 Identification of MFO and estrogenic compounds in TFM formulations Sea Lamprey Research Program
1997 Movements of walleye and lake sturgeon in the Bad River, Wisconsin, with regard to potential sea lamprey barrier sites Sea Lamprey Research Program
1997 Biological impacts of low-head barrier dams historical database Sea Lamprey Research Program
1997 Fish passage and lamprey exclusion aspects at the Dow Dam, Chippewa River, Michigan Sea Lamprey Research Program
1997 Standard departmental procedures for environmental screening of proposed lamprey barriers Sea Lamprey Research Program
1997 Resolution Concerning Funding for sea lamprey control Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1996 Integrated Management of Sea Lampreys in the Great Lakes 1995 Sea Lamprey Control Program
1996 Great Lakes Fishery Commission, Management Agencies to Conduct Essential Dye Study in Preparation for Future St. Marys River Sea Lamprey Control Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1996 Canada Restores Great Lakes Sea Lamprey Control Program Funding Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1996 U.S. House and Senate Agree on Funding for Great Lakes Sea Lamprey Control Program Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1996 St. Marys River Lamprey Control Key to the Health of the Lake Huron Fishery Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1996 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1996) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1996 Estimation of sea lamprey predation on lake trout in U.S. and Canadian waters of Lake Huron Sea Lamprey Research Program
1996 Effects of lamprey GnRH-I and III on reproductive processes and behavior of male sea lampreys Sea Lamprey Research Program
1996 Short-term sterile male release evaluation Sea Lamprey Research Program
1996 Feasibility of using strobe lights to direct sea lamprey movement Sea Lamprey Research Program
1996 Methods used to Capture Lampreys, Geotria australis, in New Zealand Sea Lamprey Research Program
1996 Identifying the seasonality of olfactory function of migratory adult sea lamprey and the distribution of water-borne lamprey bile acids in the Great lakes to determine whether bile acids function as the lamprey migratory pheromone Sea Lamprey Research Program
1996 GnRH neuronal migratory mechanisms during lamprey brain development Sea Lamprey Research Program
1996 The effect of velocity barrier construction in the McIntyre River on the fish and lamprey community Sea Lamprey Research Program
1996 Sea lamprey olfactory activity: prolarvae and larvae Sea Lamprey Research Program
1996 Olfactory mucosa neural responses in prolarval sea lampreys: a basis for pheromone communication during settlement to larval habitat Sea Lamprey Research Program
1996 Compensatory mechanisms in larval sea lamprey populations Sea Lamprey Research Program
1996 Integrated management of sea lamprey decision support tools version 1.11 Sea Lamprey Research Program
1995 3-Trifluoromethyl-4-Nitrophenol (TFM) Toxicities to Sea Lampreys, Rainbow Trout, and Mayfly Nymphs in Continuous and Interrupted 9-h Exposures Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1995 Comparison of Mark Retention and Survival of Sea Lamprey Larvae Marked by Pigment Injection and Tail Clipping Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1995 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1995) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1995 A feasibility study to determine the immediate source of carbon filtered by Petromyzon marinus ammocoetes from the Root River, Sault Ste. Marie, through use of stable carbon isotope analysis Sea Lamprey Research Program
1995 Studies towards a more efficient method of predicting metamorphosis Sea Lamprey Research Program
1995 Hormonal sterilization of early lamprey larvae Sea Lamprey Research Program
1995 Effect of larval sea lamprey density on growth Sea Lamprey Research Program
1995 A model for transport of lampricides in St. Marys River Sea Lamprey Research Program
1995 Short-term evaluation of sterile male release in selected lake superior tributaries and the St. Marys River Sea Lamprey Research Program
1995 Lamprey cell lines for studies of cellular endocrinology and development of in vitro assays for biological lampricides Sea Lamprey Research Program
1995 Induced sterility and sex inversion in lampreys Sea Lamprey Research Program
1995 Assessment of alternative sea lamprey control research priorities Sea Lamprey Research Program
