Lake Michigan Committee

The Lake Michigan Committee consists of senior staff members from Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, and the Chippewa-Ottawa Resource Authority. The Committee's purposes are to:
- consider issues and problems of common concern to Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, and/or the Chippewa Ottawa Resource Authority (CORA);
- develop and coordinate joint state/provincial/federal/tribal management programs and research projects;
- consider issues pertinent to, or referred by, the commission that are within the LMC's authority or under its auspices;
- decide issues for referral to the commission or Council of Lake Committees (CLC) for direction, resolution or support;
- serve as a forum for state, tribal, and federal agencies, and others, on a need/request basis; and
- decide protocol for LMC operation, establish operational procedures for internal committees and develop meeting agendas.
- Jay Wesley, Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Chair
- Tom Gorenflo, Chippewa-Ottawa Resource Authority, Vice Chair
- Rod Edgell, Indiana Department of Natural Resources
- Brad Eggold, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
- Vic Santucci, Illinois Department of Natural Resources
Updated: May, 2023

Lake Michigan Technical Committee and Task Groups
The Lake Michigan Technical Committee consists of fishery biologists from Illinois Dept. of Natural Resources, Indiana Dept. of Natural Resources, Michigan Dept. of Natural Resources, Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources, the Sault Saint Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians, the Little Traverse Bay Band of Odawa Indians, the Little River Band of Ottawa Indians, the Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians, the Bay Mills Indian Community, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the U.S. Geological Survey. The Technical Committee's purposes are to:
- provide agencies represented on the Committee with technical information on the status of stocks including management alternatives and guidelines in making and evaluating fisheries management decisions;
- arrange for resource persons to assist the members as required; and
- advise the Committee Chairman of any additional funding or other requirements as needed.
The efforts of the Lake Michigan Technical Committee are supported by the Yellow Perch Working Group, the Lake Trout Working Group, the Planktivore Working Group, the Sea Lamprey Working Group, and the Habitat Working Group.
The Lake Michigan Committee established the following specialized task groups to assist it with specific tasks: the Lake Sturgeon Task Group, the Native Planktivore Task Group, and the Lower Trophic Level Task Group.
Meeting minutes from the technical committee meetings may be available on the Publication Search.
Publications and Products
- A Stocking Strategy and Evaluation Objectives for the\r\nRehabilitation of Lake Trout in Lake Michigan
- Summary of the Predator/Prey Ratio Analysis for Chinook Salmon and Alewife in Lake Michigan (2023)
- Harvest of Fishes from Lake Michigan during 2023
- Lake Trout Working Group Report 2021
- Status of Yellow Perch in Lake Michigan 2019-2020
- Lake Michigan Committee Environmental Priorities (2020)
- The State of Lake Michigan in 2016
- Lake Michigan Salmonine Stocking Strategy (2018)
- Lake Michigan Stocking Report 2016
- Lake Michigan Committee Research Priorities (2014)
- Fish Community Objectives for Lake Michigan (1995)
- The State of Lake Michigan in 2011
- Lake Michigan Environmental Objectives
- A Guide for the Rehabilitation of Lake Trout in Lake Michigan (2008-01)
- Lake Michigan Stocking Report 2015
- Lake Michigan Committee Salmon Stocking Strategy (July 2014)
- 2014 Yellow Perch Summit Report
- Possible Impediments to Lake Trout Restoration in Lake Michigan (2003)
- Lakewide Assessment Plan for Lake Michigan Fish Communities (1998)
More publications available through the Publication Search
Press Releases
- Fishery Agencies Identify Multi-Species Predator Stocking Reduction Targets For Lake Michigan (Oct 20, 2016)
- Fishery Agencies Adjust Lakewide Predator Stocking to Preserve Lake Michigan Predator-Prey Balance (Oct 11, 2016)
- Fishery Agencies Propose Chinook Stocking Reduction To Sustain The Lake Michigan Fishery (June 13, 2016)
Archived releases can be accessed through the Publication Search.
Other Documents
- Status and Trends of Pelagic and Benthic Prey Fish Populations in Lake Michigan, 2023
- Status and Trends of Pelagic and Benthic Prey Fish Populations in Lake Michigan, 2022
- Status and Trends of Pelagic and Benthic Prey Fish Populations in Lake Michigan, 2021
- Status and Trends of Pelagic and Benthic Prey Fish Populations in Lake Michigan, 2020