Updated 2024-11-22 14:37:22

Lake Superior -> 4.0 Lake Whitefish -> Lake Whitefish Yield

Reporting Interval

2017 - 2021



Meeting Target?


Indicator Trend

Upward trend



4.1.1 Lake-wide average commercial gill net catch during the 5-year reporting period is 65-137 kg/km of effort

Lake whitefish is the most valuable commercial fishery on Lake Superior.  Lake whitefish harvest steadily declined from 2006 to 2018 which was the lowest lakewide commercial harvest observed since 2001.  Lakewide commercial gill net harvest of lake whitefish increased nearly 12% from 2018 to 2021 and is above target. 

Figure 1. Commercial gill net catch per effort (kg/km) of lake whitefish in Lake Superior during 2001-2021. The horizontal red line represents the average CPUE during 2017-2021. The dotted line represents the minimum CPUE value where the FCO is being achieved (65 kg/km).


Commercial data were collected by State, Tribal, and Provincial agencies around Lake Superior.

Other Resources

Recreational & Commercial Harvest from Lake Superior, 1995-2021. https://www.glfc.org/pubs/lake_committees/superior/Lake_Superior_Harvest_Report_2023.pdf

Contributing Author(s)

  • Lake Superior Technical Committee -