1995 Integrated management of sea lamprey database review Sea Lamprey Research Program
1994 Hormonal and environmental cues of metamorphosis in Petromyzon marinus Sea Lamprey Research Program
1994 Isolation of bioactive components of commercial TFM formations Sea Lamprey Research Program
1994 Development of detailed digital bathymetric map of the St. Marys River for sea lamprey larval sampling and analysis with Survey Designer Sea Lamprey Research Program
1994 Use of a surrogate lamprey for quality control of the auto-injector Sea Lamprey Research Program
1994 Sea lamprey barriers: New concepts and research needs (workshop report) Sea Lamprey Research Program
1994 Determining why the sea lamprey olfactory system is extremely sensitive to bile acids: Are bile acids pheromones? Sea Lamprey Research Program
1994 Interaction of the olfactory and endocrine systems in sea lamprey development: toward an integrated bio-chemical control Sea Lamprey Research Program
1994 Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 1994 Sea Lamprey Control Program
1993 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1993) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1993 Identification of the nutritional resource supporting growth in larvae of two lamprey species in the Great Lakes basin Sea Lamprey Research Program
1993 Metamorphosis: Biological control for sea lampreys (mini-workshop report) Sea Lamprey Research Program
1993 Luring lampreys: Assessing the feasibility of using odorants to control sea lamprey in the Great Lakes (mini-workshop reports) Sea Lamprey Research Program
1993 Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 1993 Sea Lamprey Control Program
1992 Effect of pH on the Toxicity of TFM to Sea Lamprey Larvae and Nontarget Species during a Stream Treatment Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1992 Toxicity of 2', 5-Dichloro-4'-Nitrosalicylanilide (Bayer 73) to Three Genera of Larval Lampreys Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1992 Vertebrate sex determination/differentiation workshop (mini-workshop report) Sea Lamprey Research Program
1992 Current pest control techniques - potential applications for sea lamprey control (mini-workshop report) Sea Lamprey Research Program
1992 Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 1992 Sea Lamprey Control Program
1991 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1991) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1991 Use of statoliths to validate the age-composition of sea lamprey populations estimated from length-frequency distributions Sea Lamprey Research Program
1991 Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 1991 Sea Lamprey Control Program
1990 Resistance to 3-Trifluoromethyl-4-Nitrophenol (TFM) in Sea Lamprey Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1990 Effects of Changes in Dissolved Oxygen on the Toxicity of 3-Trifluoromethyl-4-Nitrophenol (TFM) to Sea Lamprey and Rainbow Trout Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1990 Estimating larval population densities of landlocked sea lamprey Sea Lamprey Research Program
1990 Relationships of size and proportion of male sea lamprey with salmonid populations in the Great Lakes Sea Lamprey Research Program
1990 A study of the feasibility of developing a Habitat Suitability Index for sea lamprey habitat in streams of the Great Lakes Sea Lamprey Research Program
1990 Collection of lamprey tissues for purification of hormones Sea Lamprey Research Program
1990 Occurrence, relative abundance and size of landlocked sea lamprey ammocoetes in relation to stream characteristics in the Great Lakes Sea Lamprey Research Program
1990 The effect of environmental variables on the population dynamics of sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus Sea Lamprey Research Program
1990 Proposal for the experimental manipulations of of lake trout and sea lamprey populations in Stuart Lake, Ontario Sea Lamprey Research Program
1990 Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 1990 Sea Lamprey Control Program
1989 A Decision Support System for the Integrated Management of Sea Lamprey Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1989 Quantified laboratory assessment of larval lamprey substrate selection Sea Lamprey Research Program
1989 Evaluation of models for integrated management of sea lamprey Sea Lamprey Research Program
1989 A decision support system for the integrated management of sea lamprey Sea Lamprey Research Program
