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Lake Erie Committee - Habitat Task Group

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West Basin Habitat-Related Project Inventory

Click on a region of the map or a link below to view a spatial inventory of projects in that region.

By Watershed:

Auglaize - Blanchard - Cedar Creek -Cedar-Portage - Huron - Lower Maumee - Ottawa-Stony - Raisin - St. Joseph - St. Mary’s - Sandusky - Tiffin - Upper Maumee

By Waterbody:

West basin

Western Basin

Cedar Creek, Rondeau, Big Creek

Project Title Project Type Basin Waterbody(ies) Status

Lake Erie Coastal- and Thames River- Habitat monitoring and West-central basin n/a summer 2006

Wetland assessments and evaluation evaluation

Location: L.E. north shore and Thames river watershed

Description: Evaluation, ranking and mapping of coastal wetlands in Aylmer District as well as select wetlands in the Thames River watershed.

Lead Agency: OMNR (Aylmer)

Contact: D. Richards, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Aylmer, Ontario

Partners: UTRCA




Project Title Project Type Basin Waterbody(ies) Status

Middle Harbor, OH, coastal wetland Rehabilitation Project West basin Middle Harbor 2011 ongoing


Location: Ottawa Co, OH

Description: Project to restore a coastal wetland to Middle Harbor, Ohio. Project includes drawdown of Middle Harbor to re-establish native wetland vegetation and to

construct a large culvert to reconnect to West Harbor. Fish and aquatic plant community response will be monitored and manipulated for desired response.

Lead Agency: Ducks Unlimited

Contact: Eric Weimer, OH Div. of Wildlife, 305 E. Shoreline Drive, Sandusky, OH 44870

Partners: OH Div. of Wildlife; OH State Parks


Documents Final Report

Halfway Creek, Ottawa River

Project Title Project Type Basin Waterbody(ies) Status

Erie Marsh, MI, coastal wetland Rehabilitation Project West basin North Maumee Bay 2010 ongoing


Location: Monroe Co., MI

Description: Project will reconnect Erie Marsh to Lake Erie by installing culvert in dike. Reconnection will allow passage of fish, and natural water flow. Fish and vegetation

community will be monitored.

Lead Agency: Ducks Unlimited

Contact: Eric Weimer, OH Div. of Wildlife, 305 E. Shoreline Drive, Sandusky, OH 44870

Partners: The Nature Conservancy; Ohio Div. of Wildlife


Documents Final report


Project Title Project Type Basin Waterbody(ies) Status

Huron River Watershed Assessment Habitat monitoring and West basin n/a Completed


Location: Tributary to western Lake Erie

Description: Assessment of landscapes, fisheries, and aquatic habitats in the river's watershed providing a comprehensive reference for all resource management


Lead Agency: MDNR

Contact: J. Baunscheidel; MDNR-Fisheries; 248-359-9048


Links: n/a



Project Title Project Type Basin Waterbody(ies) Status

Dredge Sediment Plume Habitat monitoring and West basin n/a Completed

Characterization Study evaluation

Location: Maumee Bay, Ohio

Description: Characterization of spatial extent of suspended sediment plumes as they relate to dredging operations in and around Maumee Bay using Acoustic Doppler

Current Profiler and turbidity meters.

Lead Agency: US Army Corps of Engineers, Ohio Division of Wildlife





Maumee Bay Habitat Restoration Rehabilitation Projects West basin n/a Ongoing - information from

Unit (Implementation) Middle Harbor experiment will

be further developed for this


Location: Maumee Bay and nearby nearshore areas and or south shore marshes of the western basin, Ohio

Description: Examining the beneficial reuse of dredge materials for physical habitat restoration. Potential for restoration of degraded sites – such as dredge disposal sites,

or use to soften wave energy in nearshore areas.

