Science Transfer Toolkit
The toolkit below provides products developed through the Science Transfer Program. These materials are free to download and use. If you have questions about any of these resources, please contact the science program.
Improving environmental DNA (eDNA) reliability for resource management
Project leader: Wilson, C.
- Completion report
- Interactive eDNA Decision Checklist
- eDNA Decision Checklist – static version
- Agency fact sheet (REVISED)
- Agency eDNA sampling guidance (REVISED)
Using stock assessment information to inform harvest policy in data-limited fisheries
Project leader: Jones, M.
- Completion report
- Increased capacity: Seven Great Lakes biologists trained in use of FishPath tool
Effective dissemination of Lake Erie walleye movement and distribution information for use by managers
Project leader: Hartman, T.
- Completion report
- Lake Erie walleye detection summary tool (access available to registered users only)
Developing consistency in interpretation and communication of non-target mortality associated with lampricide treatments
Project leader: Kaye, C.
Interactive tool for visualizing fish stocking events and recoveries in the Great Lakes
Project leader: Cottrill, A.
- Completion report
- Great Lakes Fish Stocking Database web tool:
- Reference Materials including "How To" documents
- Database entry values look-up tables
- GLFishStockR – R package for interacting with the Great Lakes Fish stocking database
From fish movement to knowledge movement: Understanding and improving science transfer related to telemetry
Project leader: Cooke, S.

- Completion report
- Publication: Use of Fish Telemetry in Rehabilitation Planning, Management, and Monitoring in Areas of Concern in the Laurentian Great Lakes
- Publication: Acoustic Telemetry Observation Systems: challenges encountered and overcome in the Laurentian Great Lakes
- Publication: Conducting and interpreting fish telemetry studies: considerations for researchers and resource managers
- Publication: Overcoming barriers to transfer of scientific knowledge: integrating biotelemetry into fisheries management in the Laurentian Great Lakes
- Example GLATOS briefing note: Internal seiches as drivers of fish depth use in lakes
Uses and Limitations of Environmental DNA (eDNA) in Fisheries Management
Project leader: Welsh, A.

- Completion report
- Cover sheet/background
- Infographic #1: Factors influencing eDNA in the environment
- Infographic #2: eDNA collection and analysis
- PowerPoint slide deck
- Public fact sheet
- Agency fact sheet (REVISED MARCH 2025)
- Agency eDNA sampling guidance (REVISED MARCH 2025)
- Positive eDNA Management Support Tree
Alternative barrier technologies: History as a control tool
Project leader: Zielinski, D.

- Completion report
- Slide deck: Comprehensive review of sea lamprey barrier literature
- White Paper: History of alternative sea lamprey barrier technologies and design best practices
- Publication: Alternative Sea Lamprey Barrier Technologies: History as a Control Tool
Changes in nutrient status and energy flow through lower trophic levels: Implications for Great Lakes fishery managers
Project leader: Stewart, T.
- Completion report
- Workshop proceedings: Fisheries Management Implications of Lower Tropic Level Change
- Fact sheet: A Changing Lake Huron
- Slide deck: A Changing Lake Huron
Accounting for potential effects on fish production from barrier removals to inform management decisions: an application of structured decision making.
Project leader: Jones, M.