1989 Public opinion on sea lamprey in the Great Lakes Sea Lamprey Research Program
1989 Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 1989 Sea Lamprey Control Program
1988 Guide for Determining Application Rates of Lampricides for Control of Sea Lamprey Ammocetes Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1988 Sterilizing Effect of Cesium-137 Irradiation on Male Sea Lampreys Released in the Big Garlic River, Michigan Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1988 Analogs to Control Reproduction in the Sea Lampreys Sea Lamprey Research Program
1988 Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 1988 Sea Lamprey Control Program
1987 Elimination of 14C-Bisazir Residues in Adult Sea Lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1987 Workshop to Evaluate Sea Lamprey Populations "WESLP" Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1987 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1987) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1987 Validation of sea lamprey age by statoliths in the sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus Sea Lamprey Research Program
1987 Elemental composition of statoliths of sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) (1987) Sea Lamprey Research Program
1987 Application of models of lake trout/sea lamprey interaction to the implementation of integrated pest management of sea lamprey in Lake Ontario Sea Lamprey Research Program
1987 The use of lamprey gonadotropin-releasing hormone and its analogs to control reproduction in the sea lampreys Sea Lamprey Research Program
1987 Effects of TFM and Bayer 73 on gill ultrastructure of sea lamprey ammocoetes and rainbow trout fry Sea Lamprey Research Program
1987 Development of an expert system for integrated management of sea lamprey: a feasibility study Sea Lamprey Research Program
1987 Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 1987 Sea Lamprey Control Program
1986 Pathology of Sea Lamprey Inflicted Wounds on Rainbow Trout Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1986 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1986) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1986 Parasitic phase of the sea lamprey, (Petromyzon marinus), in Oneida Lake, New York Sea Lamprey Research Program
1986 Use of hormones and their analogues to control reproduction in the sea lampreys Sea Lamprey Research Program
1986 Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 1986 Sea Lamprey Control Program
1985 Response of Spawning-Phase Sea Lampreys (Petromyzon marinus) to a Lighted Trap Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1985 Movement and Capture of Sea Lampreys (Petromyzon marinus) Marked in Northern Lake Huron, 1981-82 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1985 Impact of Sea Lamprey Parasitism on the Blood Features and Hemopoietic Tissues of Rainbow Trout Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1985 Comparative Toxicity of the Lampricide 3-Trifluoromethyl-4-Nitrophenol to Ammocetes of Three Species of Lampreys Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1985 A Workshop Concerning the Application of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) to Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1985 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1985) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1985 A simple protocol to estimate relative abundance of sea lamprey from trout assessment data in Lake Superior Sea Lamprey Research Program
1985 Observability of lake trout mortality due to attacks by sea lamprey Sea Lamprey Research Program
1985 Effects of the lampricide, 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM) on the macroinvertebrates within the hyporheic region of a softwater creek Sea Lamprey Research Program
1985 Effects of the lampricide, 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM) on the macroinvertebrates of Wilmot Creek Sea Lamprey Research Program
1985 TFM (3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol) vs. the Sea Lamprey: A Generation Later Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1985 Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 1985 Sea Lamprey Control Program
1984 Recommendations for Standardizing the Reporting of Sea Lamprey Marking Data Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1984 The use of calcareous otic elements (statoliths) to determine the age of sea lamprey ammocoetes (Petromyzon marinus) Sea Lamprey Research Program
1984 Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 1984 Sea Lamprey Control Program