Lead Agency: Ohio Division of Wildlife

Contact: J. Tyson, Sandusky Fish Research Unit, ODNR, 305 E. Shoreline Dr. Sandusky, Ohio 44

Partners: Army Corps of Engineers, ODNR, USFWS, Toledo Port Authority, Lake Erie Charter Boat Association



Maumee River AOC Rehabilitation Projects West basin n/a Ongoing


Location: Maumee River, OH

Description: Ongoing rehab via implementation of RAP (stage 2): details []

Lead Agency: OEPA: RAP co-ordinator


Partners: Extensive list of government, industry and NGO,see website



Maumee to Cuyohoga

Project Title Project Type Basin Waterbody(ies) Status

Nearshore fish community Assessment West-central basin Western and Central Basin of Lake 2011 ongoing

assessment in the Western Basin Erie

Location: Multiple

Description: Cooperative project to develop a nearshore fish community assessment program for OH Div. OF Wildlife. Includes detailed habitat assessment and effect on

fish community.

Lead Agency: University of Toledo Lake Erie Center

Contact: Eric Weimer, OH Div. of Wildlife, 305 E. Shoreline Drive, Sandusky, OH 44870

Partners: OH Div. of Wildlife; USGS-Sandusky


Documents Final Report; Thesis; multiple presentations; ongoing assessment program

Maumee, Ashtabula-Chagrin

Project Title Project Type Basin Waterbody(ies) Status

Ohio's Lake Erie Balanced Growth Rehabilitation Strategies West-central basin n/a 2005-2008

Program (workshops, tools, etc.)

Location: Pilot projects: Chagrin, Rocky and Swan Creek watersheds

Description: Pilot watersheds are developing Watershed Balanced Growth Plans, which are a regional framework for coordinated, local decision making about how growth

and conservation should be promoted by local and state policies and investments.

Lead Agency: Ohio Lake Erie Commission






Project Title Project Type Basin Waterbody(ies) Status

Raisin River Watershed Assessment Habitat monitoring and West basin n/a Completed


Location: Tributary to western Lake Erie

Description: Assessment of landscapes, fisheries, and aquatic habitats in the river's watershed providing a comprehensive reference for all resource management


Lead Agency: MDNR

Contact: J. Baunscheidel; MDNR-Fisheries; 248-359-9048





Project Title Project Type Basin Waterbody(ies) Status

Coupling Ecological, Economic and Habitat monitoring and West basin n/a Spring 2003-2006; Completed

Engineering Studies to Formulate evaluation (Reference #3)

Guidelines for Dam Removal and

River Restoration in the Great Lakes.

Location: Sandusky River, Ohio

Description: Development of general guidelines and modeling tools to assess the ecological, hydraulic, and economic impacts of dam removals and management options

within the Great Lakes. This work has also entailed additions of spawning substrate below the Ballville Dam (Sandusky River) to monitor response of walleye


Lead Agency: Ohio State University

Contact: T. Granata, 417C Hitchcock, 2070 Neil Avenue, Columbus, Oh 43210

Partners: ODNR



Sandusky River/Bay walleye Habitat monitoring and West basin Lake Erie Completed

movement and spawning habitat evaluation


Location: Sandusky River/Bay

Description: Sandusky River/Bay spawning stock movement will be monitored during spawning to determine, among other things, location and use of available spawning

habitat within the bay and river.

Lead Agency: ODNR, Div. of Wildlife

Contact: E. Weimer, Sandusky Fish Research Unit, ODNR, 305 E. Shoreline Dr. Sandusky, Ohio 44

Partners: Ohio State University



Sandusky River

Project Title Project Type Basin Waterbody(ies) Status

Ballville Dam Barrier removal Rehabilitation Project West basin Sandusky River and Bay Upground reservoir is complete

and filling. Removal still in


Location: Fremont, OH

Description: Ballville Dam blocks fish passage and creates gravel-starved areas important to spawning. Dam is in a state of disrepair; City signed MOU with OHEPA to

remove dam once viable watersource is constructed.

Lead Agency: City of Fremont

Contact: Jeff Tyson, OH Div. OF Wildlife, 305 E. Shoreline Drive, Sandusky, OH 44870

Partners: OHEPA, OH Div. of Wildlife; Army COE




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Photo of fish eggs Photo: American Fisheries Society