1983 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1983) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1983 Sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) in northeastern North America: population structures and genetic affinities Sea Lamprey Research Program
1983 Endocrine control of lamprey reproduction Sea Lamprey Research Program
1983 Genetic variation among sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) ammocoetes from Lake Michigan and Lake Huron Sea Lamprey Research Program
1983 Sea Lamprey Control in the Great Lakes 1983 Sea Lamprey Control Program
1982 A Review of the Adaptive Management Workshop Addressing Salmonid/Lamprey Management in the Great Lakes Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1982 Lamprey wounding standardization Sea Lamprey Research Program
1982 Application of decision analysis to sea lamprey control Sea Lamprey Research Program
1981 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1981) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1980 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1980) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1980 Genetic identification of sea lamprey populations from the Great Lakes Sea Lamprey Research Program
1979 Distribution and Ecology of Lampreys in the Lower Peninsula of Michigan, 1957-75 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1979 Efficacy of Antimycin for Control of Larval Sea Lampreys (Petromyzon marinus) in Lentic Habitats Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1979 Variations in Growth, Age of Transformation, and Sex Ratio of Sea Lampreys Reestablished in Chemically Treated Tributaries of the Upper Great Lakes Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1979 Illustrated Field Guide for the Classification of Sea Lamprey Attack Marks on Great Lakes Lake Trout Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1979 Detection of variability of isozyme loci in sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) Sea Lamprey Research Program
1979 Evaluation of barrier dams to adult sea lamprey migration Sea Lamprey Research Program
1978 Chemosterilization of the Sea Lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1978 Biology of Larval and Metamorphosing Sea Lampreys Petromyzon marinus, of the 1960 Year Class in the Big Garlic River, Michigan, Part II, 1966-72 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1976 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1976) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1975 Changes in the Lake Trout Population of Southern Lake Superior in Relation to the Fishery, the Sea Lamprey, and Stocking, 1950-70 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1975 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1975) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1974 Control of the Sea Lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) in Lake Superior, 1953-70 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1974 Movement and Recapture of Parasitic-Phase Sea Lampreys (Petromyzon marinus) Tagged in the St. Marys River and Lakes Huron and Michigan, 1963-67 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1973 Microbial Degradation of the Lamprey Larvicide 3-Trifluoromethyl-4-Nitrophenol in Sediment-Water Systems Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1971 Biology of Larval Sea Lampreys (Petromyzon marinus) of the 1960 Year Class, Isolated in the Big Garlic River, Michigan, 1960-1965 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1971 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1971) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1969 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1969) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1968 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1968) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1966 Substituted Nitrosalicylanilides: A New Class of Selectively Toxic Sea Lamprey Larvicides Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1966 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1966) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1965 Experimental Control of Sea Lampreys with Electricity on the South Shore of Lake Superior, 1953-60 Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1964 Synergism of 5, 2'-dichloro-4'-Nitro-Salicylanilide and 3-Trifluormethyl-4-Nitrophenol in a Selective Lamprey Larvicide Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1964 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1964) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1963 The Use of Alkalinity and Conductivity Measurements to Estimate Concentrations of 3-Trifluormethyl-4-Nitrophenol Required for Treating Lamprey Streams Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1962 Estimation of the Brook and Sea Lamprey Ammocete Populations of Three Streams Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1962 Annual Report of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission (1962) Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1961 Use of 3-Trifluormethyl-4-Nitrophenol as a Selective Sea Lamprey Larvicide Great Lakes Fishery Commission
1950 Natural history of the sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus, in Michigan
-0001 Using a comparative transcriptomics approach to increase potency and specific of lampricide treatments Sea Lamprey Research Program
Sterile Male Release
Sterile Male Injector
Holding Tanks, Hammond Bay Biological Station
Sea Lamprey Sterilization Process
Sterile Male Release
Salmon with Sea Lamprey Wound
Salmon with Sea Lamprey Wound
Salmon with Sea Lamprey Wound
Salmon with Sea Lamprey Attached
Salmon with Sea Lamprey Wound
Salmon with Sea Lamprey Wound
Lake Trout With Sea Lamprey Attached
Splake with Sea Lamprey Attached
Lake Trout with Sea Lamprey Attached
Sea Lamprey Assessment by Boat
Brule River Barrier
Sea Lamprey Barrier
Lamprey Assessment - Electro-fishing
Lamprey Assessment - Electro-fishing
Lamprey Assessment - Electro-fishing
Cheboygan River Dam
Rotary Screw Transformer Trap
Sea Lamprey Trap
Adult Sea Lamprey on Rock
Transformer Mouth
Sea Lamprey Larvae in Electro-fishing Paddle
Sea Lamprey Eye
Mass of Sea Lamprey
Parasitic Sea Lampreu Mouth
Sea Lamprey Mouth
Transformer and Adult Sea Lamprey on Rock
Adult Sea Lamprey on Glass with Transformer
Transformer and Adult Sea Lamprey Mouths
Sea Lamprey Larvae
Sea Lamprey Ammocete
Transformer Mouth
Sea Lamprey Research Raceway
Pheromone Field Trials
Sea Lamprey Pheromone Research
Ocqueoc River Electrical Barrier
Sea Lamprey Trap
Brule Barrier and Fish Ladder
Sea Lamprey Barrier
Low Head Barrier
Old Electrical Sea Lamprey Barrier
Old Electric Sea Lamprey Barrier
Lake Sturgeon with Sea Lamprey Wounds
Trout Jumping over Sea Lamprey Barrier
Fish Passage, Old Electric Sea Lamprey Barrier
Parasitic Sea Lamprey Mouth
Proximity Antenna
Sea Lamprey Assessment using Mobile Antenna
Pheromone Research
Baylucide Treatment Equipment
Rotary Screw Transformer Trap
Sea Lamprey Trap in Small Tributary
Larval Sea Lamprey Tagging
Sea Lamprey Research
Using High Powered Microscope to Examine Coded Wire Tags
Sea Lamprey Flume
Sea Lamprey Pheromone Lab Equipment
Sea Lamprey Pheromone Assessment Fences
Sea Lamprey Pheromone Field Trials
Sea Lamprey Mouth
Sea Lamprey Mouth
Sea Lamprey Mouth
Profile View of Adult Sea Lamprey
Angler Holding Fish with Sea Lamprey Wounds
Lamprey Assessment - Electro-fishing
Cheboygan River Dam
Sea Lamprey Trap
Sea Lamprey Trap
Sea Lamprey in Trap
Fish Wheel Sea Lamprey Trap
Fish Wheel Sea Lamprey Trap
Checking Sea Lamprey Trap
Checking Sea Lamprey Trap
Sea Lamprey Trap
Sea Lamprey Trap
Sea Lamprey Telemetry
Tagging Sea Lamprey
Tagging Sea Lamprey
Tagging Sea Lamprey
Sea Lamprey Tag
Sea Lamprey Tagging
Sea Lamprey Tagging
Sea Lamprey Research
Pheromone Research
Pheromone Research
Pheromone Research
Pheromone Research
Pheromone Research
Pheromone Research
Pheromone Research
Pheromone Research
Pheromone Research
Sea Lamprey Research
Old Mechanical Sea Lamprey Barrier
Article, Commons Passes Bill Declaring War on Lampreys
Article, Eisenhower Sends Senate Lamprey Pact
Article, Lamprey Fund 1,000,000
Rope Tissue Visible on Male Sea Lamprey
Dead Sea Lamprey Larvae
Rope Tissue Visible on Male Sea Lamprey
Rope Tissue Visible on Male Sea Lamprey
Rope Tissue Visible on Male Sea Lamprey
Sea Lamprey Larval Analysis After Lampricide Treatment
Sea Lamprey Spawning on Nest
Sea Lamprey Spawning on Nest
Sea Lamprey Larval Assessment After Lampricide Treatment
Sea Lamprey Larval Assessment After Lampricide Treatment
Sea Lamprey Larval Assessment After Lampricide Treatment
Water Analysis During Lampricide Treatment
Water Analysis During Lampricide Treatment
Water Analysis During Lampricide Treatment
Larval Assessment After Lampricide Treatment
Larval Assessment After Lampricide Treatment
Larval Assessment After Lampricide Treatment
Larval Assessment After Lampricide Treatment
Larval Assessment After Lampricide Treatment
Water Analysis During Lampricide Treatment
Sea Lamprey Larval Assessment After Lampricide Treatment
Sea Lamprey Larval Assessment After Lampricide Treatment
Larval Assessment After Lampricide Treatment
Stream Analysis During Lampricide Treatment
Lampricide (TFM) Treatment
Lampricide (TFM) Treatment
Lampricide (TFM) Treatment
Lampricide (TFM) Treatment
Lampricide (TFM) Treatment
Lampricide (TFM) Treatment
Lampricide (TFM) Treatment
Lampricide (TFM) Treatment
Lampricide (TFM) Treatment
Lampricide (TFM) Treatment
Lampricide (TFM) Treatment
Lampricide (TFM) Treatment
Lampricide (TFM) Treatment
Lampricide (TFM) Treatment
Sea Lamprey Control Agents Planning Lampricide Treatments
Lampricide (TFM) Treatment
Lampricide (TFM) Treatment
Lampricide (TFM) Treatment
Lampricide (TFM) Treatment
Lampricide (TFM) Treatment
Little Carp Stop Log Barrier
Trail Creek Barrier and Fish Ladder Trap
Trail Creek Barrier and Fish Ladder Trap
Trail Creek Barrier and Fish Ladder Trap
Sea Lamprey Pheromone Research
Sea Lamprey Pheromone Research
Sea Lamprey Trap
Sea Lamprey Trap
Biologist Recording Sea Lamprey Tagging Data
Sea Lamprey Coded Wire Tagging
Pheromone Field Trials
Sea Lamprey Transformer Net Test
Sea Lamprey Transformer Net
Pheromone Field Trials
Synthesized Sea Lamprey Pheromone
Pheromone Field Trials
Pheromone Field Trials
Sea Lamprey Transformer Net Test
Pheromone Field Trials
Pheromone Field Trials
Pheromone Field Trials
Fin Clipping Sea Lamprey
Parasitic Sea Lamprey on Lake Trout
Mass of Sea Lampreys
Sea Lamprey Mouth
Parasitic sea lamprey attached to lake trout
Sea lamprey mouth
Sea lamprey transformer
Sea lamprey larvae
Sea lamprey larva
Sea lamprey wound on fish
Sea lamprey wound on fish
Sea lamprey wound on salmon
Sea lamprey attached to fish
Salmon with Sea Lamprey Wound
Salmon with Sea Lamprey Wound
Fish with Sea Lamprey Wounds
Sea Lamprey Assessment
Sea Lamprey Assessment
Sea Lamprey Assessment - Dye Study
Sea Lamprey Assessment
Larval Assessment
Larval Assessment
Remote Analysis
Feed Check
Feed check
Feed check
Remote Analysis
Feed Check
Feed Check
Bayluscide Treatment Preparation
Bayluscide Treatment
Trail Creek Sea Lamprey Barrier
Harpersfield Dam Sea Lamprey Barrier
Checking Sea Lamprey Trap
Checking Sea Lamprey Trap
Spawning Sea Lamprey
Spawning Sea Lamprey
Sea Lamprey Alarm Cue
Sea Lamprey Spawning
Sea Lamprey Eggs on Rocks
Sea Lamprey Eggs on Rocks
Sea Lampreys Swimming in a River
Sea Lamprey Larvae
Sea Lamprey Attached to Rock
Sea Lamprey Attached to Brown Trout
Fish with Sea Lamprey Wound
Sea Lamprey Assessment
Measuring Discharge
Measuring Stream Discharge
Measuring Stream Discharge
Measuring Water Chemistry
Measuring Stream Discharge
Measuring pH
Measuring pH
Lampricide Treatment
Recording Data
Feeder Setup
Lampricide Treatment
Lampricide Treatment
Lampricide Treatment
Measuring Lampricide Concentrations
Lampricide Treatment
Lampricide Treatment
Bayluscide Application
Sea Lamprey Barrier
Sea Lamprey Barrier
Sea Lamprey Research
Sea Lamprey Research
Fertilized Sea Lamprey Eggs
Sea Lamprey Research
Sea Lamprey Research
Sea Lamprey Research
Sea Lamprey Larvae
Sea Lamprey Research
Sea Lamprey Research
Sea Lamprey Research
Sea Lamprey Reproduction
Sea Lampreys Making Nest
Sea Lampreys on Nest
Spawning Sea Lampreys
Spawning Sea Lampreys
Spawning Sea Lampreys
Deploying Acoustic Telemetry Receiver
Sea lamprey sticking to hand
Three Sizes of Lamprey
Sea Lamprey Wound on Salmon
Sea Lamprey on Lake Trout
Backpack Electro-fishing
Underwater View of Electro-fishing
Electro-fishing Larval Sea Lamprey
Sea Lamprey Assessment on Boat
Underwater Larval Assessement
Successful Lampricide Treatment
Lampricide (TFM) Treatment
Adjustable Sea Lamprey Barrier
Dam and Sea Lamprey Barrier
Fish Wheel
Scooping Sea Lamprey Out of Trap
Emptying Sea Lamprey Trap
Removing Sea Lamprey from Trap
Emptying Sea Lamprey Trap
Dorsal Fin Clipping Sea Lamprey
Sea Lamprey Pheromone Research
Sea Lamprey Building Nest
Sea Lamprey Building Nest
Sea Lamprey Mating on Nest
Male Sea Lamprey Aggression on Nest
Lampreys Mating on Nest
Larval Sea Lamprey Swimming in Stream
Larval Sea Lamprey Swimming in Water
Larval Sea Lamprey Swimming in Water
Sea Lamprey Moving through Rocky Stream
Niagara Falls
Tagging Sea Lamprey
Acoustic Telemetry Receiver Underwater
Sea Lamprey on Lake Trout
Sea Lamprey on Lake Trout
Sea Lamprey Alarm Response
Trapping Sea Lamprey Using Fyke Nets
Trapping Sea Lamprey Using a Fish Wheel
Snake Eating Lamprey
Lake Trout on Spawning Reef
Lake Trout on Spawning Reef
Rifle River Lampricide Treatment